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Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns.

The drills in this page deal with demonstrative adjectives and pronouns.

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Grammatical Notes

Question 1 - Gloss.?

Creo que camisas que tienes en la mano son muy finas.

Question #2 - Gloss.?

Insisto que documento que tengo aquí en mi escritorio es muy importante.

Question #3 - Gloss.?

Me puedes creer, aviones que vuelan por allá lejos en el horizonte no vienen en esta dirección.

Question #4 - Gloss.?

Te lo repito, pera que estás comiendo no está madura.

Question #5 - Gloss.?

Me dijo que castillos que se ven allí en la colina son una atracción turística.

Question #6 - Gloss.?

Leí libro, te lo había prestado.

Question #7 - Gloss.?

Creo que zapatos son muy estrechos, muy anchos.

Question #8 - Gloss.?

Richard y Ricardo son amigos míos, es cubano, es americano.

Question #9 - Gloss.?

No sé qué es lo que es, pero que tú haces parece muy bueno.

Question #10 - Gloss.?

Mira, es llave.


Not a valid choice.

Improper use of 'demonstratives' to describe relative position.

Try to . . .
Think about the position of the item referred to relative to speaker and hearer!
Be careful with the distinction between ese and aquel, which has no counterpart in English!


Back to question 1


Proper use of 'demonstratives' to describe relative position.

Spanish distinguishes 3 relative positions where English only sees 2: este corresponds to this while ese and aquel correspond to that. The Spanish demonstrative ese refers to an item located far from the speaker but close to the hearer, while aquel refers to an item far to both, speaker and hearer.


Back to question 1

Not a valid choice.

Improper use of 'demonstratives' to describe relative position.

Try to . . .
Think about the position of the item referred to relative to speaker and hearer!
Be careful with the distinction between ese and aquel, which has no counterpart in English!


Back to question 1


Proper use of 'demonstratives' to describe relative position.

Spanish distinguishes 3 relative positions where English only sees 2: este corresponds to this while ese and aquel correspond to that. The Spanish demonstrative ese refers to an item located far from the speaker but close to the hearer, while aquel refers to an item far to both, speaker and hearer.


Back to question 2

Not a valid choice.

Improper use of 'demonstratives' to describe relative position.

Try to . . .
Think about the position of the item referred to relative to speaker and hearer!
Be careful with the distinction between ese and aquel, which has no counterpart in English!


Back to question 2

Not a valid choice.

Improper use of 'demonstratives' to describe relative position.

Try to . . .
Think about the position of the item referred to relative to speaker and hearer!
Be careful with the distinction between ese and aquel, which has no counterpart in English!


Back to question 2

Not a valid choice.

Improper use of 'demonstratives' to describe relative position.

Try to . . .
Think about the position of the item referred to relative to speaker and hearer!
Be careful with the distinction between ese and aquel, which has no counterpart in English!


Back to question 3

Not a valid choice.

Improper use of 'demonstratives' to describe relative position.

Try to . . .
Think about the position of the item referred to relative to speaker and hearer!
Be careful with the distinction between ese and aquel, which has no counterpart in English!


Back to question 3


Proper use of 'demonstratives' to describe relative position.

Spanish distinguishes 3 relative positions where English only sees 2: este corresponds to this while ese and aquel correspond to that. The Spanish demonstrative ese refers to an item located far from the speaker but close to the hearer, while aquel refers to an item far to both, speaker and hearer.


Back to question 3

Not a valid choice.

Improper use of 'demonstratives' to describe relative position.

Try to . . .
Think about the position of the item referred to relative to speaker and hearer!
Be careful with the distinction between ese and aquel, which has no counterpart in English!


Back to question 4


Proper use of 'demonstratives' to describe relative position.

Spanish distinguishes 3 relative positions where English only sees 2: este corresponds to this while ese and aquel correspond to that. The Spanish demonstrative ese refers to an item located far from the speaker but close to the hearer, while aquel refers to an item far to both, speaker and hearer.


Back to question 4

Not a valid choice.

Improper use of 'demonstratives' to describe relative position.

Try to . . .
Think about the position of the item referred to relative to speaker and hearer!
Be careful with the distinction between ese and aquel, which has no counterpart in English!


Back to question 4

Not a valid choice.

Improper use of 'demonstratives' to describe relative position.

Try to . . .
Think about the position of the item referred to relative to speaker and hearer!
Be careful with the distinction between ese and aquel, which has no counterpart in English!


Back to question 5

Not a valid choice.

Improper use of 'demonstratives' to describe relative position.

Try to . . .
Think about the position of the item referred to relative to speaker and hearer!
Be careful with the distinction between ese and aquel, which has no counterpart in English!


Back to question 5


Proper use of 'demonstratives' to describe relative position.

Spanish distinguishes 3 relative positions where English only sees 2: este corresponds to this while ese and aquel correspond to that. The Spanish demonstrative ese refers to an item located far from the speaker but close to the hearer, while aquel refers to an item far to both, speaker and hearer.


Back to question 5

Not a valid choice.

Improper distinction between a 'demonstrative adjective' and a 'demonstrative pronoun'.


Back to question 6


Proper distinction between a 'demonstrative adjective' and a 'demonstrative pronoun'.

Besides the 'neutral demonstrative pronouns, the difference between adjectives and pronouns is only orthographic: pronouns carry an accent as a distinguishing mark. Thus, éste, ése and aquél are the pronouns corresponding to the adjectives este, ese and aquel.


Back to question 6

Not a valid choice.

Improper distinction between a 'demonstrative adjective' and a 'demonstrative pronoun'.


Back to question 6

Not a valid choice.

Improper distinction between a 'demonstrative adjective' and a 'demonstrative pronoun'.


Back to question 6

Not a valid choice.

Improper distinction between a 'demonstrative adjective' and a 'demonstrative pronoun'.


Back to question 7

Not a valid choice.

Improper distinction between a 'demonstrative adjective' and a 'demonstrative pronoun'.


Back to question 7


Proper distinction between a 'demonstrative adjective' and a 'demonstrative pronoun'.

Besides the 'neutral demonstrative pronouns, the difference between adjectives and pronouns is only orthographic: pronouns carry an accent as a distinguishing mark. Thus, éste, ése and aquél are the pronouns corresponding to the adjectives este, ese and aquel.


Back to question 7

Not a valid choice.

Improper distinction between a 'demonstrative adjective' and a 'demonstrative pronoun'.


Back to question 7

Not a valid choice.

Improper distinction between a 'demonstrative adjective' and a 'demonstrative pronoun'.


Back to question 8

Not a valid choice.

Improper distinction between a 'demonstrative adjective' and a 'demonstrative pronoun'.


Back to question 8

Not a valid choice.

Improper distinction between a 'demonstrative adjective' and a 'demonstrative pronoun'.


Back to question 8


Proper distinction between a 'demonstrative adjective' and a 'demonstrative pronoun'.

Besides the 'neutral demonstrative pronouns, the difference between adjectives and pronouns is only orthographic: pronouns carry an accent as a distinguishing mark. Thus, éste, ése and aquél are the pronouns corresponding to the adjectives este, ese and aquel.


Back to question 8

Not a valid choice.

Improper distinction between a 'demonstrative adjective' and a 'demonstrative pronoun'.


Back to question 9


Proper usage of 'neutral demonstratives'.

Demonstratives have to agree in number and gender with the noun they determine. The neutral pronoun forms esto, eso, and aquello are used to refer to noun sentences or undisclosed nouns.


Back to question 9

Not a valid choice.

Improper accentuation of 'neutral demonstrative pronouns'.


Back to question 9


Proper distinction between a 'demonstrative adjective' and a 'demonstrative pronoun'.

Besides the 'neutral demonstrative pronouns, the difference between adjectives and pronouns is only orthographic: pronouns carry an accent as a distinguishing mark. Thus, éste, ése and aquél are the pronouns corresponding to the adjectives este, ese and aquel.


Back to question 9

One plausible choice. Check other possibilities!

Plausible usage of 'neutral demonstratives'.

Demonstratives have to agree in number and gender with the noun they determine. The neutral pronoun forms esto, eso, and aquello are used to refer to noun sentences or undisclosed nouns.


Back to question 10

Not a valid choice.

Improper usage of 'neutral demonstratives'.


Back to question 10

One plausible choice. Check other possibilities!

Plausible distinction between a 'demonstrative adjective' and a 'demonstrative pronoun'.

Besides the 'neutral demonstrative pronouns, the difference between adjectives and pronouns is only orthographic: pronouns carry an accent as a distinguishing mark. Thus, éste, ése and aquél are the pronouns corresponding to the adjectives este, ese and aquel.


Back to question 10

One plausible choice. Check other possibilities!

Plausible distinction between a 'demonstrative adjective' and a 'demonstrative pronoun'.

Besides the 'neutral demonstrative pronouns, the difference between adjectives and pronouns is only orthographic: pronouns carry an accent as a distinguishing mark. Thus, éste, ése and aquél are the pronouns corresponding to the adjectives este, ese and aquel.


Back to question 10

Not a valid choice.

Improper distinction between a 'demonstrative adjective' and a 'demonstrative pronoun'.


Back to question 10

Not a valid choice.

Improper distinction between a 'demonstrative adjective' and a 'demonstrative pronoun'.


Back to question 10

Grammatical notes for the drills in this page.

The drills in this page deal with demonstrative adjectives and pronouns.

The items covered are:

1) The use of 'demonstratives' to describe relative position.

Spanish distinguishes 3 relative positions where English only sees 2: este corresponds to this while ese and aquel correspond to that. The Spanish demonstrative ese refers to an item located far from the speaker but close to the hearer, while aquel refers to an item far to both, speaker and hearer.

Remember to . . .
Think about the position of the item referred to relative to speaker and hearer!
Be careful with the distinction between ese and aquel, which has no counterpart in English!

Examples: Quest. 1 Quest. 2 Quest. 3 Quest. 4 Quest. 5

2) The distinction between a 'demonstrative adjective' and a 'demonstrative pronoun'.

Besides the 'neutral demonstrative pronouns, the difference between adjectives and pronouns is only orthographic: pronouns carry an accent as a distinguishing mark. Thus, éste, ése and aquél are the pronouns corresponding to the adjectives este, ese and aquel.

Examples: Quest. 6 Quest. 7 Quest. 8 Quest. 9 Quest. 10

3) The usage of 'neutral demonstratives'.

Demonstratives have to agree in number and gender with the noun they determine. The neutral pronoun forms esto, eso, and aquello are used to refer to noun sentences or undisclosed nouns.

For example:

'Eso que me has dicho está mal'. (eso referring to the noun sentence 'which you have told me')

'Llévate este libro, esa llave y aquello que está sobre la mesa'. (aquello referring to an undisclosed object 'that is on the table')

Examples: Quest. 9 Quest. 10

4) The accentuation of 'neutral demonstrative pronouns'.

The neutral pronouns do not carry an accent mark

Examples: Quest. 9

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Glossary for question #1 - Back to question?

  • Creo: I believe

  • que: that

  • camisas: shirts

  • tienes: you have

  • mano: hand

  • son: are

  • muy: very

  • finas: high quality

Glossary for question #2 - Back to question?

  • Insisto: I insist

  • que: that

  • documento: document

  • tengo: I have

  • aquí: here

  • escritorio: desk

  • muy: very

  • importante: important

Glossary for question #3 - Back to question?

  • puedes: you may

  • creer: believe

  • aviones: airplanes

  • que: that

  • vuelan: fly

  • por: around

  • allá: there

  • lejos: far

  • horizonte: horizon

  • vienen: come

  • dirección: direction

Glossary for question #4 - Back to question?

  • repito: I repit

  • pera: pear

  • que: that

  • estás: you are

  • comiendo: eating

  • está: is

  • madura: ripe

Glossary for question #5 - Back to question?

  • dijo: said

  • que: that

  • castillos: castles

  • ven: you see

  • allí: there

  • colina: hill

  • son: are

  • atracción: atraction

  • turística: turistic

Glossary for question #6 - Back to question?

  • Leí: I read

  • libro,: book

  • había: had

  • prestado: lent

Glossary for question #7 - Back to question?

  • Creo: I believe

  • que: that

  • zapatos: shoes

  • son: are

  • muy: very

  • estrechos: tight

  • anchos: broad

Glossary for question #8 - Back to question?

  • son: are

  • amigos: friends

  • cubano: Cuban

  • americano: American

Glossary for question #9 - Back to question?

  • : I know

  • es: is

  • pero: but

  • que: that

  • : you

  • haces: do

  • parece: it seems

  • muy: very

  • bueno: good

Glossary for question #10 - Back to question?

  • Mira: Look

  • llave: key

Copyright 1996 Samuel Schiminovich.

The text and the HTML formatting of these drills is covered by this copyright. One copy of this drill can be downloaded and/or printed for personal use. Unauthorized commercial use of these drills is forbidden, as well as reloading on servers or republishing under unauthorized URL addresses.
