NY 100-107111 Di~TAIThS: Cord ~n~ )~1 Łen raised by the Oonipiittee to pay the expenses and charges for preparing and filing the printed record and brief for JULIUS and T?TJ::~f, D(Th2T.~N ~Mnnff T~GjPT()N ~(`P~T,T in the Supreme Court. ______________________________________ meetings have been held bh1c)~Snc)uTh~~C country unuer the auspices of the Committee and the purpose has been to raise money for the defense of the 1?OS~i~R~G8 and to rouse public sympathy for them. On March 12, l9~2, the NATIONAL C0MThIITT~ TO SECURE JUSTICE IN THE R0S~j~B~F~ CAS~~ held a meeting at the Pythian Hall, l3~ West 70th Street, New York City, which was attended by approximately 8oe to 1,000 people. Confidential Informant T-l, of unknown reliability, attended the above meeting, and stated that JOSEPH BRAININ was Chairman and opened the meeting with greetings 1,jfl the names of JI~stice BLACI(, Justice DOUGLAS, EUG~N~ DEBBS and other great A~nericans to whom liberty and justice i$ not a meaningless phrase." B~AINiN commented that the R0SE~~ERGS were convicted on trumped up evidence and that the main aim of their conviction was to warn the ]`~erican people that all holders of unorthodox Views are a nenance to thG citizens. He claimed that the conviction of the R0SLN3~RGS and their sentence too death is an "eternal shame on American justice." WILLIAIj ~EU3i~:N, writer for the "National Guardian,'~ a newspaper published weekly in New York City, next spoke and said that the FCSF~?BER~5 and S0B~LL were convicted not because of espionage but f6r "political unorthodoxy." He claimed thpt the R0SENBrnRGS wore "victims of the cold war, of the forces which are trying to plunge humanity into chaos and fascism." -2- NY lOO-107111 H~ThThN SCBELL, the I~ife of I~YkTCN SOB~ThL, next addressed thi~~~~~ing &nd stated th&t her husband and the ~OS~~B~f?C5 are innocent and that they are victims of "Red hysteria-" She saij that as soon as it was decided that the defendants were Cornr~~nists the trial became a massacre. She appealed to the people, "Before We were helping you in the fight for a better world, flow you must help us to free my husband and the RO5~'.BL%~G5." ATh~~T~K~11N made Q collection speech in which he st~~ed tti~~t the R~S~N~~RG5 were being ~acrific~ on the altar of war. He stated, "We must stop the operation `Killer' in Korea by stepping- the operation `Killer' of the RO5E~3~?-~G5. They face doatli because they fought for U$, flow we must fight for them." ITh\RY,VAN KL~ECH next spoke and stated that she made a th0rb4ghMhvestigat~0~ of the RD5~NB~RG case and that she came to the conclusion that "the ROSENBT'RGS were condemned to death not because they coriritted & crime but because they belonged to those elements who are fighti~~g for progress and a better world." BThs5I.~.j~TCHF~~ next spoke and told the people to go back and tell the people in their neighborhoods what was said at the meeting "so they-could learn the truth about the RO5~iJB~~G c&se and fight for their lives and freedom." She read a telegrnm from ~JILLIA~i PATT~RSoN (National Executive 5ecretDry of the Civil Rights Congress, an organization listed by the Attorney General as coming within the purview of Executive 0rder 983$) in which he promised "the aid and cooperation of the Civil Rights Congress in the fight for justice in the I$Q5V~~'~BERG case." B. Z. GOr~DThEThG cor~ared the RO5ENB~RG case to the case of SACC() and VThNZ~~TI and the DRI2YFu5S case. Ile stated, "The way this case was conducted, the RoSi?:T3~RG5 could not get a fnir trial. \~Jhy is it that the ~azi and fascist spies were net given a death sentence in time of war and the ~O5~NB~G5 wore given a death sentence in time of peace? Is it because they are Jews?" -- - -- ~~~- - -.- - ____________