SL 100-11726 "But facts will out. The innocence of the Rosenbergs will be proved. And the lynch spirit which has intimidated our judges will be replaced by the true fairness of the American people." B. STATEMENTS IF LITERATURE DESIGNATED On *********** furnished a letter distributed by the St. Louis CSJRC over the signature of HAVEN PERKINS and SOL DERMAN. This letter which is dated February 27, 1953, calls for letters to the President and congressmen and states in part "Let's non-without relaxing in the clemency fight--begin to bring the facts to light again, particularly criticism of Prosecutor SAYPOL, the FBI admission of perjury, the falla- cious Greenglass testimony, the statements of Ercy and Einstein. We have not saved the lives of the Rosenbergs. We have won a little time-- 6 or 8 weeks. Let's make use of every minute of that time to publicize and organize." In **** 1952, ******urnished a mimeographed leaflet published by the St. Lous CSJRC announcing a meeting of that organization on April 15, 1952. This stated that DAVIS ALNAN, Executive Secretary of the National Committee in New York and neighbor of the ROSENBERGs, for several years, did present facts of the ROSENBERG case to the local comittee. On *****1953, **** furnished a letter dated December 16, 1952, issued by the St. Louis CSJRC. This enclosed an advertisement which had appeared in the Chicago Daily News in behalf of the ROSENBERGs and called for funds to defray a similar ad in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. This letter was signed by HAVEN P. PERKINS, chairman, and SOL DERMAN, Secretary-Treasurer. In *****1953,**** furnished a mimeographed sheet issued by the St. Louis CSJRC which states "If you believe that the Rosenbergs and Sobell did not have a fair trial, here is what you can do at once: "1-- Collect contributions from your friends and con- tribute all that you can. "2-- Write a letter or sign a wire to President Truman and get friends to do the same, asking him to set aside the death sentences. -14-