NY 100-120821 (7-2) 258 delegates, representing 154 Jewish organizations, and a number of guests participated in the conference. SAM LIPTZIN reported for the Credentials Committee. SIMON FEDERMAN, president of the AMERICAN FEDERATION OF POLISH JEWS, was chairman of the conference. JUNE GORDON, director of the EMMA LAZARUS FEDERATION OF JEWISH WOMENS CLUBS, was co-chairman. In his opening remarks Federman pointed out that the bourgeois elements disregarded the most important strata of the population in their celebration of the 300th anniversary, namely the workers and common people. CLARA SHAVELSON, was introduced from the platform as one of the founders of the needle trades union. PAUL ROSS, chairman of the AMERICAN LABOR PARTY, said that in his research on the history of New York City, he discovered the great contributions by the Jewish people toward the growth of the city. MORRIS U. SCHAPPES, famous historian, spoke about the great changes that had taken place during the past 300 years and about the anti-semitism which the early Jews encountered. He said anti-semitism is still prevalent and should be fought. ABRAHAM BICK, intellectual and historian, said that history shoud be measured by the influence the progressive forces had on the people of the period. PAUL NOVICK, editor of the "Morning Freiheit", spoke about the role of the Yiddish press in mobilizing the common people. JACOB M. BUDISH, executive secretary of the Committee, reported on the past activity of the organization, and this served as the basis for future plans. CHAIM SULLER, chairman of the Resolutions and Organizational Commission, read the resolutions which embodied the following: 1) There is to be a celebration, October 16th, at Carnegie Hall, and all affiliated organizations should help make it a success; - 2 -