7~'D~~1C~' C~ :::£cT'~~T_ of Duo._3~?6-P~ (~~e 19 .f .~i£in.~1) TC~ S~'~Gffi-ffi7' 1CLA-C~oie ~ ~?th Gory. (page 2() o~ ori~'inl) Acti~vitThz\r~ Sit~&tion ?.~rort ~o~ 9 frog the ~iis~~tz~~~fthcSWcurity ~o1ice e~~ tI~ SD i~ the USSR (Rerio~ c$vcre~ ~y Re~orts i J~r.~~ry to 31 J~~~ary 1£'.42 (~~e 21 of origin~1) I. ~oc&tion~ II ~xe~iitive o~e~~tiDfls A. P~t~ti~P~S 1 3 Actions &g~ir~t Go.:r~~ni~t~, offici~1~ ~.~ ri~i~a1s ,5 C. Je~~ Q D. rrc~rA~~& &ctivity 1() II Attit'i~e arA 3~-h~vior of the po~~1~ior A 1jftvi& Th.3 3 ~stoni~ 14 c Tnit o-R~t heni 15 i- Polish Reciste.rce ~ff~rts v~rgr~iz~~ticn of Ukr&ini~~ ~~,tio~~1iI'ts 1P TR~NS~~IQN CF ~C~R'~PS ~Ro1v Doc. 38~6-P~S Cont~~_ Pee 22 of the origin&1. I. ~oo&tions. ~ihere `are no cI-~~~es in the 1oc~tions c~ thc ~in~&%zgr\i~0en ~f the Sec'~ity Police n~ the SD (1'irin~ the time oc~~~e~ by the report. The locL~ions &re e,s f0)1o'~: Dixis c~z~~~'0CA I~p~ nogv~r'1e isk. ~in~ftz~~~tC 3: S~olcnsI~ ~insatz~r'i~~e C: die"" ~ins&~~~~eD: ~imfer~)pol. ()n the other har~1, ~orn~ of the "`~ins&tzkoifli~~tSZ~0S ~~ ~~on~er- kom~n~~s h-~~ to cTh~~~e thei' l0C(tI0fl~ ~~tie to nilit&ry events. Son~erkc,ornj:~~o l.b for in~t~nc~, 1:~~ to e-~&c~&te Feo~o~i for come ti~0. After the re-con~'1est by ·k~h~ `J~erT~~ forces it rosu~e~. ho'~ever, Its `,CtiVit~ &t once. Page 25 of the ori~in~1. Lcffi~V~~r. def enso forces s:~~t 3 ~&rtis~~s ::)~r Abrcne ~n~ 5 nore ~~r~ch'itists ne&r W~ik. This gro~~ c~~rie~ 33 kilogr~~S of e~- ~los~ves n~ 3 rose nines 1r~e~ti?cfti~r~ ~iSclose~ th&t the inh~bito~ts of A'igrinal had re~~fte~ly given lodging foo~~ and p:~~iStP~CC to prt':s~ns. The village web burnt to the gro~~~ &n~ all 25C inh&?~it~nts `are &rreste~ p~~ shot. On this occasion 1eton~tions o i~r-1 jrer~1eq ~~1 o-,~nn~initions occ'u,rre~ in nearly ~l1 of the ho~~~~s~. Page 2? of the r~gin~l 3. Actions ~inst Conm'onists, OfT2ici&,15 ~n'1 ciinin~ls. Thie to estensive inve~ti~&tions, the Einsat"gr~'o~~en of the 5ec~rity Police anl the SD securel infor~~ion co:-~e~ning tho :o, tivity and o~g&niz&tion ~ v~rio'~s 3olshovist terror grc~i~£~s. `fr actions cs~~ie1 o'it at once ~~ere cro'~e~ ~?ith good siiccess.