O~ b4~~Thr~~ o~ ~~, f78?~-2~ cont ill~e 2 Ii. iicocu~i~~c a~t~vi~jt-.~. ~csido tli0 figift K."?ffi~St too 1.deoIcgic~1 o~~~ncnts, J~'-~ ~d C0j~~~~tS~ too r~~~chon~~Qn ~~ffl do~tr~otion of thc 3olsbovist ~~rti- ~"jt~~ ~ti11 roru.5n tYo moot imDortc%~t tffi-~1~ of the S~c'~rit~ ~o1~o in ho o'- ~tc~n fj'o'~r% of L0t~%it~ o? to 0~~&'?inI~ 3. CoTh~~ist~. ~2 ~f to c~1'~in~Th) ~kr~ine. (~yrye ~3 ~f the o::i1Ln~~) T$~o oo~ftft-~-Q~t of ~~11(~~ tho o~oonin- 0- thc- p-or:oI~~ion oo:tinu&13y ~e -`- t~ the P~iD~t of ~oiitio g -.c,ti~i~~~. ~~t'~i %-oi int£rro~ated th-~~ ~oro ~~Qt~ r1~1~~ ,4& ~~o~~~7c' eel' was In Yalt- on tho G~i:~oc? ~ -~~-~~ -. ----o ______ ~c~1Q0. -~~d ti.i~ le~.~r, -~, e~, Jews. The r~oe-~d~xo of Sottli#j tke Jo~I~h i~0%l~. .ri ~qith tho different sectors of she fx-e:ft. ~inoe the 0.--.otern to~~itc-r i- Lezycly fro- of -A -and tiC ft.-~ re:-0o-~ning Jc-'-~~, wno .-`.~c ~eQ'1i1'e~ .T.cr ft-(', -.(-~t Thi~~.$:%t T~bor ts~~, ho~o ~eo:.~ r'~it in Ghetto~, the t~.~k of the- Sc~e~it. Pile A- tL :)D con- fisted hole in the ~el~rne,:e of tic t)0-A ~~`C~+~~ ho the ccAJ~~~. ~~ro~entl/ Jobs ~~ro ~oi~od, -no hp.(% iQi't t'%£ ~hette --tho~% pormis~10n or `4o-o did not ~~-~r the Jo--.rich ~t~~r. (Pete cffi-- of tiTh~ oi~.iuA) in P.i~~ throo Je~T5, tr~ns~orted from. the f&eich to too Ct~tto And ~Th0 n?ffi 0s0?yed, here 0~~to~red &rno%D' others c'~ffi £?f!~iiciAy hce~go ~ ATlthln the (~A~-tto. ~.fring lrgor &ctions -?`.ln~t tic Jo~~ ~ d-l~ vere shot in iinsk, 3C2 in ~iie:..ir~, And 2,C)C? Thnrono~itso~~. In the rew1&lninJ territories cf tffi e-~~rto-:o front the to?k of tiC Seo~rlt Polffloe rzo ttoz- ~?, In c~..ffi0~iC~ o--e .--w-fflw~nros r~:nst in'Di'4-f:ooi tc~T5 otln~ in n pffl~i-...i0l 0i~ e~irIo.'~ e-nnn-or, cen~io-to?. -~ ~~yGBAR£~T~ Q~ Do -c, T0. ~ ~~t i~iied ______ ______ (P~g-c'- ~ of o~i..'in~l conttd) gener&l ~~rf~s of l&r0~er vills~$~. Th'-os ef ti. C)ri~4r:?~) 15_oec- Je~rs `jo.:e hot IA W~iko~ -~~ 2?#~ Jc-'~s in hrteno~~k alone_ - - -- - - - - so th~~ thoso ~l~oo ft'C freo ~f In the ~r'%~~'.~ l, DQ() Jets ~ ~-rs'C5 ~~e~c-. e%e~~LAte&, A eo-rtifie(- tr'-~o ~o-~y. CDRfflITffiThSA.ffi~$~$__ 1, St-on P. ~no.th~ £ffl~D A `?-2c--&7, heru--~y o~rtif~ tb-~t i th0rC~~hlY oonversont with- the Pn~li5h and %D~rn~on longwwD.s, ~d thc-t tics- --ove is trio ~d oorroot tr~is)~tiC:? of Doo. i-~. iTc)~327& - ~~-- A A ( end)