T'~ffl3Th~4T~ffi o.r L4f~Ls?LFfz orn uo~. ·.~? `ffi~-P% coD%t i~i~ 2 IT z~x~c'j~i~c_~c-i-.rit,~. 3s.slfo tWo fi5flft fTh'ftffi~~t to idc.GIOffiIC)i 0i%k?~flCflt~, Je-~s P~( Gom~itmi~ts, the TJ)i'Uh~1%~i0fl .xyw r.T~~tri3cticn ci no. L~cIs~oN.i~t ~£i~i- ~"%flS ~ti~.1 rs'£:4~ ~o meat 1fflwortc%t t~1 ef the ~~c'~ritv r~11~~ c' tc-n :?ie'c% of Cti~it~ tffi c:u~yffi~.'I~ ~. Gc.m~~ist~. ·~~ffi~e 5?. ~f tflJ) c~iwin~i) Q ,~p~1ne.. H?.~ rf the o:iiri£I) T$Th. cottz-~~t cf viii (0 Uft% thc c~e-eoirg et the ?t~%1%tI0% ~~tiiu~11 ~e to thc boot ~ eiitio:,~ .cti~i~~~. lift' ~~t£'rrc..~&ftc'~ th~~ Fro ~)7et I Ya'It.' c.:~ the .sriffiOC 7 ~.r1sffi'ffig ?`£ffiffiffiDG%LC.Yffi%fL~C0I' was r01~~offi rd ti-~ Ic.~~ci', .~.~, o jow~. The rreood~ic e.f ~ottThiTh:)j tftc: JD.'.r.Lh ~.~cWIe~ v~rI07. with the ~Iffo'rorft ~c.0tc.i~ 01 ·uffi0 fxe?~t. 0-1roe the- e.'-r-tc-r~ to _ it~~v i-., tu~:-.(D~. fro,' Df 0 tL.e for ~0Th?..irirg jo~r~, ~i~ :%r0 roQ'1I10 -:- t --.r-mj ffit Th :`W, ffi.',' tC%'~ K.we `oos-:o .c.~t in %hot~ cr- the.. t0r%-I' ()f tho Sc~eri~- Pc Icc `?r-i, "LQ .%ffi oon- istocl hole in thc ~e-~c'.b'-:o `,cf thc 0. crtiy Icc' )1-- IA oC?iffiffi6'~.!-. vWc. i~) ?cCi't -- `-I - reo~.cnt1/ 7e~r~ ~rere c~ c..i~c ., . ..-,.- `, ~tt. %~L0l% P-ormi~'-c1on Or `4oe dic' net `rer he &"c-:~'rioh tJ~r-. of -ho. G:1f1n~~,' in P-i-~~ threc- Jo--", tran~Dc~%0ffl fro the ffloioh to too C4-etto -~`-` o~o%-ep' `...`ore ,"``~~~`-~: ~~,.~~ 2 "`-~` `,--- D~thIffiL -Loo b~--' ., `-~-.--~- , ~s c%n'ffi 0ffl%-'1101Th-' "~":-~ the c'7hot~e Thorin~ 3e-~~er ~otIens rc::-'..in~t the 7o'~ 5 fflffi.e "01 -net io `-4in~, 302 in "`ii.'-' `, ~nJ 2, (jC in Pcrc-.-,notIt~ 0h1 tne -~~~`-``~~`~" tero-izorlc-~ ci cfte -: ,`.- ~r~~t th t.- no .~, c-',)ffl0LG~ oe -.0 `oreo Inffll%'1-c0c' C'&'C ~%lTh? In `0' Wii0ci 01 0~I~~ ,nocer, 300 I'0'~02- T~ffi~T~ffi$IDThffi~' ST' i?jLRffi.'~('~ Qffi~ ~~~oe, Vie. ~.~?~~e _______________ -`-`~~ ~1~~~~ _____ .- of eiitw-b'eI oert! g-on.or&i ~urc-~os of i'-'rgor vi1i'nfe~. Th'ffis .0?' `$4 ~iif4.Th4?L~ 1,5_Ooo e ~".`~ `.~£,"04 he~'v i~47:'ke~fflffi""-.' o?.I'_~0'~m in~A~--'.~tell0wLrK~'~ionc tAt these poor `C fro -1 L' AT. In the (Si'- %-~o-~---.~ 1, ~`G tTc-'.".5 -ooffi &.`r~%es_~`o~o 0ffi0~'1tCfi', A ccrtifie£" tree r'e","y. ,A5,"``',~~J J",,',",'~ `~,- ___ - I, St.-an r~.. Den--.th, 4)0 A 4...2~~"~ heio'."' "0rtify th'-4- ~ -`~ thCrjQc,.~1j oonvor~o-.nt ~,..Tith the- ~n~,~Th~~n ffi~." C~~~~ iTh'1~'1-ffi-~~ -,nffi th:-.t tlio 2~cVC eerroot tr'w~). tic: of Deo* We. Uo~0.k?7u. 7-i - `--` - "."~~ _ - ~r- - -,`