TRANSLATION OF EXCERPTS OF Doc. 3876-PS cont inua d II. Executive_activity. Partisans. Besides the fight against the ideologicaTh opponents, Jews and Communists, the apprehension and destruction of tge Bolshovist parti- san5 still remains tho most important task of the Securitv Police in th stern fields of activity. (Page 61 o the original) B Comm + . . (Page 62 of the original) Ukraine. (Page 63 of the original) The combing-out of villages and the s of the population continually led to the arrest of political activists. After bein g interrogated thay were shot. In Yalta on' the Crimea a newly arising Komsemo)j':.Aw'-~Cpe1l1 was raided and the leader, a womn a, no O. Jews. The procedure of settling the Jewish problem varied with the different sectors of the front. Since the em stern to iteTh is largely fro p pad the few remaining Jews, who are require for %-ffi ~ot n .. 0'.')or tasks, have been put in Ghettos, the task of the 2 scurity P l~Y b cen- sisted here in the seizure of the J ews no st ly i e P :% he so~iatry. Freeue~ntly Jo~rs ~wnnrs) £` eiso -d, ~`fi)0 had 10' t San) %.etoo Shout poThmission or ~~he dio~ not ~froe r the Je-'rish .nt&'r. ~P.ego %ffi~7. o~ rn~: e ig0.iTh?~,' In P.igs' thros Je~$., transberted frem the nwic~ to the Chetto who hp'.d escaped, re captured amen-; oth'ers an puplicly' h-~'0Q4se ` ~rithi.P~ the Chetto. Thfring laTher actieas a.gamins t the J o~n:s ~ 12 `rer. shot i)% Riask, 302 in wileika', and 2,.()o n S)e~renae~i~5shi. r00)& of th0 o~0~ --.n front the task' of to Sos%mrit Police nd t.n 52-, In. a". 0$e i\n Ce me- `.ures Geffl-~~~st individual aostia iwn no- Pi .icmffl 01 criminal .~o~ ~0 00. ~~.-~~m~~6n `~n e T.o `.~~~~.~tn~ `T~~~igJ$~'e~'0 -e~ ~~~~.g..~ O~ ~ r. C~a'~iauo't _____ (Png.-o ED of on: i0-inal cer.~t! d) ge-no~al purF:05 of la.rger villages. Th~m~ ~` 0~ Y . ooo Crigiae? 6 -15Odd were s hot io'47.~kemLffl0e%0.~£og 5?%LJ ev-rn in ~ffit-ohe.&%c ~-.-lone~ 0. 0 on - so zhat those placo no free ~i J onT~00. Tn the. Or'.mea. l CC.d Jc.%..s .efflo~L$54ooffi5~bThroOThThu#onffi A certified trio oo~y. ~ThnnnYT7jAnn£.Th.7.ffinffiThSO000fl.ffi0offi T St.-n ~` CC t dY2cw7, i~nrG% sortif0 t~Tht ~ -."e thoroue~0-h v , .- tn~oo£.~~~~ conversnnt ~rith the ~jH'Th~li5h eh)' lnvg 0 eons' n-.nffi th:' t time "-eve is a true and eorrect trans0m tiepn of bee. 1% " G-327e'~. !s i Stf'P if. Pep0)0+h- ·`)C ( `und)