i:&SLAZ~1C~ Ox rn~~~£~s of Dec. 33?6-?~_ (~~e 19 .f ·riyin.~1) TOP ICC OO~iCS ~?th Oo~j. ~e, ~~ ~~iyin~I) Activity ?~~ Si~i~tIcn ro~~rt i~c~ ~ frog thc ffl~iflSc'ftzk~?~:~Cfl c'i. thc Scc~rity Police and t1~ D i~ try b~Sffi (Pu:riQ~ c~~~r~d £~~ ~~rGrts i J.r.~Z~ to -I T'T~&r I?'2 (~~~ ?I of ori~~in~I) I- Loc~ion~ L~(#ffi0 II ~xc~~tive orc~~~i~ns A. P~~ti~P~s ~. Actions #ffllflSt Oomj~ni~ts, cffioi~1s (~~Ct s~im~n~Is O. Jc~~s T~rcPr.~~ndc~ ~cti~vity TTh i~ Attit~d~ &rA 3Ch~ViO sf the --pc~~I?~IQr A L~~vI& Ij' P Pstori& c `nito-R~it~oni IE I)T PoI~s~ :£ecisto,ncG Pff~rts vc)r~~niz~tIcn of Ukroinlori ffl?.tiGr~~iWt5 1 ~ T~1SLAT1OiT OF ~C£~ThS FROIV'i hoc. 38?6~~s Oont'1_ P~~e 2? c~ the origin~~. 1. Lo~ftions. Tbero ~~ere no ~~~~~~~5 in tho locations of the ~ins&tzginipoen of the ~ec'~~ity Police ,n(1 thou ~D ~~ring the time oc~~re~ ty the report. The locotions &re as fo)lo'~ bins (~t z.?r~~~C A: ~r s nog~~r io is k. ~~sr~z~~i~~e P: Srolons ~insatz~r~£?~C O: Kio~ ~in5&tz~~~~~e D: ~iini0ropol. On +i-1C oth~-r h'-rn~~ 5o~o of the ~ifls&tzko~~pA~05 ~~d Sond~r- kom~~n~os -A to c~i~p:~o their locffltions d~io to ~ilit&ry ~~onts. S-on~ork~c.:rim~:.odo i~~ for in5tc~cj, ha4 to e~ac~~~c'fte poo~osi~ for ~o~~ tinc. After tide re-co:~qiiest by i,he ~~er.~~~ forco~ it rosune~. 4o'~ov0r, `ts ~tivity t on.cc ?? of the origin~~i. L~tViffln 1ofenso forocs shot 3 ~~~tis~~~ o~.,i A%rono erd 5 r~ore `~ozachutists no&r ~~lk. This ~ro~o c~rrie~ 35 kiIo~r rn~ of e~- ~los~7es -z~d 3 road nines 1r~e~ti~otisr~ ~isclo~o~ theft the inhoQito~ts of A~grin~l h&1 r&~0e~C~ly given lodging foo~, ~~d -~o0ist-neu- to ror~'sns. The vill&ge `~&s burnt to the gro~-d -no e~.l ~C inho;:)itents ~7erc arrested ~~ shot. On this occ&~i~n ~etonoftions oL' hni ~-ren-'~es ~~d o-~m~initions oce~rre~ in ne orly iI of the h0~~)t35¶'. Page ~? of she :-r~.gin~l 3. Actions a~&instQQm~~~~i~7r~ists, Officials n'i c:inin~~5. Due to extensive investig&ticns, the ~ins~t~gr~~pon ~f the Security Police and the ~D soc~red informtion oc~cer~inK the tivity and ~rg&ni~&tion ~ ~~rio"~s 3olhovist terror s~0~i~)5 who actions carried oiit at once vere cro'~~-d ~~ith good success.