Tm~s~~Ic~ CF ~~~TS of Dec. 3~76-PS~, (pee 19 ~`? ·`ris'in&1) TQ~ S~G7~~~"' ICC Cop~e~ ~7th Ca~y. ~~ o~ ori~in~~) Activit~nr& SiiL~&t,ion' Retort' ~o~" 9 ,f'ro~t,heiinB&t~~p~en of, t,bc sec~~t.PoI'ice and tee SD in t~' US" SR (Pe'ri'o~ covcr~~ by Re~orts~i J&r.~r'y to -I Jii~~ry 1c42 (p~~ 2)1 of ori~in~1) 1- T~oQ&tiQfl~ Th~~e II ~xe~~tive 0~eiL~i'~r1~ `A. Pr~tisP~~ 1 ~. Acti~n~ ~~inst Coin~n~ni6t~, 0ffici~1~ ~~~~ cri~ina1g b C. J~Y~ 9 ~.Pr~~r~~1& &ctivity 1() II Attitii~6 arA 3c-h~vior of tee Pc ~1at1on A L&tvla 3 Esto~i~ 14 G ·`Tnit c-R~t£i'cni~ 15 iv Po1is~ Re,ciBtt.nce efforts 16 vOr~~niz~ticn of Ukr~in1~n N~.ticn~1i~t~ (ou~T) ,, , , , , , , ~`~~~`,~,,, ` ,`,"~ ,`,,, , ~` , ,~~~~-~~~~-` ,,,-~-,,,- T~S~ATiONi OF'- r'~~TPS ThOM- Doc~, ~e~-~6=-pS C-o~t' 1_ Pee 2? of th"e or1-~i~a~. - I. Lo~&tion~. "£I-er-e ` ~o - c~~~gc-~ i~ t-hc 10c~tion6 of the Fi~5~.tzg~~~en of the Sec~ity Police ~~~ the SD 1'irin~ the time oc~~~e~ by tile report. The 1-ocL:~ion~ &re &6 fo)lo';~:- ~in~~ft,z~~~~C A: :~~~nogv~~r'1e ilk. ~~r~zr11~~e 3: Sm'o1~nsI~ ~inB~t-z r~~ e -O: ~iev ~ins~z~r,~~~e D-: 0~imf~ro)p~1.- Crc the other hax~1,~ ~0in$ of the Si,n~&tzk-o~~~os ~i~ ~ot.-~er- ko~~n~~6, r~1 to ch~n,~G thei: 1ocptiofl~ ~~e to ni1~t-&ry' events. S-~n~erkc-~o.~~'n~ i-~,b for in$-t~ncQ'-, ~~~ t~ ev~~~te Feo~osi& for tiino.- Aft,'~r the re-c-ofr~ue~t by `~h~ ~er.T~'~ forced it roBuflel. ho~-~~vc'r~ ~t-s (`c,tiV~tV &t once. Pee 25 of the cri~in~i. -L~:-.tv1L~ ~~f en~~ forc~B ~hDt 5, ~&rtis~,-zi~ ~~r Abron~ and 5 more - - ~~rac-'h~ti8ts near Wr~Ik. - Thin- ~ro~~ cried 33 ki1ogr,~s of e-x- p1o~ive~ c~1 3 road mi,ne~* Ir~e2ti?atio-nB disclosed that the inht-~it~nt-~ of A~rina1 had ret~eatei1y given- 1o~ing- foods and p:~~i6tP,.fl,'Q~ to ~&rti~~n-B. The vi1,1&ge~ was ~~rn-t to tee gr'o~~1 and a)'.1 250 inh&"jit-~nts ~~o-re &rres-ted and, shot, On' this occasion deton'&tions or- hr~d ~rer-~~A--eB and ~~~itions occii'-rrel in ne~~1y -11 of the- I~~~~~. Page 2? of the r¶,.~ina1 3. Actions ~~nst Comm~is't-s - Offici~~s and c'~imin&1~--. -Thie to ~xtens'i~e tnve~'ti~ations,, the Einsat'~gr~-o~pen ,~f the Se,c'~rit'y Police end the 5)) e,ec'i"r'ed inf oration c-o.~9O,)~'t'~i~t~ the ~~c- ti~ity and organ'~z-&tion ~ ~&?io'1s 3o1s-hcvist terrcr gro~p8. Th ~ction--s carried oat at once ~~re cr0'~~ed `with ~6od s:~i-ocess.