TRANSLATION OF EXCERPTS of Doc. 3876-PS_ (page 19 of origina1) TOP SECRET 100 CopieS 67th Copy. (page 20 of original) Activity and Situation Report No: 9 from the EinSatzgru pef the Security Police and the SD in the USSR (period covered by Reports; i January to 31 January 1942 (page 21 of origina1) INDE:: I. Locations pj;gC II Executive o erationS A. Partisans 1 B. Actions against Communists, officials and criminals 5 C. Jews D. Propaganda activity 10 III Attitude end Behavior of the Popu1ation A Latvia 13 B Estonia 14 C White-Ruthenia 15 IV Polish Resistance Efforts 16 V Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists 18 (0UN) T~TSLATIOiT OF ~G~RTPS PRO~: Doc. 38~6-pS Cont'd_ Page 22 of the original. I. Locations. There %~re no che~ges in the locations of the Eins~.tzgruppen of the Sec'ority Police and the SD during the time oc~~red by the report. The locL~ions are as fo) lo'~: Eins ~~~tz~~~~eA: 1':r~snogvar~e isk. Einsatzgruppe B: Smolensk Einsatzgruppe C: ~iev Eins&~.~~~eD: ~i'nferop01. On the other har~, sorno. of the Eins&tzkoir~and0s ~~d Conder- kom~nd~:~s had to changf o. their locations due to nilitary events. Son1erk&~.~~ndo 1~b for inst.nco, had. to evacuate Feodosia for some time. After the re-con~uest by the ~erman forces it resumed. ho,?evor~ its activity at once. Page 25 of the original. Latvian def ensc forces sh';t 3 p&rtisans oar A~rone and 5 more parachutists near Walk. This group c~'~ried 33 of ex- plosives pz~ 3 road -nines Investigations disclosed that the inhabitants of Augrinal had repeatedly given lodging food ~~d ~.~~Istp.nco-. to partisns. The village was burnt to the groW~d and all &~0 inhabite.nts ~7ere arrested and shot. On this occasion detonations o hand grenades and ~rmunitions occurred in nearly all of tho ho~~~~s~. Page 27 of the rlginal B. Actions ~inst Co~unists. Officials and criminals. Due to extensive investigations, the Einsat~gruppen ~f the Security Police and the SD secured information co:-~er~ing the ac- tivity and organization ~ various Bolshovist terror groups. Thor actions ce~ried out at once wsre cro'..'ned `with good success.