TRANSLATION OF EXCERPTS of Doc. 3876-PS_ (page 19 .o~f original) TOP SECRET 100 Copies ~hCc~. (page 20 of origina1) Act iv~ it~nr~ Situation Report No: 9 from the Einsatzgrupp en of the Security Police and the SD in the U~SSR (Period covered by Reports; 1 January to 3I January 1942 (page 21 of origina1) INDEX. I. Locations Th~~e II Executive operations A. Partisans 1 B. Actions against Communists, off icials andd criminals 5 C. Jews 9 D. Propaganda activity . 10 IIE Attitude and Behavior of the Popu1ation A Latvia 13 B Estonia 14 C Whit e-Ruthenia 15 IV Polish Re.sistance~ Efforts 16 v Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists 18 (OUN) T~SLA~TIONi O~ ~~~C~~ER~TPS MOM Doc~k 38~6-p~~S Cont' d_ Page 22 of t~he o~riginal. I. Locations. There `are no~ch~n~ges in t~he 1oc~tions of the Einsatzgruppen of the Secur~ity Polic~e tad the SD during the time oc~~red by the report. The loo&~ion~~s are as fo)1c'~: Einsatz~ru~pe A: :~r~.nogv~~r~1e isk. ~~satz~ru~. Smolensk E~insatz ru e `C:~iev Eins~&t~z r~P. e D Sim~ero)?o1. O~n the other hand.~ soin.~ of the Ii~.ns&tzkommandos ~~~ $onder- ko~~n~os had to %~~~e thei~r locptions~ due to milit~ar~y events. S.on'derkc.o~~ndo i~~b~ f~or ins~~t~nco~~, ~~a~ to evacuate Fe~Qdos~ia for some ti~~~mo~. ~ A~ft~er the re-con~q~ue~t by ·k-he ~erm~~ foroes it re~sume~ ho'~ever, 4ts `~tivit~ at once. Page 25 of the original. La.t~~vi~:~~. ~of ens~:~ forc~es shs~t 3 p&rtis~~ns `~ear Abron.e and 5 more parac~hutiet~ near W~alk. ~ This. group c~ried 33 kilogr~.~m~s of ex- plosives ~and 3~ road mi~nes. Ir~eetigat.ions di~sclosed that the i~abitant~s of Aug~rinal had r~epeatedly given lodg~ing foods and ~n~~istp..n~~ce to ~&rtis~~ns. The village was burnt to t~ee gro~~~ an~ all 250 inh&j-i~~~~nts ~.T~Gre arres~ted an~d shot, On this occasion dot onations o2- hand grenades and ~~nmur~~itions o~ccurred in near~ly all of the~ hoj~~5~. Page 27 of the r¶..gin~1 B. Act~ions ~inst Communi~sts~ Off-~ici~t1s ~n~1 criminal5~ Due to e~~tens~i~e inves~~tig~tions., the Einsat~~gruppen .~? ~the Securit~y Polic~e and t~he SD s~ecur~~ed infor~~~tion con.~~e~.rn~ing the ~~=~c- tivity and organi~z~ation ~ various Bolshovist terr~.6r~ ~groups. The actions c~r~ried out at once were cro'~~e~ ~~ith~~g60~ s1~ccess.