ir-&'D~~ICI C)? ~%~E?~S of D~~._3~76-P$ (~~e 19 .f ·~i£i~1) TOE ~Dr!G~~? ICC Cop~e~ ~7t~ Cody. (~ag~ 2() o~ ori~in~) Activity nr~ Sitiitftion ~GT0rt ~o~ 9 froin thc~ns&tz~~~en of the ~ec~rity ~oIice a~~ tI~ SD in the USSR (~erio1 covcr~~ i~~ Re~orts i J&r~~T to -I J'~~arv 1?42 (~~e 21 of ori~ir~1) I. ~oc&tion~ II ~xe~'iti~e op0:~fti~ns A. P~rti~~~s I 3. Acti~ii~ ~~~in~t Coir~~ni~ts~ offici~1~ t~cL ri~inaIs ,5 ~. Je'.~6 D. r-ro~~~~~& &ctivity IC Ii Attit'i~e ~d, 3~ho,vior of the Ro~~I~ion A ~ftvia I6 3 ~stoni& 14 G $Fflite-R'1t£1,e~~ 15 1- ~oiish Re~ist~nc~ ~ff~rt~ vOrgr.~iz~~ticn of Ukr~ini~n ~~.tion~1iI't~ IP TTh~'NS~ATIQi\T OF ~G~'R'~'PS FROI Doc. 38~6-~S Cont'~_ Pee 22 of the original. T. Lo~&tions. There `are no ch&r~es in the ioc~tion~ ~r the ~ine~%zgTni~~en of the ~ec'~irity Police ~~ the SD curing the time oc~~re~ by the report. The loctions pro 5,5 f0)lo'~: ~,,,,ins c~z~~~~CA? Xr~s nogv~1e isk. ~in~~tz~r~~~e 3: SmolensI~ ~ins&tz~r~~~C C: Kiev ~ins&tz~~~'~, e D: ~imfero~ol. On tic other her~, sor~o of the v~ins&tzkomr~&n1os ~i~ ~~onder- kom~n~~~ :~~ to ch~~S:e thei': loc~tion~ d~tie to nilit&ry ev'ents. Son~erkco~>~ndo lab for inst(nco-, had to Cv&c~cThte Feolosi for come ti:no.. After the re-con~'iest by the ~er.~~~ forced it resUfl.e~. ho~'evc-r, .ts activity ~t once. P~~c- 25 of the 0rie'~in~I. ~cffi',tvi~~ ~ef ens~' forces shot 3 ~&rtis~~s ~`z A~rone p~~ 5 more ~c',rach'itiste near ~~k. This gro~~ c~'~rie~ 33 kilograms of e~- ~los~ves pn~ 3 road nines 1u~e~tig~tions d,isclose~ th&t the inho~it~~ts of A'igrinal h&~ reo~eateily given lodging foo~~ Pz~ ~~3ist~nce to ~~tis~:ns. The village web b~irnt to the gro~~i &n~ &`l 25C inh&£ji~~ente "are &rreste~ and shot. On this occasion 1eton~ions 0' h~:n1 ~ren~1es e,nl ~"~uniti0n5 occurrc~ in ne&zly II of the ho~'~~s~. page 27 of the original 3. Actions ~inst Oo~unists, Ofici~5 n'1 c1iinin~ls~ Due to extensive investig&ticns, the ~insat"gru~~en ~f the Security Pcli~c and the SD secured infor'm~'tion co:-~erning tho :c- tivity and organization ~ various 3olshevist terror grcu1~s. Th$ actions ~~rriei out at once ~~re cro'~ed "ith good success.