iffi~.?ThT1o: o~' T'~~~i)~TS of DDC 3376~?~_ (~~u 19 ·£ ·riyin~1) TeP ICC- Comics 7th Cc~j. ~e o~ ~riyin~i) Activity nrd ~i~1~~iQfl o~~rt ~c~ 9 frog thc S~insc'ftzzT%P~Cfl ei. tIic Seciirity ~c1ice cn(1 tI~ ~D i~ try bSSffi (~crio~ c~~cr~d %~y )%~rorts i Jr?~Z~ to 31 tT'~~&~ 1?42 (~~~ 21 of ori~ir&g) I- ocr~ionS r(#ffi0 Il ~~c~~tive oo0-?&ti?ns A. ?&rtiz~~s ~ ActiGn~ a~p~rst ()~m~~iri~t~, offioi~1~ t~~~ s~im-in~1s e. Jc~~ D. ?r~rr:,~~r~& c~CtI~VItY 1- irn Attit~d~ -A ~oh~vior f the Pc~~1?~IQr A L~tvi& ~ ~stor~i& It c .7nito-R~ft?&~fli 1- ~oIi~h recisto~cG ~ff~rts vC)r~%ni~ctiCfl f TJkro,,iri~Ti 1ffl~.tic.r~~iI't~ T~Ts%AT1Oii OF ~:c~~~P~ FROI". Dcc. 38? 6-~o Sont `~_ PP%e 2? of the origln&1. 1- Lo~fti~xis. ~r~re `~~re no c~~nes in thc Iocati~~ns of thG Fin$&.tz~r~1p~efl of the Sec'~~ity Police n4 the ~D (1'i~ing the time oc~~re~ by the rcr0rt. The 1oc~~ione is as fo)lQ~r~ ~in~~~t zz~~~~e A: ~r s nc~~~r 10 is-. ~ns~tz~r~,Affi~e 3: Snoions~ ~insatz~r~i%T)0 O: Kio-v ~ins&tz~~~~~e D: ~i'n:~er~yo1. On +iie othor h-~i1~ solo of the ~ifls&tzko.T~PAd0S ~~o) SonI~r- ~om~~n~o~ h&~ to 0~i~~ t ~~~ loc,2tl0fl5 diic. to ~i1it&ry e7eflts. come time. After tide rc-comquest by ~`hs Pjer.~'~ fjrcos it rosufl.0~. ~o~~ever, Its ~tivity t Qrce ~eje 2 of tfio- ori~ir~1. L~tVi&n 1efen~ forced sh:~t 3 ~~~tis~~~ Oz A%rone end 5 :nore 1~~rach~tist6 nL&r W~ik. Thin ~ro~o~ cw~ried 35 i--ilogr rn~ of e~- ~lD~i~e5 (-A 3 rc~~ mince 1r~~e~ti~sftiDns ~iscio~ei tI~t tiDC inho%itc:~te of A~grin~l h&1 ro~o0~CilY given 1o~ging f0e~ pad `~o0ist~nc~- t ~vzt~s~S. The village `jab burnt to the grc~~~ &n~ a?.1 250 inh~ffl)it~~t~ ~~rc ~rreste1 n~ shot. On this occ&oien ietonati.on ~) i~~rI ron~iee `aid jnmioiitions occ'~rrc~ in ne~zly 11 of the ho~~j~~ plc- 2? of the r~gin&l 3. Actions &~%~7'~St Oo~\i~Sists. Offici~s ni ciiminIS Th1e to o~tensive investig~ticns, the ~insat~gr~~jDefl ~f the Secv~rity Policc and the ~D secured inforn.ttion cc:c~rniflK tho. tivity and c~g&ni~~tion ~ vario;s 3olshovist terror ~Ciij)e. ~K£ actions carried oat at once Vere cro'~Cd `ith good siiccesS.