SURVIVOR: cksum Check Module
About cksum
Module Type Scheduler Remote
check No Yes
     module cksum {
       [cksumcf <file>]
       [file <file>]
       [sum <string>]
       [sumutil <string>]
     via <transport>


  • None


Name Type Value
cksumcf optional file A configuration file containing checksums to compare against.
file optional file File to checksum. If cksumcf is not specified, this argument is required.
sum optional string Expected checksum. If cksumcf is not specified, this argument is required.
sumutil optional string, default is "cksum" Utility to use to generate checksums.


The cksum module uses cksum or another utility specified by the sumutil argument (as either an executable in the default path or an explicit path) to determine if files have been modified. Although this module may be helpful for monitoring against malicious modifications, it is not designed for such a purpose and as such is not intended to be a complete solution for that problem. The module is more intended for detecting accidental or other modifications without malicious intent.

Important: The Remote Daemon must run with sufficient privileges to read the files to be summed.

Using A Configuration File

A configuration file must exist on each host to be monitored. The contents of the file are lines of the form returned by the cksum utility:
      sum octets filename
For example:
      3663153827 234316 /usr/bin/foo
If the sum utility is set to md5sum (which is not installed by default on all operating systems), the contents of the file are lines of the form returned by md5sum instead:
      sum filename
For example:
      3996cdfb9e03285325a73bfd440352d9 /usr/bin/foo

The configuration files can be generated using find. For example:

      # find /usr/bin /usr/sbin -exec cksum {} \; > /etc/survivor/

The module will compare the current sum of each filename listed against the sum listed. If a file does not exist, is not readable, or if the sums of the file do not match, MODEXEC_PROBLEM will be returned.

Without A Configuration File

If no configuration file is specified, only one file can be checksummed per check stanza. In this case, the arguments to the Check are simply the file to be examined and the expected sum. For md5sum, the sum takes the format of the hash, for other utilities the sum takes the format of the hash, a space, and the octet count.


  1. To monitor a host with in a non-standard location:
        check cksum {
          module cksum {
            cksumcf /var/cache/sums.out
          via remote
  2. To use md5sum instead of cksum:
        check cksum {
          module cksum {
            sumutil md5sum
          via remote
  3. To only monitor /usr/bin/foo (and not use a configuration file):
        check foosum {
          module foosum {
            file /usr/bin/foo
    	sum  3663153827 234316
          via remote
  4. As for the previous example, but using md5sum instead:
        check foomd5sum {
          module foosum {
            file    /usr/bin/foo
    	sum     3996cdfb9e03285325a73bfd440352d9
    	sumutil /usr/bin/md5sum
          via remote

$Date: 2006/11/19 18:31:21 $
$Revision: 0.4 $