SURVIVOR: filetest Check Module
About filetest
Module Type Scheduler Remote
check Yes Yes
     module filetest {
       op (any | all)
       [type <flags>]
       [grep <relation>]
       [showline <boolean>]
       [timewarn <number>]
       [timeprob <number>]
       [timemax <number>]
       [countwarn <relation>]
       [countprob <relation>]
       name <string>
       [name ...]
       [matchone (newest | oldest)]
     via <transport>



Name Type Value
op string, one of 'any' or 'all' any indicates that any one of the three supported test (type, grep, or time) succeeding will cause the module to succeed. all indicates that all requested tests must be successful.
type optional flags, any of 'rwxfdcbpugksRWXFDCBPUGKS' Shell style tests to be performed.
  • r: File is readable
  • w: File is writeable
  • x: File is executable
  • f: File exists and is a plain file
  • d: File is a directory
  • c: File exists and is character special
  • b: File exists and is block special
  • p: File is a pipe
  • u: File is setuid
  • g: File is setgid
  • k: File is sticky
  • s: File is non-zero in size
All types specified must match in order for the test portion of the module to succeed. The capital flags negate the meaning of the corresponding test.
grep optional relation, reg/regv only A regular expression that must be found in the contents of the file (or must not be found, for regv). If the file is empty and regv was specified or if the file does not exist, the grep test will still be considered successful.
showline optional boolean, default is 'no' When the grep test is specified with a regv relation, report line numbers of matching expressions.
timewarn optional number between 1 and infinity If a matching file has existed for at least the specified number of minutes, a warning is generated.
timeprob optional number between 1 and infinity If a matching file has existed for at least the specified number of minutes, a problem is generated.
timemax optional number between 1 and infinity If a matching file has existed for at least the specified number of minutes, ignore timewarn and timeprob.
countwarn optional relation, not reg/regv Count the number of files matched. If the count matches the relation specified, a warning is generated and no further tests are performed.
countprob optional relation, not reg/regv Count the number of files matched. If the count matches the relation specified, a problem is generated and no further tests are performed.
name string list File(s) to examine. Files may also be specified with regular expressions. If no files match the regular expression, the module will return success.
matchone optional string, one of 'newest' or 'oldest' Test only one file, even if multiple files are named or matched. Testing is only done on the file with the requested characteristic.


The filetest module performs a variety of tests on files. It must be run via a transport module unless the files to be tested are on the scheduler host. Details of the tests performed are in the argument specification, above.

A failure of the grep or type tests will generate a problem, unless another test has generated a warning, in which case a warning will be generated.

To use the filetest module to monitor logfiles, use of the check keyword result text significant is recommended.


  1. To test if a file exists and is being updated frequently:
         module filetest {
           op       all
           type	f
           timewarn	5
           timeprob	15
           name     /var/run/tick
         via remote
  2. To test if a batch job completed successfully:
         module filetest {
           op       all
           type	f
           grep	reg[^DONE]
           name	/batch/status
         via remote
  3. To check for errors in an output file:
         module filetest {
           op         any
           type	  F
           grep	  regv[^ERROR]
           name	  /batch/output
         via remote
  4. To look for .rhosts files:
         module filetest {
           op       all
           type     F
           name	/export/home/.*/\.rhosts
           name	/\.rhosts
         via remote
  5. To look for outgoing mail backups (or, use the mailq module):
         module filetest {
           op        all
           countprob gt[1000]
           name      /var/spool/mqueue/df.*
         via remote
  6. To test that backup files are being generated regularly:
         module filetest {
           op       all
           timeprob 1440
           name     /db/backups/backup-.*
           matchone newest
         via remote
  7. To monitor /var/log/authlog for failed login attempts:
         module filetest {
           op       any
           type     F
           grep     regv[^failed login]
           name     /var/log/authlog
           showline yes
         via remote
         result text significant
    If failed login attempts are found, the module will report them, and presumably the AlertPlan in effect will start queuing alerts. Since logfiles are rotated relatively infrequently, there is not an obvious way to "clear" the problem.

    The recommended approach is instead to acknowledge the problem. When the logfile is rotated, the check will clear, and so will the acknowledgement. However, if another failed login attempt occurs, the text description returned by the check will change (even though the module will still be returning MODEXEC_PROBLEM), and the result text significant keyword will tell the scheduler to clear the existing acknowledgement, and alerting will resume.

Design Errors

This module is very complicated and hard to understand.

$Date: 2006/11/19 19:04:25 $
$Revision: 0.10 $