SURVIVOR: httpurl Check Module
About httpurl
Module Type Scheduler Remote
check Yes Yes
     module httpurl {
       [method <string>]
       [scheme (http | https)]
       [username <string>]
       [password <password>]
       [port <number>]
       path <string>
       [query <string>]
       [query ...]
       [header <string>]
       [header ...]
       [followredirect <boolean>]
       [matchcode <number>]
       [matchheader <string>]
       [errorheader <string>]
       [matchregex <string>]
       [errorregex <string>]



Name Type Value
method optional string, default is 'GET' HTTP method to use.
scheme optional string, either 'http' or 'https', default is 'http' HTTP scheme to use.
username optional string Username to use if authorization is required.
password optional password Password to use if authorization is required. Must be provided if username is provided.
port optional port
path string Path part of URL to be retrieved.
query optional string list Query part of URL to be retrieved. List should be name=value pairs.
header optional string list HTTP headers to send along with request.
followredirect optional boolean, default is true Follow a redirect returned by the server.
matchcode optional number between 100 and 599 Expected HTTP return code.
matchheader optional string String of the form header=regex where header is expected to be in the response header with a value matching regex. header should be lowercase.
errorheader optional string String of the form header=regex where if header is in the response header it is not expected with a value matching regex. header should be lowercase.
matchregex optional string Search filter expected to be in the response.
errorregex optional string Search filter expected not to be in the response.


The httpurl module performs an HTTP request in order to determine if the web server being contacted is returning expected results. The two regular expressions indicate a line of the retrieved document that must match (matchregex) or not be matched (errorregex) in order for the check to be considered successful. This is a different check than the one performed by the protocol module.

The module return value is determined as follows:

  • If matchcode is provided and the HTTP response code matches it, MODEXEC_OK is returned.
  • If matchcode is provided and the HTTP response code does not match it, MODEXEC_PROBLEM is returned.
  • If the HTTP response code is 200 and the provided matchregex or matchheader checks succeed, MODEXEC_OK is returned.
  • If the HTTP response code is class 1xx or 3xx, MODEXEC_NOTICE is returned.
  • If the HTTP response code is class 4xx or 5xx, or if the response code is 200 and the provided matchregex or matchheader is not found or the provided errorregex or errorheader is found, MODEXEC_PROBLEM is returned.
  • If the response code is not recognized, MODEXEC_WARNING is returned.


  1. To test that test.cgi is returning 200:
         module httpurl {
           path /cgi-bin/test.cgi
  2. To test that /test.html contains the text "Welcome" followed by something and not "Not Found" followed by something:
         module httpurl {
           path /test.html
           matchregex Welcome.*
           errorregex Not Found.*
  3. To test that /secure/staff.html, which is accessed via HTTPS via the virtual server and requires authentication, is returning 200:
         module httpurl {
           scheme https
           username bob
           password secret123
           path /secure/staff.html
           header Host:
  4. To test that /cgi-bin/tets.cgi?foo=bar&baz=1 returns 302:
         module httpurl {
           path /cgi-bin/test.cgi      
           query foo=bar
           query baz=1
           matchcode 302
  5. To test that /cgi-bin/cookietest.cgi?value=true sets an expected cookie:
         module httpurl {
           path /cgi-bin/cookietest.cgi
           query value=true
           matchheader set-cookie=.*value=true.*

$Date: 2010/02/17 00:04:28 $
$Revision: 0.11 $