SURVIVOR: ldap Check Module
About ldap
Module Type Scheduler Remote
check Yes No
     module ldap {
       [port <number>]
       filter <string>
       [extract <extraction>]
       [replyattribute <string>]
       [replyvalue <string>]
       [replytest <relation>]
       [searchbase <string>]
       [binddn <string>]
       [bindpassword <password>]
       [ssl (no | ldaps | starttls)]
       [version (2 | 3)]
       [response <string>]



Name Type Value
port optional number between 1 and 65535, default is 389 Port number on which LDAP server is listening.
filter string Search filter to use to elicit a response.
extract optional extraction An extraction applied to the value obtained in the reply. If replytest is also specified, the extraction will be performed first.
replyattribute optional string An attribute that must be found in the reply.
replyvalue optional string A value that must be found in the reply.
replytest optional relation A relation that must evaluate to true using the value obtained in the reply.
searchbase optional string Search base to use.
binddn optional string DN to use to bind to the LDAP server.
bindpassword optional password When binddn is provided, the password to use to bind to the LDAP server via plaintext.
ssl optional string, one of 'no', 'ldaps', or 'starttls', default is no Use SSL for the connection. ldaps and starttls are the two available methods, the appropriate one is dependent on the server being monitored.
version optional number, one of '2' or '3', default is '2' Specify which version of the LDAP protocol to use, the appropriate one is dependent on the server being monitored.
response optional string Exact string to be found as a line of output if a response is expected. This argument is deprecated and is subject to removal in a future release. The same functionality can be achieved with the replyattribute and replyvalue arguments.


The ldap module performs an ldapsearch in order to determine if the host being checked is responding to LDAP requests. Wildcards are not supported in the response string.


  1. To look for a person with surname "smith":
         module ldap {
           filter         sn=smith
           replyattribute objectclass
           replyvalue     person
  2. To look for a person with surname "jones" on an alternate port requiring binding:
         module ldap {
           port           3389
           filter         sn=jones
           replyattribute objectclass
           replyvalue     person
           binddn         cn=test, dc=university, dc=edu
           bindpassword   dumbpasswd
  3. To retrieve a record containing the attributes
         datakey: databasesize
         datavalue: 1596 records
    and verify that there are more than 1000 records present:
         module ldap {
           filter         datakey=databasesize
           replyattibute  datavalue
           extract        column[0]
           replytest      gt[1000]
  4. To test where no results are expected:
         module ldap {
           filter sn=zwvwv

$Date: 2006/11/19 19:12:46 $
$Revision: 0.10 $