SURVIVOR: mounts Check Module
About mounts
Module Type Scheduler Remote
check No Yes
     module mounts {
       [filesystem <string>]
       [filesystem ...]
     via <transport>


  • None


Name Type Value
filesystem optional string list Filesystem(s) (not a regex) to be checked.


The mounts module reads the file specifying what should be mounted (/etc/vfstab or /etc/fstab) and compares the contents with the file specifying what is mounted (/etc/mnttab or /etc/mtab).

If filesystem(s) is (are) specified, then those filesystems must be present in the file specifying what is mounted. Otherwise, all filesystems listed in vfstab or fstab (except special filesystems like swap) must be found. Any expected filesystem that is not found in mnttab or mtab will generate a problem alert.

Note that the test used currently is rather basic: the file listing what should be mounted is compared against the file listing what the OS thinks is mounted. No verification is done beyond this, including whether the correct device is mounted or whether it is mounted with the correct options. This is subject to change in a future release.


  1. To test all mounts:
         module mounts {}
         via remote
  2. To test only /var and /mnt:
         module mounts {
           filesystem /var
           filesystem /mnt
         via remote

$Date: 2006/11/19 20:24:24 $
$Revision: 0.8 $