SURVIVOR: raidbox Check Module
About raidbox
Module Type Scheduler Remote
check Yes No
     module raidbox {
       [community <string>]
       [faileddiskwarn <relation>]
       [faileddiskprob <relation>]
       [failedpowersupplywarn <relation>]
       [failedpowersupplyprob <relation>]
       [failedfanswarn <relation>]
       [failedfansprob <relation>]
       [fanspeedwarn <relation>]
       [fanspeedprob <relation>]
       [loadaveragewarn <relation>]
       [loadaverageprob <relation>]
       [diskspareswarn <relation>]
       [disksparesprob <relation>]
       [volumespeed <relation>]
       [snmpversion (1 | 2 | 2c | 3)]
       [snmptimeout <number>]



Name Type Value
community optional string, default 'public' Community name required by the SNMP daemon.
faileddiskwarn optional relation, default is gt[0] Generate a warning when this relation matches the number of failed disks.
faileddiskprob optional relation, default is gt[1] Generate a problem when this relation matches the number of failed disks.
failedpowersupplywarn optional relation, default is gt[0] Generate a warning when this relation matches the number of failed power supplies.
failedpowersupplyprob optional relation, default is gt[1] Generate a problem when this relation matches the number of failed power supplies.
failedfanswarn optional relation, default is gt[0] Generate a warning when this relation matches the number of failed fans. This test only executes on NetApps.
failedfansprob optional relation, default is gt[1] Generate a problem when this relation matches the number of failed fans. This test only executes on NetApps.
fanspeedwarn optional relation, default is lt[1500] Generate a warning when this relation matches the fan speed. This test only executes on JetStors.
fanspeedprob optional relation, default is lt[1000] Generate a warning when this relation matches the fan speed. This test only executes on JetStors.
loadaveragewarn optional relation, default is gt[75] Generate a warning when this relation matches the load average. This test only executes on NetApps.
loadaverageprob optional relation, default is gt[95] Generate a problem when this relation matches the load average. This test only executes on NetApps.
diskspareswarn optional relation, default is lt[2] Generate a warning when this relation matches the number of spare disks.
disksparesprob optional relation, default is lt[1] Generate a problem when this relation matches the number of spare disks.
volumespeed optional relation, default is regv[^320\.0MB\/Sec] Generate a problem when this relation matches the volume speed. This test only executes on JetStors.
snmpversion optional string, one of '1', '2','2c', or '3', default is '1' SNMP protocol version to use.
snmptimeout optional number between 1 and infinity, default is '5' SNMP query timeout, in seconds. Note that multiple queries may be issued within one check, so this should not be the same as the module timeout.


The raidbox module monitors various hardware metrics on RAID boxes using the Perl SNMP module. The module currently supports Network Appliance servers and JetStor RAIDs, and will automatically determine the type of device and execute the appropriate tests for it.

The module does not monitor filesystem usage. For that, see the disk, nadisk, and snmp check modules.

It may be useful to set result text significant for raidbox checks. This will clear an existing acknowledgement when the summary text changes, for example when the system load is high after a disk has already failed.


  1. To generate warnings at less than 3 spares and problems at less than 5 spares:
         module raidbox {
           community mycommunity
           diskspareswarn lt[3]
           disksparesprob lt[5]

$Date: 2007/03/29 12:24:58 $
$Revision: 1.1 $