SURVIVOR: tty Check Module
About tty
Module Type Scheduler Remote
check No Yes
     module tty {
       [flags <flags>]
       [warn <number>]
       [prob <number>]
     via <transport>



Name Type Value
flags optional flags any of 'b', 'n' b to check for bad lines, n to check for lines that are not ttys (fail isatty()).
warn optional number between 0 and 100 Minimum percentage of unavailable lines (either in use or bad) that will generate a warning.
prob optional number between 0 and 100 Minimum percentage of unavailable lines (either in use or bad) that will generate a problem.

One of warn or prob must be specified.


The tty module determines how many tty or pts lines are available, in use, or bad. The module attempts to determine information about the contents of the directory /dev/pts if it exists, or else /dev/tty* and /dev/pts* if it does not.

The module should be run as root in order to be able to check tty's that are in use. This may require sr to run as root via inetd on those hosts where the tty module is used.


  1. To test for bad lines and lines that are not ttys, warning if 80 percent are unavailable and generating a problem if 90 percent are unavailable:
         module tty {
           flags bn
           warn 80
           prob 90
         via remote
  2. To warn when 75 percent of lines are in use:
         module tty {
           warn 75
         via remote

$Date: 2006/11/19 22:07:24 $
$Revision: 0.8 $