/*SHORT TITLE:  File Description*/

        In the following description, we have tried to use the question
        numbers used in the book and in the codebook to identify the
        different variables.

Card  1:

   Closed questions Q1A to Q29D3 (p. 377 to 389 in the Academic Mind).
   Related free answer questions:
   Q1C     card 4                  Q1D     card 4          Q2B     ???
   Q3B     ???                     Q4D     ???             Q5D     ???
   Q7E     ???                     Q7F     not coded       Q9A     cards 4 & 5
   Q9B     card 5                  Q10C    cards 5 & 6     Q11B    card 6
   Q11D    card 6                  Q12A    cards 6 & 7     Q13C    card 7
   Q20B    cards 7 & 8             Q20C    card 8          Q23     cards 8 & 9
   Q25B    card 9                  Q26B    ???             Q28B    ???
   Q28C    ???                     Q29B    ???             Q29C    ???
   ??? = no variable was found in the original file for this question,

Card 2:

   Closed questions Q30 to Q45C4 (p. 389 to 395 in the Academic Mind)
   Factual questions QF1 to QF5C (p. 395 to 396 in the Academic Mind)
   Related free answers questions:
   Q31D    ???                     Q34C    ???             Q35B    card 9
   Q44G    card 9          

   The free answers to factual question F5B were coded into four variables:
   1) number of courses (QF5BNC), 2) types of courses (QF5BTC: all in own
   dept., some in own dept., some in another dept., na to QF5B), 3) "not in
   the Social sciences department"(QF5BNSS) and 4) "not teaching this
   semester" (QF5BNTS).

Card 3:

   Factual questions QF6 to  QF27 (397 to 402)

   REGCOLL    Region of the respondent's college (373 of the Academic Mind)
   SIZCOLL    Size of the respondent's college (from under 500 to over 11,000)
   RSCOLL     Identification of individual colleges within region and size 
                 group (codes unknown)

   Indices are coded from low (code 0) to high (highest code).

   ACTI       Activism I (Q4B, Q5B, Q620)
   ACTII      Activism II (Q4B, Q5B, Q620, Index Q9A/Q12B, Index Q9B/Q12A)
   ANXI       Anxiety I (Question 6, items 4, 8, 9, 11 14, 15 and 16) 
                 (Apprehension, p. 445 of the Academic Mind)
   ANXII      Anxiety II (worry) (Question 6, items 8, 9, 11, 14, 16, 18) 
                 (p. 445 of the Academic Mind)
   CILIBII    Civil Libertarianism II (Q38C, Q41E) (p. 446 of the Academic 
   CILIPER    Civil Liberties Permissiveness (combines CILIBII and CILRES,
                 p.127 in the Academic Mind)
   CILIRES    Civil Liberties Restrictiveness (Q5A, Q38B, Q41D, Q43) 
                 (p. 446 of the Academic Mind)
   CWCILI     Concern with Civil Liberties (Q20A, Q20D) (p. 420 and 445 
                 of the Academic mind)
   INCPER     Incidents: personal (Q2A, Q11A, Q14F)
   INCSCH     Incidents: school (Q28A, Q29A, Q31B)

   The free answers to factual question QF10A are coded into variables
   QF10A0 to QF10A11;. those of factual question QF20, into variables QF200
   to QF2012.

Card 4:

   Other indices:

   INTFAC     Intimidation by some of the faculty (Q24A, Q24B, Q24C, Q25A, 
                 Q26A, Q27)
   INTSTU     Intimidation by some students (Q21A Q22B, Q22)
   PERSAS     Personal Academic status (QF4 QF9D, QF10A, QF12, Honours Index,
                 p. 403 in the Academic Mind)
   PRESADM    Pressures on Administration (Q36A, Q36B, Q36C, Q36D)
   INDQ9121   (Q9B, Q12A)
   INDQ9122   (Q9B, Q12B)
   PRUDE      Prudence (Q62, Q64, Q615, Q619, Q621)

   Q1C to Q9A21    Codes of free answers to Q1C, Q1D, Q9A (in part)

Card 5:

   Q9A22 to Q10C16         Codes of free answers to Q9A, Q9B, Q10C (in part)

Card 6:

   Q10C17 to Q12A23        Codes of free answers to Q10C, Q11B, Q11D, Q12A

Card 7:

   Q12B to Q20B27  Codes of the free answers to Q12B, Q13C, Q20B (in part)

Card 8:

   Q20B28 to Q2340 Codes of the free answers to Q20B, Q20C, Q23 (in part)

Card 9:

   Q2341 to Q44G22 Codes of the free answers to Q23, Q25B, Q35B, Q44G

23  of June 2003