/*SHORT TITLE:  Usage Notes on variable content*/

Note:  These notes are from Prof. Michel de S?ve of 
       University Lavel, Quebec, Canada, who worked with the data
       and wrote the Spss program.  EDS thanks him for sharing
       his work with Columbia.

The content of the file

The file contains more than 600 different variables and the variables in
the new file are not associated with "variable labels" and "value labels"
(except for repetitive and simple questions) as usually. To know the
contents of the variables, two documents could be used:

    1.  The book "The Academic Mind, Social Scientist in a Time of Crisis"
        by P. F. Lazarsfeld and W. Thielens (with D. Riesman) (The Free
        Press of Glencoe, 1958) 
	      - Appendix 2 "The Questionnaire" contains the questionnaire
                with the frequencies distributions of their answers
              - Appendix 9 "List of Indices", some indices; the files
                contains also the codes of many "free answer questions"
                and some indices which are not in this book,

    2. To obtain the codes, the labels and the distributions of the "free
       answer questions" and of the indices not in the book, one must have
       access to the original codebook (B0511 - The Academic Mind (Final
       Marginals Included) at the Lehman Library Data Archive at Columbia
       University; a copy of this codebook obtained with a scanner is also
       available); this codebook is more comprehensive than the appendices
       of the book The Academic Mind as it contains not only the free
       answers, the indices but the variables present in the book).

In the original file, codes were written on different 9 "cards" (lines) for
each case. To sum up, the codes of the closed questions are at the
beginning of the file followed by those of the "factual questions" and the
codes of the free answer questions are at the end (cards 4 to 9). Indices
are between the factual variables and the free answers variables (cards 3
and 4).

Only one discrepancy between the file and the codebook was found: when
coding one type of free answers to question Q44G (Sources of pressures,
Q44G12, column 51 of card 9, page 79 of the scanned version of the
codebook), the codes 0 and 1 were inverted to indicate that the respondent
has not furnished an answer to this dimension of question 44G. In creating
the new file, the original codes were put in line with the other codes to
similar variable (1 indicating that the respondent didn't say anything
about the possible sources of pressure).

The reconstitution of this file would not have been possible without the
help of Jane Weintrop from the Lehman Library at Columbia University and
from Gaetan Drolet from the "Bibliothèque Générale" at Laval
University. Thank to both of them.

Michel de Sève
Sociology Dep.
Laval University
