Academic Mind

Data License: "Academic Mind" by Paul F. Lazarsfeld and Wagner Thielens, Jr. is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0.

Principal Investigator(s):  Paul F. Lazarsfeld and Wagner Thielens, Jr.

Source:  Bureau of Applied Social Research (BASR), Columbia University

RDS Study Number: 1079

Note: the SPSS system file, SPSS program, and  machine readable
      documentation were provided by Prof. Michel de S?ve of Laval University, Quebec, Canada

in data subdirectory:
  academic.dat    1,786,779 bytes   N=2451  records=22,059  (9 records/case)
  academic.sav    1,571,916 bytes   SPSS system file from Laval University
in doc subdirectory:

  filecontent.ascii  File Description                      
  ntoes.ascii        Usage Notes on variable content       
  pag010.doc         title page and page 1 to 10*  
  pag1121.doc        page 11 to 21*                 
  pag2233.doc        page 22 to 33*                 
  pag3445.doc        page 34 to 45*                
  pag4657.doc        page 46 to 57*                 
  pag5870.doc        page 58 to 70*                 
  pag7180.doc        page 71 to 80*                 

  *Note: Although these are Microsoft WORD files, they are not text.  The
   files contain a scanned version of the RDS codebook.  Their names indicate
   the page numbers of the codebook put sequentially.

in program subdirectory:

   academic.sps     Program written by Prof. Michel de S?ve