Census of Pakistan 1998

Author:  Statistics Division, Government of Pakistan
ICPSR Study Number:
RDS Study Number:     1098

NOTE:  Only national and provincial level data is online.  
       District and selected village data is on CD.

in data subdirectory:

   Pakistan      Tables 1-38, 41-52
   Balochistan   Tables 1-38, 41-52
   Punjab        Tables 1-38, 41-52
   Sindh         Tables 1-38, 41-52
   FATA          Tables 1-12, 37, 41-52   (Federally Administered Tribal Areas)
   NWFP          Tables 1-38, 41-52       (North-West Frontier Province)
   Islamabad     Tables 1-52

in doc subdirectory:

    geos.cbk            Location of Data Files by Geography
    table_list.cbk      List of Tables

in program subdirectory:
[no programs currently online]