Holdings Information for: RDS Study 1108-06

Potensi Desa/Kelurahan: Potensial of Village (PODES) Sensus Ekonomi 2006 (2006 Economic Census)


educational attainment
health facilities
land utilization
economic activity
government finance

Principal Investigator(s):

Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS-Statistics Indonesia)


BPS-Statistics Indonesia

BPS-Statistics Indonesia (henceforth BPS) has collected village-level data, called Potensi Desa or Podes, since 1980. Podes activity has always been conducted in line with either the implementation of Population Census, Agriculture Census or Economic Census. In 2006 PODES was conducted in conjunction with the Sensus Ekonomi (Economic Census).

The Podes survey, or more aptly called the village facilities survey, covers all villages within the Indonesian archipelago. The definition of village applies to the general description of villages in Indonesia, which is a region occupied by a number of people and the lowest government level directly under the sub district head, and is entitled to organize its own local culture under a system of the national government. Questionnaires are filled out by the village head and describe in total the population, education, socio-cultural facilities, recreation options, health infrastructure, transportation, land use, and economy of the village.

Availability: This resource is available only to current faculty, staff and students of Columbia University.


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