/* SHORT TITLE:  Data Dictionary for Vol1, Historic, and Index data */

Field No.   Column(s)       Description
  1            2-5     Country code (annex 4)                     
  2            6-7     Table code (annex 3)                       
  3            9-14    Industry code (annex 1)                    
  4            15-16   Year                                       
  5            17-18   Base year for index number (table 27 only- 
                           index data file) 
  6            19      Multiplier of the data (i.e. 10n)          
  7            20      Decimal places for the value               
  8            21      Sign of the value                          
  9            22-27   Value divided by 10n                       


Sample data: 702 21 3832 88 61+009424

702     = Country - Singapore  (see annex 4)
21      = Table 21 - Gross capital formation total (see annex 3)
3832    = Industry code - Radio, tv, etc. (see annex 1)
88      = Year
6       = Data x 106 (i.e. in millions)
1       = Display one decimal
+       = Value is positive
009424  = Value

read: 942.4 million dollars (currency from annex 4)