General Industrial Statistics, 1967-1993
Author:  United National
EDS Study Number:    D3 1293

in data subdirectory:

                       bytes     records

  footnote.dat        672,917    26,494   footnote data
  historic.dat      3,991,300   137,631   records from 1953 to 1966
  index.dat         1,265,850    43,650   records for table 27
  vol1.dat         25,099,471   865,499   records from 1967 to 1993

in doc subdirectory:

  annex1.cbk                    Industry nomenclature 
  annex2.cbk                    List of combination codes 
  annex3.cbk                    Table codes 
  annex4.cbk                    Country codes and currencies 
  data-concepts.ascii*          Data Concepts
  footnote-dd.cbk               Data Dictionary for Footnote data
  study-desc.ascii*             Study Description
  dd.cbk                        Data Dictionary for vol1 and historic data
  warning.war*                  Disclaimer

*Originally part of Volume1_introduction1.doc

in program subdirectory:

  gis.sps       Sample program to read vol1, historic, and index data
  footnote.sps  Sample program to read footnote data