/*SHORT TITLE:  Codebook for HOSTAGE File  */


The HOSTAGE file lists characteristics peculiar to incidents involving the
taking of hostages, skyjackings, kidnappings, and takeovers of non-aerial
means of transportation.  Incidents which would have been hostage
situations are included, although hostages may have all died and/or escaped
at the initial scene of the attack.  The non-terrorist hijackings included
in the SKYJACK file are not included.

Target of Terrorist Demands:

YR.  Date of start of incident--year

The beginning of the incident is considered to be the date at the
scene of the incident in which it first became apparent to individuals
other than the initiators that a terrorist event was taking
place. ITERATE data sets issued prior to July 2003 are coded with two
digits for years (i.e. 68=1968, 69=1969......00=2000, 01=2001).

        1968    1968
        1969    1969
        2002     2002

MO.  Date of start of incident--month

See description for variable 1.


        01  January
        02  February
        12  December
        99  Unknown month

DAY.  Date of start of incident--day

See description for variable 1.  

        99  Unknown day

IN_NUM. incident code number

        A unique two-digit code number.  This number is assigned to each
        discrete incident that occurs on a given day.  Specific incidents
        may thus be accessed by calling up the first eight digits of an
        entry for an incident, i.e., YRMODAYIN_NUM.


H2.  Number of hostages

Individuals who successfully escape their captors-to-be at the beginning of
an attack are considered to have never been captured, and an entry of 000
appears.  Those who escape after having been captured, or who are released
during negotiations by their captors, are considered to have been hostages
for part of the time, and are included in the tally.  All passengers and
crew members, save the initiating terrorists, in a skyjacking are
considered hostages.  Terrorists in a barricade and hostage situation,
although unable to freely come and go, are not considered hostages.
Terrorists whose release from prison was demanded, and who join the
initiating group during the incident voluntarily are not considered to be
hostages, and are not included in the tally.

        000-998  Actual number of hostages
        999      Unknown, indeterminate, although it is known that
                 hostages were taken 

H3.  Number of hostages that escaped during the incident after
     being secured by terrorists

        000-997  Actual number
        998      Unknown, but some known to have escaped
        999      Unknown

H4.  Target of Demands 1

This variable includes governments and other entities (corporations,
private individuals, and even other terrorist groups).  Whenever a specific
entity was called upon to perform a specific task, whether it be to fly a
plane to a new destination, pay a ransom, or release prisoners, an entity
is coded.

        Values (In addition to country codes used in Variable 4 of the COMMON 
                file, the following entity codes are used.):

        007  Business, corporation
        008  Family
        009  Other organization
        012  Individual, e.g. pilot
        013  Newspaper

H5.  Target of Demands 2

        (same as Variable 4 above)

H6.  Target of Demands 3


        (same as Variable 4 above)

H7.  Number of governments/entities upon whom demands were made

This variable includes governments and other entities (corporations,
private individuals, and even other terrorist groups).  Whenever a specific
entity was called upon to perform a specific task, whether it be to fly a
plane to a new destination, pay a ransom, or release prisoners, an entity
is coded.

        0-7  Actual number
        8    Irrelevant, demands were not made
        9    Unknown, but demands were placed upon some entities

H8.  Were demands made upon host nation

The host nation is considered to be the location in which the incident began.


        1  Yes
        2  No
        9  Unknown

Negotiation Behavior:

H9.  Demand #1: Media announcement

        0  Terrorists did not demand media coverage
        1  Newspaper statement
        2  Radio statement
        3  Television statement
        4  Circulate propaganda statement, medium unspecified
        5  Unknown as to exact type of medium
        6  Mix of above
        9  Unknown

H10. Demand #2: Political change

        1  Yes
        2  No
        9  Unknown

H11. Demand #3: Non-Robin Hood ransom

A Robin Hood ransom is a philanthropic demand--the terrorist group does not
directly receive the money or other item of value demanded.  Herein, only
the group's organization coffers receive the proceeds.

        0000-9996  Actual amount in $10,000 intervals
        9997       Amount greater than $99,960,000
        9998       Unknown, but some ransom was demanded
        9999       Unknown if any ransom was demanded

H12. Demand #4: Robin Hood ransom

A Robin Hood ransom is a philanthropic demand--the terrorist group does not
directly receive the money or other item of value demanded.  The group may
specify the beneficiary.

        0000-9996  Actual amount in $10,000 intervals
        9997       Amount greater than $99,960,000
        9998       Unknown, but some ransom was demanded
        9999       Unknown if any ransom was demanded

H13. Demand #5: Release prisoners

        001-996  Actual number whose release was demanded
        997      More than 996
        998      Unknown, but some asked for
        999      Unknown

H14. Demand #6: Safe haven for a destination

        1  Yes, demand was made
        2  No, demand was not made
        9  Unknown

H15. Demand #7: Safe passage out of the location

        1  Yes, demand was made
        2  No, demand was not made
        9  Unknown

H16. Demand #8: Other demands

These demands do not include those items previously mentioned, as well as
ransom payments or "creature comforts" during incidents, such as food,
drink, blankets, and medicines for perpetrators and hostages.

        1  Yes, demand was made
        2  No, demand was not made
        9  Unknown

H17. Terrorist behavior in negotiations

        1  Lessened one or more demands without increasing any
        2  No changes in demands by terrorists
        3  Replaced demands with others
        4  Increased one or more demands without decreasing any
        5  Mixed behavior -  i.e. increased one or more while decreasing 
           one or more
        8  Irrelevant, negotiations were not conducted
        9  Unknown

H18. Allowed sequential release of hostages

        0-7  Actual number of times hostages released
        8    Unknown, but some sequential release of hostages
        9    Unknown

H19. Allowed deadline to pass without engaging in action

        0-6  Actual number of deadlines allowed to pass
        7    None, demandees conceded before deadline
        8    Unknown, but at least one deadline set and allowed to
        9    Irrelevant, no deadlines set

H20. Number of deadlines where the threat was carried out

        0-6  Actual number of deadlines following which terrorists 
             followed through
        7    None, demandees conceded before deadline
        8    Unknown, but at least one deadline set and was followed by 
             threatened behavior
        9    Irrelevant, no deadlines set
Results of Negotiations:

H21. Terrorist negotiation success

        1  Received some of their demands
        2  Received all of their demands
        3  Received none of their demands
        8  Irrelevant, no demands made
        9  Unknown

H22. Type of target negotiator

This variable refers to the identity of the individuals who conducted the
negotiations with the terrorists in response to their demands.  In cases
where codings of 1, 2 and/or 3 may be applicable to the same individual,
the lowest numerical value should be used.  Category 6 includes clergymen,
individuals with a great public following, newsmen, nongovernmental
leaders, and even nominal terrorist groups who put pressure on the
initiators to alter their behavior during the incident.

        1  Host government official, including police
        2  Victim government official
        3  Foreign government official
        4  Corporate official
        5  Private parties, including family
        6  Prominent opinion leader
        7  Other
        8  Irrelevant, negotiations were not established
        9  Unknown, indeterminate

H23. Number of target negotiators

        1-7  Actual number
        8    Irrelevant
        9    Unknown, indeterminate

H24. Response of target

The Bangkok Solution refers to the agreement made by the four Black
Septembrists who took over the Israeli Embassy in Bangkok on December 28,
1972, and Thai officials which allowed the terrorists safe passage from the
scene in return for release of their hostages and the dropping of their
other demands.  This outcome has subsequently been used successfully as a
precedent for other negotiation situations.

        1  Capitulation
        2  Stalling, with compromise on demands
        3  Bangkok solution
        4  No compromise, no shootout with the perpetrators
        5  Shootout with the terrorists
        6  Government doublecross
        7  Massive nationwide search for terrorists, with no compromise or 
           capitulation by government regarding terrorist demands
        8  Irrelevant, negotiations were not established, no demands made, 
           no direct confrontation engaged
        9  Unknown, indeterminate

H25. Amount of ransom paid

Include both types (Robin Hood and non-philanthropic) of ransom paid.

        0000-9997  Actual amount in increments of $10,000
        9998       Unknown, but some ransom paid
        9999       Unknown

H26. Source of ransom payment

        1  Government
        2  Corporate
        3  Family
        4  Other, including public collections, private sources
        5  No ransom paid
        6  Indeterminate, but ransom paid
        7  Indeterminate if ransom was paid
        8  Irrelevant, no ransom demanded
        9  Unknown

H27. Number of prisoners released

        000-996  Actual number
        997      More than 996
        998      Irrelevant
        999      Unknown, but some prisoners were released

H28. Ultimate destination of released prisoners

The stopping-over and refuelling points of released prisoners is not
included. Their quasi-permanent destination at the end of the incident is


        (same as those used in Variable 4 of COMMON file)

H29. First hostage's fate

Cases in which hostages are released without the levying of demands are
coded as 01.

        01  No damage or casualties, hostages released, no target capitulation
        02  No damage or casualties, hostages released, capitulation or 
            compromise by targets
        03  Victims killed, no target capitulation
        04  Victims killed, capitulation or compromise by targets
        05  Damaged material, no target capitulation
        06  Damaged material, capitulation or compromise by targets
        07  Victim killed while attempting escape after initial capture 
        08  Victim successfully avoided capture
        10  Victim successfully avoided capture after incident began
        11  Hostages killed in shootout
        12  Hostages killed, no provocation, during negotiations
        13  Hostages killed during negotiations, deadline had passed
        14  Hostages rescued by authorities
        15  Incident forestalled by authorities before initiation
        16  Victim escaped after initial capture
        98  Irrelevant
        99  Unknown, indeterminate

H30. Second hostage's fate


        (same as Variable 29)

H31. Duration of incident in hours 

Coding should be from the time hostages were seized to the time that
hostages' ultimate fate was determined.

        00-96  Actual hours
        97     More than 96 hours
        98     Irrelevant
        99     Unknown

H32.  Duration of incident in days

        See caveat for #31.
        000-996  Actual number of days
        997      More than 996 days
        998      Irrelevant
        999      Unknown                

Other Nations Involved in Incident:

H33. Number of nations denying safe haven request

Such nations refer to those suggested by any negotiator as a final
destination for the perpetrators.

        0-7  Actual number
        8    Irrelevant
        9    Unknown

H34. First nation denying safe haven request


        (same as used in Variable 4 of COMMON file)

H35. Second nation denying safe haven request


        (Same as used in Variable 4 of COMMON file)

H36. Number of nations granting safe haven request

Such nations are those willing to grant the terrorists safe haven in their
territory, rather than those nations willing to allow the terrorists to
leave their territory to reach a safe haven.

        0-7  Actual number
        8    Irrelevant
        9    Unknown

H37. First nation granting safe haven request


        (Same as used in Variable 4 of COMMON file)

H38. Second nation granting safe haven request


        (same as used in Variable 4 of COMMON file)

H39. Number of nations with ancillary involvement in incident

Ancillary involvement refers to a relation to the event not previously
mentioned elsewhere, e.g. as target, victim, host, or breeder of the
terrorists.  Such ancillary involvement may include being a refuelling
point for the escape vehicle, the site of a ransom payment, an additional
source of demands, a mediator, a negotiator, a covert initiator of the
specific incident, etc.

        0-8  Actual number
        9    Unknown

H40. First ancillary nation


        (same as used in Variable 4 of COMMON file)

H41. Second ancillary nation


        (same as used in Variable 4 of COMMON file)