International Terrorism: Attributes of Terrorist Events, 1968-2013 (Interate 3)

Author:  Mickolus, Edward F.
EDS Study Number:   1385

Note:common files (incidence of terrorism) last updated September 2013 
                 skyjack and hostage files last updated October 2006.

in data subdirectory:


  common_1968to2012.dta        931,083    Combined Stata datasets - 1968 to 2012
  common_1968to2012.xls      4,010,496    Combined Excel datasets - 1968 to 2012 
  fate1978to1991.dta	        21,376  
  fate1978to1991.xls	       144,896
  hostage1978to2006.dta	        97,484
  hostage1978to2006.xls	       435,712
  skyjack1978to1991.dta	        16,766
  skyjack1978to1991.xls         86,016

  terrorist_groups.dta         211,377    list of codes assigned in the commonfile to 
  terrorist_groups.xls          54,772    terrorist groups matched to the goups' names;
                                          information taken from the 2012 Iterate Codebook

in doc subdirectory:

   common_codebook_2012.doc  Codebook for just COMMON data (1968-2011)	format - Word
   fate3.cbk                 Codebook for just FATE data		format - Plain text
   hostage3.cbk              Codebook for just HOSTAGE data		format - Plain text
   skyjack3.cbk              Codebook for just SKYJACK data		format - Plain text

in program subdirectory: