/* SHORT TITLE:  Program for 2000 March-April Match File*/
/* SHORT TITLE:  This program was created by EDS staff with a perl script. */
/* SHORT TITLE:  Check your results VERY CAREFULLY against the codebook */
/*Note:  "-" in variable names have been changed to "_"
/*Note:  "%" in variable names have been changed to "#"
set width 80.
FILE HANDLE in/name=
 "C:\Documents and Settings\User\My Documents\spss\cps-css00.dat"
file type nested record=1 case=2-6
record type 1.
   H_SEQ    2-6
   HHPOS    7-8
   HUNITS   9
   H_FAMINC 10-11
   H_RESPNM 12-13
   H_YEAR   14-17
   H_HHTYPE 20
   H_NUMPER 21-22
   HNUMFAM  23-24
   H_TYPE   25
   H_MONTH  26-27
   H_MIS    29
   H_HHNUM  30
   H_LIVQRT 31-32
   H_TYPEBC 33-34
   H_TENURE 35
   H_TELHHD 36
   H_TELAVL 37
   H_TELINT 38
   HG_REG   39
   HG_ST60  40-41
   HG_MSAC  44-47
   GECO     50-52
   HG_CMSA  53-54
   HMSSZ    55
   HPMSASZ  56
   HMSA_R   57
   HCCC_R   58
   HUNDER15 60-61
   HCMCARE  62
   HCMCENO  63
   HCHI     64
   HCHINO   65
   HCHINRH  66
   HCHINNO  67
   HH5TO18  68-69
   HHOTLUN  70
   HHOTNO   71
   HFLUNCH  72
   HFLUNNO  73
   HPUBLIC  74
   HLORENT  75
   HFOODSP  76
   HFOODNO  77
   HFOODMO  79-80
   HFDVAL   81-84
   HENGAST  85
   HENGVAL  86-89
   HINC_WS  90
   HWSVAL   91-97
   HINC_SE  98
   HSEVAL   99-105
   HINC_FR  106
   HFRVAL   107-113
   HINC_UC  114
   HUCVAL   115-121
   HINC_WC  122
   HWCVAL   123-129
   HSS_YN   130
   HSSVAL   131-137
   HSSI_YN  138
   HSSIVAL  139-144
   HPAW_YN  145
   HPAWVAL  146-151
   HVET_YN  152
   HVETVAL  153-159
   HSUR_YN  160
   HSURVAL  161-167
   HDIS_YN  168
   HDISVAL  169-175
   HRET_YN  176
   HRETVAL  177-183
   HINT_YN  184
   HINTVAL  185-191
   HDIV_YN  192
   HDIVVAL  193-199
   HRNT_YN  200
   HRNTVAL  201-207
   HED_YN   208
   HEDVAL   209-215
   HCSP_YN  216
   HCSPVAL  217-223
   HALM_YN  224
   HALMVAL  225-231
   HFIN_YN  232
   HFINVAL  233-239
   HOI_YN   240
   HOIVAL   241-247
   HTOTVAL  248-255
   HEARNVAL 256-263
   HOTHVAL  264-271
   HHINC    272-273
   HMCARE   274
   HMCAID   275
   HCHAMP   276
   HHI_YN   277
   HUNDER18 279-280
   HTOP5PCT 281
   HPCTCUT  282-283
   HSUP_WGT 287-294  (2)
   H#TENURE 295
   H#LIVQRT 297
   H#TELHHD 299
   H#TELAVL 300
   H#TELINT 301
   I_HHOTLU 308
   I_HHOTNO 309
   I_HFLUNC 310
   I_HFLUNN 311
   I_HPUBLI 312
   I_HLOREN 313
   I_HFOODS 314
   I_HFDVAL 315
   I_HFOODN 316
   I_HFOODM 317
   I_HENGAS 318
   I_HENGVA 319
   PROP_TAX 332-336
   HOUSRET  337-341
   HRHTYPE  342-343
   H_IDNUM  344-358
   I_HUNITS 359
record type 2.
   FH_SEQ   2-6
   FFPOS    7-8
   FKIND    9
   FTYPE    10
   FPERSONS 11-12
   FHEADIDX 13-14
   FWIFEIDX 15-16
   FHUSBIDX 17-18
   FSPOUIDX 19-20
   FLASTIDX 21-22
   FMLASIDX 23-24
   FOWNU6   25
   FOWNU18  27
   FRELU6   28
   FRELU18  29
   FPCTCUT  30-31
   FPOVCUT  32-36
   FAMLIS   37
   POVLL    38-39
   FRSPOV   40-41
   FRSPPCT  42-46
   FINC_WS  47
   FWSVAL   48-54
   FINC_SE  55
   FSEVAL   56-62
   FINC_FR  63
   FFRVAL   64-70
   FINC_UC  71
   FUCVAL   72-78
   FINC_WC  79
   FWCVAL   80-86
   FINC_SS  87
   FSSVAL   88-94
   FINC_SSI 95
   FSSIVAL  96-101
   FINC_PAW 102
   FPAWVAL  103-108
   FINC_VET 109
   FVETVAL  110-116
   FINC_SUR 117
   FSURVAL  118-124
   FINC_DIS 125
   FDISVAL  126-132
   FINC_RET 133
   FRETVAL  134-140
   FINC_INT 141
   FINTVAL  142-148
   FINC_DIV 149
   FDIVVAL  150-156
   FINC_RNT 157
   FRNTVAL  158-164
   FINC_ED  165
   FEDVAL   166-172
   FINC_CSP 173
   FCSPVAL  174-180
   FINC_ALM 181
   FALMVAL  182-188
   FINC_FIN 189
   FFINVAL  190-196
   FINC_OI  197
   FOIVAL   198-204
   FTOTVAL  205-212
   FEARNVAL 213-220
   FOTHVAL  221-228
   FTOT_R   229-230
   FSUP_WGT 233-240  (2)
   FFPOSOLD 241-242
   F_MV_FS  243-246
   F_MV_SL  247-250
   FFNGCARE 251-255
   FFNGCAID 256-260
   FHOUSSUB 261-263
   FFOODREQ 264-267
   FHOUSREQ 268-271
record type 3.
   PH_SEQ   2-6
   PPPOS    7-8
   A_LINENO 9-10
   A_PARENT 11-12
   A_EXPRRP 13-14
   A_AGE    15-16
   A_MARITL 17
   A_SPOUSE 18-19
   A_SEX    20
   A_VET    21
   A_HGA    22-23
   A_RACE   25
   P_STAT   26
   A_REORGN 27-28
   A_FAMNUM 29-30
   A_FAMTYP 31
   A_FAMREL 32
   A_PFREL  33
   HHDREL   34
   FAMREL   35-36
   HHDFMX   37-38
   PARENT   39
   AGE1     40-41
   PHF_SEQ  44-45
   PF_SEQ   46-47
   PRNT_PTR 48-49
   A_FNLWGT 50-57  (2)
   A_ERNLWT 58-65  (2)
   MARSUPWT 66-73  (2)
   A_HRS1   76-77
   A_USLFT  79
   A_WHYABS 85
   A_PAYABS 86
   A_WKSLK  96-98
   A_WHENLJ 102
   A_IND    103-105
   A_OCC    106-108
   A_CLSWKR 109
   PPPOSOLD 110-111
   A_NLFLJ  112
   A_WANTJB 114
   A_USLHRS 128-129
   A_HRLYWK 130
   A_HRSPAY 131-134  (2)
   A_GRSWK  135-138
   A_UNMEM  139
   A_UNCOV  140
   A_ENRLW  142
   A_HSCOL  143
   A_FTPT   144
   A_LFSR   145
   A_UNTYPE 146
   A_WKSTAT 149
   A_EXPLF  150
   A_WKSCH  151
   A_CIVLF  152
   A_FTLF   153
   A_MJIND  155-156
   A_DTIND  157-158
   A_MJOCC  159-160
   A_DTOCC  161-162
   PRERELG  163
   A_RCOW   164
   WORKYN   165
   WTEMP    166
   NWLOOK   167
   NWLKWK   168-169
   RSNNOTW  170
   WKSWORK  171-172
   WKCHECK  173
   LOSEWKS  174
   LKNONE   175
   LKWEEKS  176-177
   LKSTRCH  178
   PYRSN    179
   HRSWK    181-182
   HRCHECK  183
   PTYN     184
   PTWEEKS  185-186
   PTRSN    187
   LJCW     189
   INDUSTRY 190-192
   OCCUP    193-195
   WEXP     196-197
   WEWKRS   198
   WELKNW   199
   WEUEMP   200
   EARNER   201
   CLWK     202
   WECLW    203
   POCCU2   204-205
   WEMOCG   206-207
   WEIND    208-209
   WEMIND   210-211
   MIGPLAC  213
   MIGSAME  214
   MIG_REG  215
   MIG_ST   216-217
   GEDIV    219
   MIG_DIV  220-221
   MIG_MTR1 222-223
   MIG_MTR3 224
   MIG_MTR4 225
   NOEMP    226
   ERN_YN   227
   ERN_VAL  228-233
   ERN_SRCE 234
   ERN_OTR  235
   WAGEOTR  236
   WSAL_YN  242
   WSAL_VAL 243-248
   SEOTR    249
   SEMP_YN  255
   SEMP_VAL 256-261
   FRMOTR   262
   FRM_VAL  263-267
   FRSE_YN  268
   FRSE_VAL 269-274
   UC_YN    275
   SUBUC    276
   STRKUC   277
   UC_VAL   278-282
   WC_YN    283
   WC_TYPE  284
   WC_VAL   285-289
   SS_YN    290
   SS_VAL   291-295
   SSI_YN   296
   PAW_YN   301
   PAW_TYP  302
   PAW_MON  303-304
   PAW_VAL  305-309
   VET_YN   310
   VET_TYP1 311
   VET_TYP2 312
   VET_TYP3 313
   VET_TYP4 314
   VET_TYP5 315
   VET_QVA  316
   VET_VAL  317-321
   SUR_YN   322
   SUR_SC1  323-324
   SUR_SC2  325-326
   SUR_VAL1 327-331
   SUR_VAL2 332-336
   SRVS_VAL 337-342
   DIS_HP   343
   DIS_CS   344
   DIS_YN   345
   DIS_SC1  346-347
   DIS_SC2  348-349
   DIS_VAL1 350-354
   DIS_VAL2 355-359
   DSAB_VAL 360-365
   RET_YN   366
   RET_SC1  367
   RET_SC2  368
   RET_VAL1 369-373
   RET_VAL2 374-378
   RTM_VAL  379-384
   INT_YN   385
   INT_VAL  386-390
   DIV_YN   391
   DIV_NON  392
   DIV_VAL  393-397
   RNT_YN   398
   RNT_VAL  399-403
   ED_YN    404
   OED_TYP1 405
   OED_TYP2 406
   OED_TYP3 407
   ED_VAL   408-412
   CSP_YN   414
   CSP_VAL  415-419
   ALM_YN   420
   ALM_VAL  421-425
   FIN_YN   426
   FIN_VAL  427-431
   OI_OFF   432-433
   OI_YN    434
   OI_VAL   435-439
   PTOTVAL  440-447
   PEARNVAL 448-455
   POTHVAL  457-464
   FL_665   465
   PTOT_R   466-467
   PERLIS   468
   MCARE    469
   MCAID    470
   CHAMP    471
   HI_YN    472
   HIOWN    473
   HIEMP    474
   HIPAID   475
   WRK_CK   481
   PENPLAN  482
   PENINCL  483
   COV_GH   484
   COV_HI   485
   CH_MC    486
   CH_HI    487
   A#RRP    489
   A#PARENT 490
   A#AGE    491
   A#MARITL 492
   A#SPOUSE 493
   A#SEX    494
   A#VET    495
   A#HGA    496
   A#RACE   498
   A#ORIGIN 499
   A#LFSR   500
   A#HRS    503
   A#WHYABS 510
   A#PAYABS 511
   A#IND    521
   A#OCC    522
   A#CLSWKR 523
   A#NLFLJ  526
   A#USLHRS 532
   A#HRLYWK 533
   A#UNMEM  536
   A#UNCOV  537
   A#ENRLW  539
   A#HSCOL  540
   A#FTPT   541
   I_ERNYN  542
   I_ERNVAL 543
   I_WSYN   544
   I_WSVAL  545
   I_SEYN   546
   I_SEVAL  547
   I_FRMYN  548
   I_FRMVAL 549
   I_UCYN   550
   I_UCVAL  551
   I_WCYN   552
   I_WCTYP  553
   I_WCVAL  554
   I_SSYN   555
   I_SSVAL  556
   I_SSIYN  557
   I_SSIVAL 558
   I_PAWYN  559
   I_PAWTYP 560
   I_PAWVAL 561
   I_PAWMO  562
   I_VETYN  563
   I_VETTYP 564
   I_VETVAL 565
   I_VETQVA 566
   I_SURYN  567
   I_SURSC1 569
   I_SURSC2 570
   I_SURVL1 571
   I_SURVL2 572
   I_DISSC1 573
   I_DISSC2 574
   I_DISHP  575
   I_DISCS  576
   I_DISYN  577
   TOI_VAL  578
   I_DISVL1 579
   I_DISVL2 580
   I_RETYN  581
   I_RETSC1 582
   I_RETSC2 583
   I_RETVL1 584
   I_RETVL2 585
   I_INTYN  586
   I_INTVAL 587
   I_DIVYN  588
   I_DIVVAL 589
   I_RNTYN  590
   I_RNTVAL 591
   I_EDYN   592
   I_EDTYP1 593
   I_EDTYP2 594
   I_OEDVAL 595
   I_CSPYN  596
   I_CSPVAL 597
   I_ALMYN  598
   I_ALMVAL 599
   I_FINYN  600
   I_FINVAL 601
   I_OIVAL  602
   I_NWLOOK 603
   I_NWLKWK 604
   I_RSNNOT 605
   I_LOSEWK 606
   I_LKWEEK 607
   I_LKSTR  608
   I_PYRSN  609
   I_PHMEMP 610
   I_HRSWK  611
   I_HRCHK  612
   I_PTYN   613
   I_PTWKS  614
   I_PTRSN  615
   I_LJCW   616
   I_INDUS  617
   I_OCCUP  618
   I_WORKYN 619
   I_WTEMP  620
   I_WKSWK  621
   I_WKCHK  622
   I_ERNSRC 623
   I_NOEMP  624
   I_PENPLA 633
   I_PENINC 634
   I_MIG1   635
   I_MIG2   636
   TCWSVAL  638
   TCSEVAL  639
   A_WERNTF 641
   A_HERNTF 642
   P_MVCARE 643-647
   P_MVCAID 648-652
   EMCONTRB 653-656
   DEP_STAT 658-659
   FED_TAX  660-664
   EIT_CRED 665-668
   STATETAX 669-673
   FICA     674-678
   FED_RET  679-683
   AGI      684-688
   CAP_GAIN 689-693
   CAP_LOSS 694-697
   TAX_INC  698-702
   MARG_TAX 703-704
   PEMLR    705
   PRWKSTAT 707-708
   PRPTREA  709-710
   PRDISC   711
   PRCOW1   712
   PEABSRSN 714-715
   PEIO1COW 716-717
   PEHRUSLT 719-721
   PENATVTY 722-724
   PEMNTVTY 725-727
   PEFNTVTY 728-730
   PEINUSYR 731-732
   PXNATVTY 734-735
   PXMNTVTY 736-737
   PXFNTVTY 738-739
   PXINUSYR 740-741
   PERRP    742-743
   MIG_CNT  744-746
   I_MIG3   747
   HI       748
   HITYP    749
   DEPHI    750
   HILIN1   751-752
   HILIN2   753-754
   PAID     755
   HIOUT    756
   PRIV     757
   PRITYP   758
   DEPRIV   759
   PILIN1   760-761
   PILIN2   762-763
   POUT     764
   OUT      765
   CARE     766
   CAID     767
   MON      768-769
   OTH      770
   OTYP_1   771
   OTYP_2   772
   OTYP_3   773
   OTYP_4   774
   OTYP_5   775
   OTHSTYP1 777-778
   OTHSTYP2 779-780
   OTHSTYP3 781-782
   OTHSTYP4 783-784
   OTHSTYP5 785-786
   OTHSTYP6 787-788
   HEA      800
   I_HI     801
   I_DEPHI  802
   I_PAID   803
   I_HIOUT  804
   I_PRIV   805
   I_DEPRIV 806
   I_POUT   807
   I_OUT    808
   I_CARE   809
   I_CAID   810
   I_MON    811
   I_OTH    812
   I_OTYP   813
   I_OSTPER 814
   I_OSTYP  815
   I_HEA    818
   SSI_VAL  819-823
   WS_VAL   824-829
   SE_VAL   830-835
   IHSFLG   836
   TSURVAL1 837
   TSURVAL2 838
   TDISVAL1 839
   TDISVAL2 840
   TRETVAL1 841
   TRETVAL2 842
   TINT_VAL 843
   TDIV_VAL 844
   TRNT_VAL 845
   TED_VAL  846
   TCSP_VAL 847
   TALM_VAL 848
   TFIN_VAL 849
   NXTRES   850-851
   I_NXTRES 852
   HES102a  905-906
   HES102b  907-908
   HES102c  909-910
   HES102d  911-912
   HES102e  913-914
   HES102f  915-916
   HES102g  917-918
   HES102h  919-920
   HES102i  921-922
   HES102j  923-924
   PES103a  925-926
   PES103b1 927-928
   PES103C  929-930
   PES104   931-932
   PES104A  933-934
   PES104B  935-936
   PES105A  937-938
   PES106   939-940
   PES107   941-942
   PES108   943-944
   PES108A  945-946
   PES108B  947-948
   PES108C  949-950
   PES108D  951-952
   PES150   953-954
   PES151   955-956
   PES152   957-958
   PES153   959-960
   PES154   961-962
   PES156A  963-964
   PES156B  965-966
   PES156C  967-968
   PES156D  969-970
   PES156E  971-972
   PES156F  973-974
   PES156G  975-976
   PES156H  977-978
   PES156I  979-980
   PES156J  981-982
   PES251   983-984
   PES257   989-990
   PES258   991-992
   PES263   997-998
   PES266   999-1000
   PES267   1001-1002
   PES270   1005-1006
   PES271   1007-1008
   PES275   1011-1012
   PES300   1013-1014
   PES301   1015-1016
   PES302   1017-1018
   PES303   1019-1020
   PES306   1021-1022
   PES312   1023-1024
   PES316   1025-1026
   PES317   1027-1028
   PES321   1029-1030
   PES322   1031-1032
   PES326   1033-1034
   PES327   1035-1036
   PES328   1037-1038
   PES329   1039-1040
   PES330   1041-1042
   PES331   1043-1044
   PES340   1047-1048
   PES341   1049-1050
   PES342   1051-1052
   PES343   1053-1054
   PES344   1055-1056
   PES348   1057-1058
   PES376   1059-1060
   PES377A  1061-1062
   PES377B  1063-1064
   PES377C  1065-1066
   PES377D  1067-1068
   PES377E  1069-1070
   PES377F  1071-1072
   PES377G  1073-1074
   PES377H  1075-1076
   PES377I  1077-1078
   PES378   1079-1080
   PES379   1081-1082
   PES380   1083-1084
   PES400   1085-1086
   PES401   1087-1088
   PES402A  1089-1090
   PES402B  1091-1092
   PES402C  1093-1094
   PES402D  1095-1096
   PES402E  1097-1098
   PES402F  1099-1100
   PES402G  1101-1102
   PES406A  1105-1106
   PES406B  1107-1108
   PES406C  1109-1110
   PES501   1111-1112
   PES502   1113-1114
   PES503   1115-1116
   PES504   1117-1118
   PES601   1119-1120
   PES602   1121-1122  (A)
   PES603   1123-1124
   PES604   1125-1126
   PES605   1127-1129
   PES611A  1130-1131
   PES611B  1132-1133
   PES611C  1134-1135
   PES611D  1136-1137
   PES611E  1138-1139
   PES701   1140-1141
   PES702   1142-1143
   PES704   1146-1147
   PES707   1152-1153
   PES708   1154-1155
   PES709   1156-1157
   PES711   1158-1159
   PES712A  1160-1161
   PES712B  1162-1163
   PES712C  1164-1165
   PES712D  1166-1167
   PES712E  1168-1169
   PES712F  1170-1171
   PES712G  1172-1173
   PES712H  1174-1175
   PES712I  1176-1177
   PES712J  1178-1179
   PEMOTHER 1180-1181
   PEFATHER 1182-1183
   PWSUPWGT 1184-1193  (4)
   PRSELIG  1194       (A)
   PRCSDUE  1196-1200
   PRCSREC  1201-1205
   PRTYPAWD 1206-1207
   PRAGREE  1208-1209
   SUPPRESP 1210-1211
   PRTOTKID 1212-1213
   HXS102A  1214
   PXS103A  1215
   PXS103B  1216
   PXS103C  1217
   PXS104   1218
   PXS104A  1219
   PXS104B  1220
   PXS105A  1221
   PXS106   1222
   PXS107   1223
   PXS108   1224
   PXS108A  1225
   PXS108B  1226
   PXS108C  1227
   PXS108D  1228
   PXS150   1229
   PXS151   1230
   PXS152   1231
   PXS153   1232
   PXS154   1233
   PXS156A  1234
   PXS251   1235
   PXS253   1236
   PXS255   1237
   PXS257   1238
   PXS258   1239
   PXS259   1240
   PXS261   1241
   PXS263   1242
   PXS266   1243
   PXS267   1244
   PXS268   1245
   PXS270   1246
   PXS271   1247
   PXS273   1248
   PXS275   1249
   PXS300   1250
   PXS301   1251
   PXS302   1252
   PXS303   1253
   PXS306   1254
   PXS312   1255
   PXS316   1256
   PXS317   1257
   PXS321   1258
   PXS322   1259
   PXS326   1260
   PXS327   1261
   PXS328   1262
   PXS329   1263
   PXS330   1264
   PXS331   1265
   PXS340   1266
   PXS341   1267
   PXS342   1268
   PXS343   1269
   PXS344   1270
   PXS348   1271
   PXS376   1272
   PXS377A  1273
   PXS377B  1274
   PXS377C  1275
   PXS377D  1276
   PXS377E  1277
   PXS377F  1278
   PXS377G  1279
   PXS377H  1280
   PXS377I  1281
   PXS378   1282
   PXS379   1283
   PXS380   1284
   PXS400   1285
   PXS401   1286
   PXS402A  1287
   PXS402B  1288
   PXS402C  1289
   PXS402D  1290
   PXS402E  1291
   PXS402F  1292
   PXS402G  1293
   PXS405   1294
   PXS406A  1295
   PXS406B  1296
   PXS406C  1297
   PXS501   1298
   PXS502   1299
   PXS503   1300
   PXS504   1301
   PXS601   1302
   PXS603   1303
   PXS604   1304
   PXS605   1305
   PXS611A  1306
   PXS611B  1307
   PXS611C  1308
   PXS611D  1309
   PXS611E  1310
   PXS701   1311
   PXS702   1312
   PXS703   1313
   PXS704   1314
   PXS705   1315
   PXS706   1316
   PXS707   1317
   PXS708   1318
   PXS709   1319
   PXS711   1320
   PXS712A  1321
   PXCSDUE  1322
   PXCSREC  1323
   PES326A  1324-1328
   PES343A  1329-1333
   PES650A  1334-1335
   PES650B  1336-1337
   PXS326A  1378
   PXS343A  1379
   PXS650A  1380
   PXS650B  1381
end file type.
    H_SEQ     "Household sequence number" 
    HHPOS     "Trailer portion of unique household" 
    HUNITS    "Item 78 - How many units in the structure" 
    H_FAMINC  "Family income" 
    H_RESPNM  "Line number of household" 
    H_YEAR    "Year of survey" 
    H_HHTYPE  "Type of household" 
    H_NUMPER  "Number of persons in household" 
    HNUMFAM   "Number of families in household" 
    H_TYPE    "Household type" 
    H_MONTH   "Month of survey" 
    H_MIS     "Month in sample" 
    H_HHNUM   "Household number" 
    H_LIVQRT  "Item 4 - Type of living quarters (recode)" 
    H_TYPEBC  "Item 15 - Type B/C" 
    H_TENURE  "Tenure" 
    H_TELHHD  "Telephone in household" 
    H_TELAVL  "Telephone available" 
    H_TELINT  "Telephone interview acceptable" 
    HG_REG    "Region" 
    HG_ST60   "1960 Census State Code" 
    HG_MSAC   "MSA or PMSA FIPS code" 
    GECO      "FIPS County Code" 
    HG_CMSA   "Specific CMSA code (See Appendix E)" 
    HMSSZ     "CMSA/MSA size" 
    HPMSASZ   "MSA/PMSA size" 
    HMSA_R    "Modified metropolitan statistical" 
    HCCC_R    "Central city metropolitan" 
    HUNDER15  "Recode" 
    HCMCARE   "Item 80 - During 19.. how many of the" 
    HCMCENO   "Item 80 - Number of children in" 
    HCHI      "Item 81 - during 19.. how" 
    HCHINO    "Item 81 - Number of" 
    HCHINRH   "Item 81a - During 19.. how many of the" 
    HCHINNO   "Item 81a - During 19.." 
    HH5TO18   "Recode" 
    HHOTLUN   "Item 83 - During 19.. how many of the" 
    HHOTNO    "Item 83 - Number of children in household" 
    HFLUNCH   "Item 86 - During 19.. how many of the" 
    HFLUNNO   "Item 86 - Number receiving free lunch" 
    HPUBLIC   "Item 88 - Is this a public housing" 
    HLORENT   "Item 89 - Are you paying lower rent" 
    HFOODSP   "Item 90 - Did anyone in this household" 
    HFOODNO   "Item 91 - Number of children covered" 
    HFOODMO   "Item 92 - Number months covered by" 
    HFDVAL    "Item 93 - What was the value of all" 
    HENGAST   "Item 94 - Since october 1, 19.., has this" 
    HENGVAL   "Item 95 - Altogether, how much energy" 
    HINC_WS   "Recode - Wage and Salary" 
    HWSVAL    "Recode - HHLD income - Wages and Salaries" 
    HSEVAL    "Recode - HHLD income - self employment" 
    HINC_FR   "Recode - Farm self-employment" 
    HFRVAL    "Recode - HHLD income - Farm income" 
    HINC_UC   "Recode - Unemployment compensation" 
    HUCVAL    "Recode - HHLD income - Unemployment" 
    HINC_WC   "Recode - Worker's compensation" 
    HWCVAL    "Recode - HHLD income - Worker's" 
    HSS_YN    "Recode - Social Security payments" 
    HSSVAL    "Recode - HHLD income - Social Security" 
    HSSI_YN   "Recode - Supplemental Security benefits" 
    HSSIVAL   "Recode - HHLD income - Supplemental" 
    HPAW_YN   "Recode - Public Assistance" 
    HPAWVAL   "Recode - HHLD income - Public" 
    HVET_YN   "Recode - Veterans' Payments" 
    HVETVAL   "Recode - HHLD income - Veteran Payments" 
    HSUR_YN   "Recode - Survivor Benefits" 
    HSURVAL   "Recode - HHLD income - survivor income" 
    HDIS_YN   "Recode - Disability benefits" 
    HDISVAL   "Recode - HHLD income - Disability income" 
    HRETVAL   "Recode - HHLD income - Retirement income" 
    HINT_YN   "Recode -interest payments" 
    HINTVAL   "Recode - HHLD income - Interest income" 
    HDIV_YN   "Recode - Dividend payments" 
    HDIVVAL   "Recode - HHLD income - dividend income" 
    HRNT_YN   "Recode - Rental payments" 
    HRNTVAL   "Recode - HHLD income - Rent income" 
    HED_YN    "Recode - Educational assistance" 
    HEDVAL    "Recode - HHLD income - Education income" 
    HCSP_YN   "Recode - Child support payments" 
    HCSPVAL   "Recode - HHLD income - child support" 
    HALM_YN   "Recode - Alimony payments" 
    HALMVAL   "Recode - HHLD income - alimony" 
    HFIN_YN   "Recode - Financial assistance payments" 
    HFINVAL   "Recode - HHLD income - Financial" 
    HOI_YN    "Other income payments" 
    HOIVAL    "Recode - HHLD income - Other income" 
    HTOTVAL   "Recode - Total household income" 
    HEARNVAL  "Recode - Total household earnings" 
    HOTHVAL   "All other types of income except HEARNVAL" 
    HMCARE    "Anyone in HHLD covered by Medicare" 
    HMCAID    "Anyone in HHLD covered by Medicaid" 
    HCHAMP    "CHAMPUS, VA, or military health care" 
    HHI_YN    "Anyone in HHLD have health insurance" 
    HHSTATUS  "Recode - Household status" 
    HUNDER18  "Recode - Number of persons in HHLD" 
    HTOP5PCT  "Recode - Household income percentiles" 
    HPCTCUT   "Recode - HHLD income percentiles -" 
    HSUP_WGT  "Final weight (2 implied decimal places)" 
    PROP_TAX  "Annual property taxes" 
    HOUSRET   "Return to home equity" 
    HRHTYPE   "Household type" 
    H_IDNUM   "Household identification number" 
    I_HUNITS  "Allocation flag for HUNITS" 
    FH_SEQ    "Household sequence number" 
    FFPOS     "Unique family identifier" 
    FKIND     "Kind of family" 
    FTYPE     "Family type" 
    FPERSONS  "Number of persons in family" 
    FHEADIDX  "Index to person record of family head" 
    FWIFEIDX  "Index to person record of family wife" 
    FHUSBIDX  "Index to person record of family" 
    FSPOUIDX  "Index to person record of family spouse" 
    FLASTIDX  "Index to person record of last" 
    FMLASIDX  "Index to person record of last" 
    FOWNU6    "Own children in family under 6" 
    FOWNU18   "Number of own never married children" 
    FRELU6    "Related persons in family under 6" 
    FRELU18   "Related persons in family under 18" 
    FPCTCUT   "Income percentiles" 
    FPOVCUT   "Low income cutoff dollar amount" 
    FAMLIS    "Ratio of family income to low-income" 
    POVLL     "Ratio of family income to low-income" 
    FRSPOV    "Ratio of related subfamily income to" 
    FRSPPCT   "Low income cutoff dollar amount of" 
    FINC_WS   "Wage and salary" 
    FWSVAL    "Family income - wages and salaries" 
    FINC_SE   "Own business self-employment" 
    FSEVAL    "Family income - self employment income" 
    FINC_FR   "Farm self-employment" 
    FFRVAL    "Family income - Farm income" 
    FINC_UC   "Unemployment compensation" 
    FUCVAL    "Family income - Unemployment" 
    FINC_WC   "Worker's compensation" 
    FWCVAL    "Family income - Worker's compensation" 
    FINC_SS   "Social Security Benefits" 
    FSSVAL    "Family income - Social Security" 
    FINC_SSI  "Supplemental Security Benefits" 
    FSSIVAL   "Family income - Supplemental Security" 
    FINC_PAW  "Public assistance or welfare benefits" 
    FPAWVAL   "Family income - public assistance income" 
    FINC_VET  "Veterans' Benefits" 
    FVETVAL   "Family income - veteran payments" 
    FINC_SUR  "Survivor's payments" 
    FSURVAL   "Family income - Survivor income" 
    FINC_DIS  "Disability payments" 
    FDISVAL   "Family income - Disability income" 
    FINC_RET  "Retirement payments" 
    FRETVAL   "Family income - Retirement income" 
    FINC_INT  "Interest payments" 
    FINTVAL   "Family income - Interest income" 
    FINC_DIV  "Dividend payments" 
    FDIVVAL   "Family income - Dividend income" 
    FINC_RNT  "Rental payments" 
    FRNTVAL   "Family income - Rental income" 
    FINC_ED   "Education benefits" 
    FEDVAL    "Family income - Education income" 
    FINC_CSP  "Child support payments" 
    FCSPVAL   "Family income - Child support" 
    FINC_ALM  "Alimony payments" 
    FALMVAL   "Family income - Alimony" 
    FINC_FIN  "Financial assistance payments" 
    FFINVAL   "Family income - Financial assistance" 
    FINC_OI   "Other income payments" 
    FOIVAL    "Family income - Other income" 
    FTOTVAL   "Total family income" 
    FEARNVAL  "Total family earnings" 
    FOTHVAL   "Total other family income" 
    FTOT_R    "Total family income recode" 
    FSPANISH  "Reference person or spouse of Spanish" 
    FSUP_WGT  "Householder or reference person weight" 
    FFPOSOLD  "Trailer portion of unique household ID." 
    F_MV_FS   "Family market value of food stamps" 
    F_MV_SL   "Family market value of school lunch" 
    FFNGCARE  "Family fungible value of medicare" 
    FFNGCAID  "Family fungible value of medicaid" 
    FHOUSSUB  "Family market value of housing subsidy" 
    FFOODREQ  "Based on USDA figures" 
    FHOUSREQ  "Used to compute fungible value of" 
    PH_SEQ    "Household seq number" 
    PPPOS     "Trailer portion of unique household ID." 
    A_LINENO  "Item 18a - Line number" 
    A_PARENT  "Item 18c - Parent's line number" 
    A_EXPRRP  "Expanded relationship code" 
    A_AGE     "Item 18d - Age" 
    A_MARITL  "Item 18e - Marital status" 
    A_SPOUSE  "Item 18f - Spouse's line number" 
    A_SEX     "Item 18g - Sex" 
    A_VET     "Veteran status" 
    A_HGA     "Item 18h - Educational attainment" 
    A_RACE    "Item 18j - Race" 
    P_STAT    "Status of person identifier" 
    A_REORGN  "Item 18k - Origin" 
    A_FAMNUM  "Family number" 
    A_FAMTYP  "Family type" 
    A_FAMREL  "Family relationship" 
    A_PFREL   "Primary family relationship" 
    HHDREL    "Detailed household summary" 
    FAMREL    "Family relationship" 
    HHDFMX    "Detailed household and family status" 
    PARENT    "Family members under 18 (excludes" 
    AGE1      "Age recode - Persons 15+ years" 
    PHF_SEQ   "Pointer to the sequence number of own" 
    PF_SEQ    "Pointer to the sequence number of family" 
    PRNT_PTR  "Sequence number of parent in hhld" 
    A_FNLWGT  "Final weight (2 implied decimal places)" 
    A_ERNLWT  "Earnings/not in labor force weight" 
    MARSUPWT  "March supplement final weight (2 implied" 
    A_HRS1    "How many hrs did ... work last week" 
    A_USLFT   "Does ... usually work 35 hrs or more a" 
    A_WHYABS  "Why was ... absent from work last week?" 
    A_PAYABS  "Is ... receiving wages or salary for" 
    A_WKSLK   "Duration of unemployment" 
    A_WHENLJ  "When did ... last work?" 
    A_IND     "Industry" 
    A_OCC     "Occupation" 
    A_CLSWKR  "Class of worker" 
    PPPOSOLD  "Trailer portion of unique household id." 
    A_NLFLJ   "When did ... last work for pay at a" 
    A_WANTJB  "Does ... want a regular job now," 
    A_USLHRS  "How many hrs per week does ..." 
    A_HRLYWK  "Is ... paid by the hour on this job?" 
    A_HRSPAY  "How much does ... earn per hour?" 
    A_GRSWK   "How much does ... usually earn per" 
    A_UNMEM   "On this job, is ... a member of a" 
    A_UNCOV   "On this job, is ... covered by a union" 
    A_ENRLW   "Last week was ... attending or" 
    A_FTPT    "Is ... enrolled in school as a full-" 
    A_LFSR    "Labor force status recode" 
    A_UNTYPE  "Reason for unemployment" 
    A_WKSTAT  "Full/part-time status" 
    A_EXPLF   "Experienced labor force employment" 
    A_WKSCH   "Labor force by time worked or lost" 
    A_CIVLF   "Civilian labor force" 
    A_FTLF    "Full/time labor force" 
    A_MJIND   "Major industry code" 
    A_DTIND   "Detailed industry recode" 
    A_MJOCC   "Major occupation code" 
    A_DTOCC   "Detailed occupation recode" 
    PRERELG   "Earnings eligibility flag" 
    A_RCOW    "Class of worker recode" 
    WORKYN    "Item 29a - Did ... work at a job or" 
    WTEMP     "Item 29b - Did ... do any temporary," 
    NWLOOK    "Item 30 - Even though ... did not work" 
    NWLKWK    "Item 31 - How may different weeks" 
    RSNNOTW   "Item 32 - What was the main" 
    WKSWORK   "Item 33 - During 19.. in how many weeks" 
    WKCHECK   "Item 34 - Interviewer check item -" 
    LOSEWKS   "Item 35 Did ... lose any full weeks of" 
    LKNONE    "Item 36 -  You said... worked about" 
    LKWEEKS   "Item 36 - Weeks was ... looking for" 
    LKSTRCH   "Item 37 - Were the (entry in item 36)" 
    PYRSN     "Item 38 - What was the main reason ..." 
    PHMEMPRS  "Item 39 - For how many employers did ..." 
    HRSWK     "Item 40 - In the weeks that ... worked" 
    HRCHECK   "Item 41 - Interviewer check item -" 
    PTYN      "Item 42 - Did ... work less than 35" 
    PTWEEKS   "Item 43 - How many weeks did ... work" 
    PTRSN     "Item 44 - What was the main reason ..." 
    LJCW      "Item 46e - Class of worker" 
    INDUSTRY  "Item 46b - Industry of longest job" 
    OCCUP     "Item 46c - Occupation of longest job" 
    WEXP      "Recode -  Worker/nonworker recode -" 
    WEWKRS    "Recode -  Worker/nonworker recode -" 
    WELKNW    "Recode -  Worker/nonworker recode -" 
    WEUEMP    "Recode - Worker/nonworker recode - Part" 
    EARNER    "Recode - Earner status" 
    CLWK      "Recode - Longest job class of worker" 
    WECLW     "Recode - Longest job class of worker" 
    POCCU2    "Recode - Occupation of longest job by" 
    WEMOCG    "Recode - Occupation of longest job by" 
    WEIND     "Recode - Industry of longest job by" 
    WEMIND    "Recode - Industry of longest job by" 
    MIGPLAC   "Item 55a - Metropolitan statistical area" 
    MIGSAME   "Was ... living in this house (apt.) 1" 
    MIG_REG   "Recode - Region of previous residence" 
    MIG_ST    "Recode - FIPS State code of previous" 
    PLACDSCP  "Recode - MSA status of residence 1 year" 
    GEDIV     "Recode - Census division of current" 
    MIG_DIV   "Recode - Census division of previous" 
    NOEMP     "Item 47 - Counting all locations where" 
    ERN_YN    "Earnings from longest job recode" 
    ERN_VAL   "Item 48a & b - How much did ... earn" 
    ERN_SRCE  "Earnings  recode" 
    ERN_OTR   "Item 49a - Did ... earn money from other" 
    WAGEOTR   "Item 49b -Other wage and salary earnings" 
    WSAL_YN   "Recode" 
    WSAL_VAL  "Recode - Total wage and salary earnings" 
    SEOTR     "Item 49b - Other work - Own business" 
    SEMP_YN   "Recode - Any own business self-" 
    SEMP_VAL  "ERN-YN = 1 or SEOTR = 1" 
    FRMOTR    "Item 49b- Farm self-employment" 
    FRM_VAL   "Item 49b - Farm self-employment earnings" 
    FRSE_YN   "Any own farm self-employment in ERN-YN" 
    FRSE_VAL  "Recode - Total amount of farm self-" 
    UC_YN     "Item 52a - At any time during 19.." 
    SUBUC     "Item 52a - At any time during 19.." 
    STRKUC    "Item 52a -At any time during 19.." 
    UC_VAL    "Item 52b - How much did ... receive in" 
    WC_YN     "Item 53a - During 19.. did ... receive" 
    WC_TYPE   "Item 53b" 
    WC_VAL    "Item 53c - How much compensation did ..." 
    SS_YN     "Item 56b - Did ... receive s.s.?" 
    SS_VAL    "Item 56c - How much did ... receive in" 
    SSI_YN    "Item 57b - Did ... receive ssi?" 
    PAW_YN    "Item 59b - Did ... receive public" 
    PAW_TYP   "Item 59c - Did ... receive AFDC or some" 
    PAW_MON   "Item 59d - In how many months of 19.." 
    PAW_VAL   "Item 59e - How much did ... receive in" 
    VET_YN    "Item 60b - Did ... receive veterans'" 
    VET_TYP1  "Item 60c - Disability compensation" 
    VET_TYP2  "Item 60c - Survivor benefits" 
    VET_TYP3  "Item 60c - Veterans' pension" 
    VET_TYP4  "Item 60c - Education assistance" 
    VET_TYP5  "Item 60c - Other veterans' payments" 
    VET_QVA   "Item 60d - Is ... required to fill out" 
    VET_VAL   "Item 60e - How much did ... receive from" 
    SUR_YN    "Item 61b - Other than social security or" 
    SUR_SC1   "Item 61c - What was the source of this" 
    SUR_SC2   "Item 61d - Any other pension or" 
    SUR_VAL1  "Item 61e - how much did ... receive from" 
    SUR_VAL2  "Item 61g - How much did ... receive" 
    SRVS_VAL  "Recode total amount of survivor's income" 
    DIS_HP    "Item 62b -  Does ... have a health" 
    DIS_CS    "Item 62c - Did ... retire or leave a job" 
    DIS_YN    "Item 64b - Other than social security or" 
    DIS_SC1   "Item 64c - What was the source of income" 
    DIS_SC2   "Item 64c - Any other disability income?" 
    DIS_VAL1  "Item 64e - How much did ... receive from" 
    DIS_VAL2  "Item 64g - How much did ... receive from" 
    DSAB_VAL  "Recode total amount of disability income" 
    RET_YN    "Item 65b - Other than social security or" 
    RET_SC1   "Item 65c - What was the source of" 
    RET_SC2   "Item 65c - Any other retirement income?" 
    RET_VAL1  "Item 65e - How much did ... receive from" 
    RET_VAL2  "Item 65g - How much did ... receive from" 
    RTM_VAL   "Recode total amount of retirement income" 
    INT_YN    "Item 66b - Did ... receive interest?" 
    INT_VAL   "Item 66c - How much did ... receive in" 
    DIV_YN    "Item 67b - Did ... receive dividends?" 
    DIV_NON   "Item 67c - No dividends received" 
    DIV_VAL   "Item 67c - How much did ... receive in" 
    RNT_YN    "Item 68b - Did ... received rent?" 
    RNT_VAL   "Item 68c - How much did ... receive in" 
    ED_YN     "Item 69c - Did ... receive educational" 
    OED_TYP1  "Item 69d(1) & (2) - Source of educational" 
    OED_TYP2  "Item 69d(3) - Source of educational" 
    OED_TYP3  "Item 69d(4)- Source of educational" 
    ED_VAL    "Item 69h - Total amount of educational" 
    CSP_YN    "Item 70b - Did ... receive child support" 
    CSP_VAL   "Item 70c - How much did ... receive in" 
    ALM_YN    "Item 71b - Did ... receive alimony" 
    ALM_VAL   "Item 71c - How much did ... receive in" 
    FIN_YN    "Item 72b - Did ... receive financial" 
    FIN_VAL   "Item 72c - How much did ... receive in" 
    OI_OFF    "Item 73c" 
    OI_YN     "Item 73b - Did ... receive other income?" 
    OI_VAL    "Item 73d - How much did ... receive in" 
    PTOTVAL   "Recode - Total persons income" 
    PEARNVAL  "Recode - Total persons earnings" 
    POTHVAL   "Recode - Total other persons income" 
    PTOT_R    "Recode - Total person income recode" 
    PERLIS    "Recode - Low-income level of persons" 
    MCARE     "Item 74b - Was ... covered by medicare?" 
    MCAID     "Item 74d - Was ... covered by medicaid?" 
    CHAMP     "Item 74f - Was ... covered by CHAMPUS," 
    HI_YN     "Item 75b - Was ... covered by private" 
    HIOWN     "Item 75c - Was this health insurance" 
    HIEMP     "Item 75d - Was this health insurance plan" 
    HIPAID    "Item 75e - Did ...'s employer or union" 
    WRK_CK    "Item 76 - Interviewer check item worked" 
    PENPLAN   "Item 76a - Other than social security" 
    PENINCL   "Item 76b - Was ... included in that" 
    COV_GH    "Recode - Includes dependents included in" 
    COV_HI    "Recode - Includes dependents covered by" 
    CH_MC     "A-AGE less than 15" 
    CH_HI     "A-AGE less than 15" 
    A#RRP     "Relationship to reference person" 
    A#PARENT  "Parent's line number allocation flag" 
    A#AGE     "Age allocation flag" 
    A#MARITL  "Marital status allocation flag" 
    A#SPOUSE  "Spouse's line number allocation flag" 
    A#SEX     "Sex allocation flag" 
    A#VET     "Veteran status allocation flag" 
    A#HGA     "Highest grade attended allocation flag" 
    A#RACE    "Race allocation flag" 
    A#ORIGIN  "Origin allocation flag" 
    A#LFSR    "Labor force status recode allocation" 
    TOI_VAL   "Other income" 
    I_MIG1    "MIGSAME imputation flag." 
    I_MIG2    "MIG-ST imputation flag." 
    TCERNVAL  "Earnings from employer or self-" 
    TCWSVAL   "Wage and salary income topcoded flag" 
    TCSEVAL   "Nonfarm self employment income" 
    TCFFMVAL  "Farm self employment income topcoded" 
    A_WERNTF  "Current earnings - Weekly pay" 
    A_HERNTF  "Current earnings - Hourly pay" 
    P_MVCARE  "Person market value of medicare" 
    P_MVCAID  "Person market value of medicaid" 
    EMCONTRB  "Employer contribution for health" 
    FILESTAT  "Tax Filer status" 
    DEP_STAT  "Dependency status pointer" 
    FED_TAX   "Federal income tax liability" 
    EIT_CRED  "Earn income tax credit" 
    STATETAX  "State income tax liability" 
    FICA      "Social security retirement payroll" 
    FED_RET   "Federal retirement payroll deduction" 
    AGI       "Adjusted gross income" 
    CAP_GAIN  "Amount of capital gains" 
    CAP_LOSS  "Amount of capital losses" 
    TAX_INC   "Taxable income amount" 
    MARG_TAX  "Federal Income Marginal tax rate" 
    PEMLR     "Major labor force recode" 
    PRUNTYPE  "Reason for unemployment" 
    PRWKSTAT  "Full/part-time work status" 
    PRPTREA   "Detailed reason for part-time" 
    PRDISC    "Discouraged worker recode" 
    PRCOW1    "Class of worker recode-job 1" 
    PRPERTYP  "Type of person record recode" 
    PEABSRSN  "What was the main reason...was absent" 
    PEIO1COW  "Individual class of worker on first job." 
    PRNLFSCH  "NLF activity in school or not in school" 
    PEHRUSLT  "Hours usually worked last week" 
    PENATVTY  "In what country were you born?" 
    PEMNTVTY  "In what country was your mother born?" 
    PEFNTVTY  "In what country was your father born?" 
    PEINUSYR  "When did you come to the U.S. to stay?" 
    PXNATVTY  "Allocation flag for PENATVTY" 
    PXMNTVTY  "Allocation flag for PEMNTVTY" 
    PXFNTVTY  "Allocation flag for PEFNTVTY" 
    PXINUSYR  "Allocation flag for PEINUSYR" 
    PERRP     "Expanded relationship categories" 
    MIG_CNT   "Country of previous residence." 
    I_MIG3    "Imputation flag." 
    HI        "Covered by a health plan provided" 
    HITYP     "Health insurance plan type." 
    DEPHI     "Covered by a health plan through" 
    HILIN1    "Line number of policyholder of health" 
    HILIN2    "Line number of policyholder of health" 
    PAID      "Did ...'s former or current employer or" 
    HIOUT     "Employer or union plan covered someone" 
    PRIV      "Covered by a plan that they purchased" 
    PRITYP    "Private health insurance plan type." 
    DEPRIV    "Covered by private plan not related to" 
    PILIN1    "Line number of first policyholder of" 
    PILIN2    "Line number of second policyholder of" 
    POUT      "Private plan covered someone outside the" 
    OUT       "Covered by the health plan of someone" 
    CARE      "Covered by medicare, the health" 
    CAID      "Covered by (medicaid/local name), the" 
    MON       "Number of months covered by medicaid (or" 
    OTH       "Covered by any other kind of health" 
    OTYP_1    "Covered by CHAMPUS." 
    OTYP_2    "Covered by CHAMPVA." 
    OTYP_3    "Covered by VA or military health care." 
    OTYP_4    "Covered by Indian health." 
    OTYP_5    "Covered by other." 
    OTHSTPER  "Covered by other type of health" 
    OTHSTYP1  "Other type of health insurance include" 
    HEA       "Would you say ...'s health in general" 
    I_HI      "Imputation item: HI" 
    I_DEPHI   "Imputation item: DEPHI" 
    I_PAID    "Imputation item: PAID" 
    I_HIOUT   "Imputation item: HIOUT" 
    I_PRIV    "Imputation item: PRIV" 
    I_DEPRIV  "Imputation item: DEPRIV" 
    I_POUT    "Imputation item: POUT" 
    I_OUT     "Imputation item: OUT" 
    I_CARE    "Imputation item: CARE" 
    I_CAID    "Imputation item: CAID" 
    I_MON     "Imputation item: MON" 
    I_OTH     "Imputation item: oth" 
    I_OTYP    "Imputation items: OTYP-1, ..., OTYP-5." 
    I_OSTPER  "Imputation item: OTHSTPER" 
    I_OSTYP   "Imputation items: OTHSTYP1, ...," 
    I_HEA     "Imputation item: HEA" 
    SSI_VAL   "Item 57c - How much did ... receive in" 
    WS_VAL    "Item 49b - Other wage and salary" 
    SE_VAL    "Item 49b - Other work - Own business" 
    IHSFLG    "Recode:  Covered by Indian Health " 
    TSURVAL1  "Survivors income, source 1," 
    TSURVAL2  "Survivors income, source 2," 
    TDISVAL1  "Disability income, source 1," 
    TDISVAL2  "Disability income, source 2," 
    TRETVAL1  "Retirement income, source 1," 
    TRETVAL2  "Retirement income, source 2," 
    TINT_VAL  "Interest income" 
    TDIV_VAL  "Dividend income" 
    TRNT_VAL  "Rent income" 
    TED_VAL   "Education assistance" 
    TCSP_VAL  "Child support payments" 
    TALM_VAL  "Alimony payments" 
    TFIN_VAL  "Financial assistance" 
    NXTRES    "What was ... main reason for moving?" 
    I_NXTRES  "Imputation flag" 
    HES102a   "I have listed that (Name of Children on" 
    HES102b   "I have listed that (Name of Children on" 
    HES102c   "I have listed that (Name of Children on" 
    HES102d   "I have listed that (Name of Children on" 
    HES102e   "I have listed that (Name of Children on" 
    HES102f   "I have listed that (Name of Children on" 
    HES102g   "I have listed that (Name of Children on" 
    HES102h   "I have listed that (Name of Children on" 
    HES102i   "I have listed that (Name of Children on" 
    HES102j   "I have listed that (Name of Children on" 
    PES103a   "Does (CHILD) have a (father/mother) who" 
    PES103b1  "There are many reasons why children may" 
    PES103C   "Did  (you/(CHILD)'s (mother/father))" 
    PES104    "(Are you/Which of the adults in this" 
    PES104A   "What is (name of person entered in" 
    PES104B   "What is (name)'s relationship to" 
    PES105A   "(Are you/Is name of parent), (CHILD's)" 
    PES106    "Did (you/name of parent) ever legally" 
    PES107    "Is (name of parent) (CHILD's) natural" 
    PES108    "Did (name of parent) ever legally adopt" 
    PES108A   "(Are you/Is name of parent) (CHILD's)" 
    PES108B   "Did (you/name of parent) ever legally" 
    PES108C   "Is (your/name of parent) (wife/husband)" 
    PES108D   "Did ((your/name of parent)" 
    PES150    "Has there EVER been ANY kind of LEGAL" 
    PES151    "Would you call it a court order, a" 
    PES152    "Has there EVER been any OTHER kind of" 
    PES153    "Would you call it an agreement or" 
    PES154    "(blank/Payments that are made for the" 
    PES156A   "(Which of your other children were/Was" 
    PES156B   "(Which of your other children were/Was" 
    PES156C   "(Which of your other children were/Was" 
    PES156D   "(Which of your other children were/Was" 
    PES156E   "(Which of your other children were/was" 
    PES156F   "(Which of your other children were/Was" 
    PES156G   "(Which of your other children were/ Was" 
    PES156H   "(Which of your other children were/Was" 
    PES156I   "(Which of your other children were/Was" 
    PES156J   "(Which of your other children were/Was" 
    PES251    "An (agreement/understanding) about" 
    PES257    "What month was that?" 
    PES258    "Some parents agree to the amount of" 
    PES263    "What month was that?" 
    PES266    "Since the (court order/court" 
    PES267    "Did the amount change because a child" 
    PES270    "What month was that?" 
    PES271    "Have you and (CHILD's/the children's)" 
    PES275    "What month was that?" 
    PES300    "Between January 1 and December 31," 
    PES301    "Why was that?" 
    PES302    "During 1999, were any of the child" 
    PES303    "And during 1999, were any of these" 
    PES306    "During 1999, how often was (he/she)" 
    PES312    "Did the amount that (CHILD's/the" 
    PES316    "(From January through (month) 1999,/In" 
    PES317    "Did the amount of child support that" 
    PES321    "Next, (from (month) through December" 
    PES322    "Did the amount (he/she) was supposed to" 
    PES326    "Between January 1 and December 31," 
    PES327    "(Between/other than) the child support" 
    PES328    "In 1999, did you receive EVERY SINGLE" 
    PES329    "Of the child support payments you" 
    PES330    "And for the child support payments you" 
    PES331    "So you received ($__,__.00) every" 
    PES340    "Does the child support (agreement/" 
    PES341    "According to the (agreement/" 
    PES342    "During 1999, did (CHILD's/the" 
    PES343    "Between January 1 and December 31," 
    PES344    "(Between/other than) the child support" 
    PES348    "During 1999, did (CHILD's/the" 
    PES376    "Is there a legal agreement about child" 
    PES377A   "Did you not have a child support order" 
    PES377B   "(CHILD) stays with (his/her) (father/" 
    PES377C   "(CHILD)'s (father/mother) provides what" 
    PES377D   "You did not feel the need to get legal," 
    PES377E   "You did not have a child support order" 
    PES377F   "You did not want (CHILD)'s (father/" 
    PES377G   "(CHILD)'s (father/mother) could not" 
    PES377H   "Did you not have a child support order" 
    PES377I   "Did you not have a child support order" 
    PES378    "Why did you not have a legal agreement" 
    PES379    "Other than the reason you have already" 
    PES380    "Why was that?" 
    PES400    "Have YOU EVER contacted a child " 
    PES401    "Have you ever BEEN CONTACTED BY " 
    PES402A   "Did you have contact about finding" 
    PES402B   "Did you have contact about getting a" 
    PES402C   "Did you have contact about getting a" 
    PES402D   "Collecting the child support that the" 
    PES402E   "Changing the amount of child support" 
    PES402F   "Getting an agreement for the other" 
    PES402G   "Getting A.F.D.C. or Medicaid?" 
    PES406A   "Did you have Medicaid or any other" 
    PES406B   "Receive any food stamps?" 
    PES406C   "Receive any A.F.D.C. or A.D.C." 
    PES501    "Does (CHILD) (father/mother) have" 
    PES502    "Did you ever go to court, before a" 
    PES503    "Did a court or judge EVER give you and" 
    PES504    "Did a court or judge EVER give you and" 
    PES601    "Did you and (CHILD's) (father/mother)" 
    PES602    "In what state did (CHILD's)" 
    PES603    "Did either you or (CHILD) have ANY KIND" 
    PES604    "Did (CHILD) spend time with (his/her)" 
    PES605    "Including birthdays, holidays and" 
    PES611A   "(Other than the child support you told" 
    PES611B   "Provide clothes (diapers or shoes/or" 
    PES611C   "Provide food or groceries for (name/the" 
    PES611D   "Pay for child care or summer camp?" 
    PES611E   "Pay for medical expenses such as" 
    PES701    "Last, I have a couple of background" 
    PES702    "Last, I have a couple of background" 
    PES704    "Last, I have a couple of background" 
    PES707    "At the time you separated, were you" 
    PES708    "Were you working 35 hours or more per" 
    PES709    "Did you work at any time during the" 
    PES711    "Is (CHILD) from (your most recent" 
    PES712A   "Which of your children living here are" 
    PES712B   "Which of your children living here are" 
    PES712C   "Which of your children living here are" 
    PES712D   "Which of your children living here are" 
    PES712E   "Which of your children living here are" 
    PES712F   "Which of your children living here are" 
    PES712G   "Which of your children living here are" 
    PES712H   "Which of your children living here are" 
    PES712I   "Which of your children living here are" 
    PES712J   "Which of your children living here are" 
    PEMOTHER  "Line number of child's mother" 
    PEFATHER  "Line number of child's father" 
    PWSUPWGT  "Supplement weight" 
    PRSELIG   "This recode tells whether a parent is" 
    PRCSDUE   "Recode of Amount of Child Support" 
    PRCSREC   "Recode of Amount of Child Support" 
    PRTYPAWD  "Type of Award" 
    PRAGREE   "Child support agreement number covering" 
    SUPPRESP  "Line number of supplement respondent" 
    PRTOTKID  "Total number of children covered by" 
    HXS102A   "Allocation flag for HES102A" 
    PXS103A   "Allocation flag for PES103A" 
    PXS103B   "Allocation flag for PES103B" 
    PXS103C   "Allocation flag for PES103C" 
    PXS104    "Allocation flag for PES104" 
    PXS104A   "Allocation flag for PES104A" 
    PXS104B   "Allocation flag for PES104B" 
    PXS105A   "Allocation flag for PES105A" 
    PXS106    "Allocation flag for PES106" 
    PXS107    "Allocation flag for PES107" 
    PXS108    "Allocation flag for PES108" 
    PXS108A   "Allocation flag for PES108A" 
    PXS108B   "Allocation flag for PES108B" 
    PXS108C   "Allocation flag for PES108C" 
    PXS108D   "Allocation flag for PES108D" 
    PXS150    "Allocation flag for PES150" 
    PXS151    "Allocation flag for PES151" 
    PXS152    "Allocation flag for PES152" 
    PXS153    "Allocation flag for PES153" 
    PXS154    "Allocation flag for PES154" 
    PXS156A   "Allocation flag for PES156A" 
    PXS251    "Allocation flag for PES251" 
    PXS253    "Allocation flag for PES253" 
    PXS255    "Allocation flag for PES255" 
    PXS257    "Allocation flag for PES257" 
    PXS258    "Allocation flag for PES258" 
    PXS259    "Allocation flag for PES259" 
    PXS261    "Allocation flag for PES261" 
    PXS263    "Allocation flag for PES263" 
    PXS266    "Allocation flag for PES266" 
    PXS267    "Allocation flag for PES267" 
    PXS268    "Allocation flag for PES268" 
    PXS270    "Allocation flag for PES270" 
    PXS271    "Allocation flag for PES271" 
    PXS273    "Allocation flag for PES273" 
    PXS275    "Allocation flag for PES275" 
    PXS300    "Allocation flag for PES300" 
    PXS301    "Allocation flag for PES301" 
    PXS302    "Allocation flag for PES302" 
    PXS303    "Allocation flag for PES303" 
    PXS306    "Allocation flag for PES306" 
    PXS312    "Allocation flag for PES312" 
    PXS316    "Allocation flag for PES316" 
    PXS317    "Allocation flag for PES317" 
    PXS321    "Allocation flag for PES321" 
    PXS322    "Allocation flag for PES322" 
    PXS326    "Allocation flag for PES326" 
    PXS327    "Allocation flag for PES327" 
    PXS328    "Allocation flag for PES328" 
    PXS329    "Allocation flag for PES329" 
    PXS330    "Allocation flag for PES330" 
    PXS331    "Allocation flag for PES331" 
    PXS340    "Allocation flag for PES340" 
    PXS341    "Allocation flag for PES341" 
    PXS342    "Allocation flag for PES342" 
    PXS343    "Allocation flag for PES343" 
    PXS344    "Allocation flag for PES344" 
    PXS348    "Allocation flag for PES348" 
    PXS376    "Allocation flag for PES376" 
    PXS377A   "Allocation flag for PES377A" 
    PXS377B   "Allocation flag for PES377B" 
    PXS377C   "Allocation flag for PES377C" 
    PXS377D   "Allocation flag for PES377D" 
    PXS377E   "Allocation flag for PES377E" 
    PXS377F   "Allocation flag for PES377F" 
    PXS377G   "Allocation flag for PES377G" 
    PXS377H   "Allocation flag for PES377H" 
    PXS377I   "Allocation flag for PES377I" 
    PXS378    "Allocation flag for PES378" 
    PXS379    "Allocation flag for PES379" 
    PXS380    "Allocation flag for PES380" 
    PXS400    "Allocation flag for PES400" 
    PXS401    "Allocation flag for PES401" 
    PXS402A   "Allocation flag for PES402A" 
    PXS402B   "Allocation flag for PES402B" 
    PXS402C   "Allocation flag for PES402C" 
    PXS402D   "Allocation flag for PES402D" 
    PXS402E   "Allocation flag for PES402E" 
    PXS402F   "Allocation flag for PES402F" 
    PXS402G   "Allocation flag for PES402G" 
    PXS405    "Allocation flag for PES405" 
    PXS406A   "Allocation flag for PES406A" 
    PXS406B   "Allocation flag for PES406B" 
    PXS406C   "Allocation flag for PES406C" 
    PXS501    "Allocation flag for PES501" 
    PXS502    "Allocation flag for PES502" 
    PXS503    "Allocation flag for PES503" 
    PXS504    "Allocation flag for PES504" 
    PXS601    "Allocation flag for PES601" 
    PXS603    "Allocation flag for PES603" 
    PXS604    "Allocation flag for PES604" 
    PXS605    "Allocation flag for PES605" 
    PXS611A   "Allocation flag for PES611A" 
    PXS611B   "Allocation flag for PES611B" 
    PXS611C   "Allocation flag for PES611C" 
    PXS611D   "Allocation flag for PES611D" 
    PXS611E   "Allocation flag for PES611E" 
    PXS701    "Allocation flag for PES701" 
    PXS702    "Allocation flag for PES702" 
    PXS703    "Allocation flag for PES703" 
    PXS704    "Allocation flag for PES704" 
    PXS705    "Allocation flag for PES705" 
    PXS706    "Allocation flag for PES706" 
    PXS707    "Allocation flag for PES707" 
    PXS708    "Allocation flag for PES708" 
    PXS709    "Allocation flag for PES709" 
    PXS711    "Allocation flag for PES711" 
    PXS712A   "Allocation flag for PES712A" 
    PXCSDUE   "Allocation flag for PRCSDUE" 
    PXCSREC   "Allocation flag for PRCSREC" 
    PES326A   "What is the annual amount of" 
    PES343A   "What is the annual amount of" 
    PES650A   "Did any government or public agency" 
    PES650B   "Did the agency collect all or some" 
    PXS326A   "Allocation flag for PES326A" 
    PXS343A   "Allocation flag for PES343A" 
    PXS650A   "Allocation flag for PES650A" 
    PXS650B   "Allocation flag for PES650B" 
      1 "Household record"
  / HUNITS  
      1 "1 Unit"
      2 "2 Units"
      3 "3 - 4 Units"
      4 "5 - 9 Units"
      5 "10+ Units"
      00 "Less than $5,000"
      01 "$5,000 to $7,499"
      02 "$7,500 to $9,999"
      03 "$10,000 to $12,499"
      04 "$12,500 to $14,999"
      05 "$15,000 to $19,999"
      06 "$20,000 to $24,999"
      07 "$25,000 to $29,999"
      08 "$30,000 to $34,999"
      09 "$35,000 to $39,999"
      10 "$40,000 to $49,999"
      11 "$50,000 to $59,999"
      12 "$60,000 to $74,999"
      13 "$75,000 and over"
      00 "Blank or impossible"
      1 "Interview"
      2 "Type A non-interview"
      3 "Type B/C non-interview"
      00 "Noninterview household"
      00 "Noninterview household"
  / H_TYPE  
      0 "Non-interview household"
      1 "Husband/wife primary family (neither husband or wife in Armed Forces)"
      2 "Husband/wife primary family (husband and/or wife in Armed Forces)"
      3 "Unmarried civilian male primary family householder"
      4 "Unmarried civilian female primary family householder"
      5 "Primary family household - reference person in Armed Forces and unmarried"
      6 "Civilian male nonfamily householder"
      7 "Civilian female nonfamily householder"
      8 "Nonfamily householder household - reference person in Armed Forces"
      9 "Group quarters"
  / H_MONTH 
      03 "March"
  / H_HHNUM 
      0 "Blank"
      01 "House, apt., flat"
      02 "HU in nontransient hotel, etc."
      03 "HU, perm, in trans. hotel, mote etc."
      04 "HU in rooming house"
      05 "Mobile home or trailer with no permanent room added"
      06 "Mobile home or trailer with 1 or more perm rooms added"
      07 "HU not specified above"
      08 "Qtrs not hu in rooming or boarding house"
      09 "Unit not perm in trans. hotel, motel, etc."
      10 "Tent or trailer site"
      11 "Student quarters in college dormitory"
      12 "Other not HU"
      01 "Vacant - regular"
      02 "Vacant - storage of HHLD furniture"
      03 "Temp occ by persons with URE"
      04 "Unfit or to be demolished"
      05 "Under construction, not ready"
      06 "Converted to temp business or storage"
      07 "Occ by AF members or persons under 15"
      08 "Unocc tent or trailer site"
      09 "Permit granted, construction not started"
      10 "Other"
      11 "Demolished"
      12 "House or trailer moved"
      13 "Outside segment"
      14 "Converted to perm business or storage"
      15 "Merged"
      16 "Condemned"
      17 "Built after April 1, 1980"
      18 "Unused line of listing sheet"
      19 "Other"
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Owned or being bought"
      2 "Rent"
      3 "No cash rent"
      0 "Not in universe (non-interview)"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / HG_REG  
      1 "Northeast"
      2 "Midwest"
      3 "South"
      4 "West"
  / HG_ST60 
      11 "Maine"
      12 "New Hampshire"
      13 "Vermont"
      14 "Massachusetts"
      15 "Rhode Island"
      16 "Connecticut"
      21 "New York"
      22 "New Jersey"
      23 "Pennsylvania"
      31 "Ohio"
      32 "Indiana"
      33 "Illinois"
      34 "Michigan"
      35 "Wisconsin"
      41 "Minnesota"
      42 "Iowa"
      43 "Missouri"
      44 "North Dakota"
      45 "South Dakota"
      46 "Nebraska"
      47 "Kansas"
      51 "Delaware"
      52 "Maryland"
      53 "District Of Columbia"
      54 "Virginia"
      55 "West Virginia"
      56 "North Carolina"
      57 "South Carolina"
      58 "Georgia"
      59 "Florida"
      61 "Kentucky"
      62 "Tennessee"
      63 "Alabama"
      64 "Mississippi"
      71 "Arkansas"
      72 "Louisiana"
      73 "Oklahoma"
      74 "Texas"
      81 "Montana"
      82 "Idaho"
      83 "Wyoming"
      84 "Colorado"
      85 "New Mexico"
      86 "Arizona"
      87 "Utah"
      88 "Nevada"
      91 "Washington"
      92 "Oregon"
      93 "California"
      94 "Alaska"
      95 "Hawaii"
  / HG_MSAC 
      0000 "Not MSA/PMSA or not identified"
  / GECO    
      000 "Not identified"
  / HG_CMSA 
      00 "Not identified or nonmetropolitan"
  / HMSSZ   
      0 "Not identified or nonmetropolitan"
      2 "100,000 - 249,999"
      3 "250,000 - 499,999"
      4 "500,000 - 999,999"
      5 "1,000,000 - 2,499,999"
      6 "2,500,000 - 4,999,999"
      7 "5,000,000+"
      0 "Not identified or nonmetropolitan"
      2 "100,000 - 249,999"
      3 "250,000 - 499,999"
      4 "500,000 - 999,999"
      5 "1,000,000 - 2,499,999"
      6 "2,500,000 - 4,999,999"
      7 "5,000,000+"
  / HMSA_R  
      1 "MSA"
      2 "Non MSA"
      3 "Not identifiable"
  / HCCC_R  
      1 "Central city"
      2 "Balance of MSA"
      3 "Non MSA"
      4 "Not identifiable"
  / HUNDER15
      00 "None"
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "All or some"
      2 "None"
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "1 child .."
      9 "9 or more children"
  / HCHI    
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "All or some"
      2 "None"
  / HCHINO  
      0 "Not in universe HCHI = 2"
      1 "1 Child .."
      9 "9 or more children"
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "All or some"
      2 "None"
      0 "Not in universe HCHINRH= 2"
      1 "1 Child .."
      9 "9 or more children"
  / HH5TO18 
      00 "None"
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "All or some"
      2 "None"
  / HHOTNO  
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "1 child .."
      9 "9 or more children"
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Some or all"
      2 "None"
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "1 .."
      9 "9 or more"
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "1 .."
      9 "9 or more"
      00 "Not in universe"
      01 "1 month .."
      12 "12 Months"
  / HFDVAL  
      0000 "Not in universe"
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0000 "Not in universe"
  / HINC_WS 
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / HWSVAL  
      0000000 "None or not in universe Dollar amount"
  / HINC_SE 
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / HSEVAL  
      0000000 "None or not in universe"
  / HINC_FR 
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / HFRVAL  
      0000000 "None or not in universe"
  / HINC_UC 
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / HUCVAL  
      0000000 "None or not in universe Dollar amount"
  / HINC_WC 
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / HWCVAL  
      0000000 "None or not in universe Dollar amount"
  / HSS_YN  
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / HSSVAL  
      0000000 "None or not in universe Dollar amount"
  / HSSI_YN 
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      000000 "None Dollar amount"
  / HPAW_YN 
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      000000 "None Dollar amount"
  / HVET_YN 
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0000000 "None or not in universe Dollar amount"
  / HSUR_YN 
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0000000 "None or not in universe Dollar amount"
  / HDIS_YN 
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0000000 "None or not in universe Dollar amount"
  / HRET_YN 
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0000000 "None or not in universe Dollar amount"
  / HINT_YN 
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0000000 "None or not in universe Dollar amount"
  / HDIV_YN 
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0000000 "None or not in universe Dollar amount"
  / HRNT_YN 
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0000000 "None or not in universe"
  / HED_YN  
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / HEDVAL  
      0000000 "None or not in universe Dollar amount"
  / HCSP_YN 
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0000000 "None or not in universe Dollar amount"
  / HALM_YN 
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0000000 "None or not in universe Dollar amount"
  / HFIN_YN 
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0000000 "None or not in universe Dollar amount"
  / HOI_YN  
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / HOIVAL  
      0000000 "None or not in universe Dollar amount"
      00000000 "None or not in universe"
      00000000 "None or not in universe"
      00000000 "None or not in universe"
  / HHINC   
      00 "Not in universe"
      01 "Under $2,500"
      02 "$2,500 to $4,999"
      03 "$5,000 to $7,499"
      04 "$7,500 to $9,999"
      05 "$10,000 to $12,499"
      06 "$12,500 to $14,999"
      07 "$15,000 to $17,499"
      08 "$17,500 to $19,999"
      09 "$20,000 to $22,499"
      10 "$22,500 to $24,999"
      11 "$25,000 to $27,499"
      12 "$27,500 to $29,999"
      13 "$30,000 to $32,499"
      14 "$32,500 to $34,999"
      15 "$35,000 to $37,499"
      16 "$37,500 to $39,999"
      17 "$40,000 to $42,499"
      18 "$42,500 to $44,999"
      19 "$45,000 to $47,499"
      20 "$47,500 to $49,999"
      21 "$50,000 to $52,499"
      22 "$52,500 to $54,999"
      23 "$55,000 to $57,499"
      24 "$57,500 to $59,999"
      25 "$60,000 to $62,499"
      26 "$62,500 to $64,999"
      27 "$65,000 to $67,499"
      28 "$67,500 to $69,999"
      29 "$70,000 to $72,499"
      30 "$72,500 to $74,999"
      31 "$75,000 to $77,499"
      32 "$77,500 to $79,999"
      33 "$80,000 to $82,499"
      34 "$82,500 to $84,999"
      35 "$85,000 to $87,499"
      36 "$87,500 to $89,999"
      37 "$90,000 to $92,499"
      38 "$92,500 to $94,999"
      39 "$95,000 to $97,499"
      40 "$97,500 to $99,999"
      41 "$100,000 and over"
  / HMCARE  
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / HMCAID  
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / HCHAMP  
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / HHI_YN  
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0 "Not in universe (group quarters)"
      1 "Primary family"
      2 "Nonfamily householder living alone"
      3 "Nonfamily householder living with nonrelatives"
  / HUNDER18
      00 "None"
      0 "Not in universe (group quarters)"
      1 "In top 5 percent"
      2 "Not in top 5 percent"
      00 "Not in universe (group quarters)"
      01 "Lowest 5 percent"
      02 "Second 5 percent .."
      20 "Top 5 percent"
      0 "Not individually identified central city"
      0 "No change"
      1 "Value to blank"
      4 "Allocated"
      0 "No change"
      4 "Allocated"
      7 "Blank to NA - no error"
      0 "No change"
      1 "Value to blank"
      4 "Allocated"
      0 "No change"
      1 "Value to blank"
      4 "Allocated"
      0 "No change"
      1 "Value to blank"
      4 "Allocated"
      0 "No change"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change"
      1 "Allocated"
      00000 "None"
      00000 "None"
      00 "Non-interview household"
      01 "Husband/wife primary family (neither husband or wife in Armed Forces)"
      02 "Husband/wife primary family (husband and/or wife in Armed Forces)"
      03 "Unmarried civilian male primary family householder"
      04 "Unmarried civilian female primary family householder"
      05 "Primary family household - reference person in Armed Forces and unmarried"
      06 "Civilian male nonfamily householder"
      07 "Civilian female nonfamily householder"
      08 "Nonfamily householder household - reference person in Armed Forces"
      09 "Group quarters with actual families (This is new in 1994)"
      10 "Group quarters with secondary individuals only"
      0 "No change"
      1 "Allocated"
      2 "Family record"
  / FKIND   
      1 "Husband-wife family"
      2 "Male reference person"
      3 "Female reference person"
  / FTYPE   
      1 "Primary family"
      2 "Nonfamily householder"
      3 "Related subfamily"
      4 "Unrelated subfamily"
      5 "Secondary individual"
      00 "No wife"
      00 "No husband"
      00 "No spouse"
  / FOWNU6  
      0 "None, not in universe"
      1 "1"
      2 "2 .."
      6 "6+"
  / FOWNU18 
      0 "None, not in universe"
      1 "1 .."
      9 "9 or more"
  / FRELU6  
      0 "None, not in universe"
      1 "1"
      2 "2 .."
      6 "6+"
  / FRELU18 
      0 "None, not in universe"
      1 "1"
      2 "2 .."
      9 "9+"
      00 "NIU (FTYPE=2+)"
      01 "Lowest 5 percent"
      02 "Second 5 percent .."
      20 "Top 5 percent"
  / FAMLIS  
      1 "Below low-income level"
      2 "100 - 124 percent of the low- income level"
      3 "125 - 149 percent of the low- income level"
      4 "150 percent and above the low-income level"
  / POVLL   
      01 "Under .50"
      02 ".50 to .74"
      03 ".75 to .99"
      04 "1.00 to 1.24"
      05 "1.25 to 1.49"
      06 "1.50 to 1.74"
      07 "1.75 to 1.99"
      08 "2.00 to 2.49"
      09 "2.50 to 2.99"
      10 "3.00 to 3.49"
      11 "3.50 to 3.99"
      12 "4.00 to 4.49"
      13 "4.50 to 4.99"
      14 "5.00 and over"
  / FRSPOV  
      00 "Not in universe"
      01 "Under .50"
      02 ".50 to .74"
      03 ".75 to .99"
      04 "1.00 to 1.24"
      05 "1.25 to 1.49"
      06 "1.50 to 1.74"
      07 "1.75 to 1.99"
      08 "2.00 to 2.49"
      09 "2.50 to 2.99"
      10 "3.00 to 3.49"
      11 "3.50 to 3.99"
      12 "4.00 to 4.49"
      13 "4.50 to 4.99"
      14 "5.00 and over"
  / FINC_WS 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / FINC_SE 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / FSEVAL  
      0000000 "None or not in universe"
  / FINC_FR 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / FFRVAL  
      0000000 "None or not in universe"
  / FINC_UC 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / FUCVAL  
      0000000 "None or not in universe Dollar amount"
  / FINC_WC 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / FWCVAL  
      0000000 "None or not in universe Dollar amount"
  / FINC_SS 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / FSSVAL  
      0000000 "None or not in universe Dollar amount"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0 "None Dollar amount"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      00000 "None Dollar amount"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0000000 "None or not in universe Dollar amount"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0000000 "None or not in universe Dollar amount"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0000000 "None or not in universe Dollar amount"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0000000 "None or not in universe Dollar amount"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0000000 "None or not in universe Dollar amount"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0000000 "None or not in universe Dollar amount"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0000000 "None or not in universe Negative dollar amount Positive dollar amount"
  / FINC_ED 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / FEDVAL  
      0000000 "None or not in universe Dollar amount"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0000000 "None or not in universe Dollar amount"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0000000 "None or not in universe Dollar amount"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0000000 "None or not in universe Dollar amount"
  / FINC_OI 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / FOIVAL  
      0000000 "None or not in universe Dollar amount"
      00000000 "None or not in universe"
      00000000 "None or not in universe"
      00000000 "None"
  / FTOT_R  
      01 "Under $2,500"
      02 "$2,500 to $4,999"
      03 "$5,000 to $7,499"
      04 "$7,500 to $9,999"
      05 "$10,000 to $12,499"
      06 "$12,500 to $14,999"
      07 "$15,000 to $17,499"
      08 "$17,500 to $19,999"
      09 "$20,000 to $22,499"
      10 "$22,500 to $24,999"
      11 "$25,000 to $27,499"
      12 "$27,500 to $29,999"
      13 "$30,000 to $32,499"
      14 "$32,500 to $34,999"
      15 "$35,000 to $37,499"
      16 "$37,500 to $39,999"
      17 "$40,000 to $42,499"
      18 "$42,500 to $44,999"
      19 "$45,000 to $47,499"
      20 "$47,500 to $49,999"
      21 "$50,000 to $52,499"
      22 "$52,500 to $54,999"
      23 "$55,000 to $57,499"
      24 "$57,500 to $59,999"
      25 "$60,000 to $62,499"
      26 "$62,500 to $64,999"
      27 "$65,000 to $67,499"
      28 "$67,500 to $69,999"
      29 "$70,000 to $72,499"
      30 "$72,500 to $74,999"
      31 "$75,000 to $77,499"
      32 "$77,500 to $79,999"
      33 "$80,000 to $82,499"
      34 "$82,500 to $84,999"
      35 "$85,000 to $87,499"
      36 "$87,500 to $89,999"
      37 "$90,000 to $92,499"
      38 "$92,500 to $94,999"
      39 "$95,000 to $97,499"
      40 "$97,500 to $99,999"
      41 "$100,000 and over"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / F_MV_FS 
      0 "None Dollar amount"
  / F_MV_SL 
      0 "None Dollar amount"
      0 "None Dollar amount"
      0 "None Dollar amount"
      0 "None Dollar amount"
      0 "None Dollar amount"
      3 "Person record"
      00 "None"
      01 "Reference person with relatives"
      02 "Reference person without relatives"
      03 "Husband"
      04 "Wife"
      05 "Own child"
      07 "Grandchild"
      08 "Parent"
      09 "Brother/sister"
      10 "Other relative"
      11 "Foster child"
      12 "Nonrelative with relatives"
      13 "Partner/roommate"
      14 "Nonrelative without relatives"
      1 "Married - civilian spouse present"
      2 "Married - AF spouse present"
      3 "Married - spouse absent (exc separated)"
      4 "Widowed"
      5 "Divorced"
      6 "Separated"
      7 "Never married"
      00 "None or children"
  / A_SEX   
      1 "Male"
      2 "Female"
  / A_VET   
      0 "Children or Armed Forces"
      1 "Vietnam"
      2 "Korean war"
      3 "World War II"
      4 "World War I"
      5 "Other service"
      6 "Nonveteran"
  / A_HGA   
      00 "Children"
      31 "Less than 1st grade"
      32 "1st,2nd,3rd,or 4th grade"
      33 "5th or 6th grade"
      34 "7th and 8th grade"
      35 "9th grade"
      36 "10th grade"
      37 "11th grade"
      38 "12th grade no diploma"
      39 "High school graduate - high school diploma or equivalent"
      40 "Some college but no degree"
      41 "Associate degree in college - occupation/vocation program"
      42 "Associate degree in college - academic program"
      43 "Bachelor's degree (for example: BA,AB,BS)"
      44 "Master's degree (for example:MA,MS,MENG,MED, MSW, MBA)"
      45 "Professional school degree (for example: MD,DDS,DVM,LLB,JD)"
      46 "Doctorate degree (for example: PHD,EDD)"
  / A_RACE  
      1 "White"
      2 "Black"
      3 "American Indian, Aleut Eskimo"
      4 "Asian or Pacific Island"
  / P_STAT  
      1 "Civilian 15+"
      2 "Armed Forces"
      3 "Children 0 - 14"
      01 "Mexican American"
      02 "Chicano"
      03 "Mexican (Mexicano)"
      04 "Puerto Rican"
      05 "Cuban"
      06 "Central or South American"
      07 "Other Spanish"
      08 "All other"
      09 "Don't know"
      10 "NA"
      00 "Not a family member"
      01 "Primary family member only"
      1 "Primary family"
      2 "Nonfamily householder"
      3 "Related subfamily"
      4 "Unrelated subfamily"
      5 "Secondary individual"
      0 "Not a family member"
      1 "Reference person"
      2 "Spouse"
      3 "Child"
      4 "Other relative (primary family & unrelated subfamily only)"
  / A_PFREL 
      0 "Not in primary family"
      1 "Husband"
      2 "Wife"
      3 "Own child"
      4 "Other relative"
      5 "Unmarried reference person"
  / HHDREL  
      1 "Householder"
      2 "Spouse of householder"
      3 "Under 18 years, single (never married)"
      4 "Under 18 years, ever married"
      5 "18 years and over"
      6 "Other relative of householder"
      7 "Nonrelative of householder"
      8 "Secondary individual"
  / FAMREL  
      01 "Reference person of family"
      02 "Spouse of reference person"
      03 "Under 18 years, single (never married)"
      04 "Under 18 years, ever married"
      05 "18 years and over"
      06 "Grandchild of reference person"
      07 "Under 18 years, single (never married)"
      08 "Under 18 years, ever married"
      09 "18 years and over"
      10 "Nonfamily householder"
      11 "Secondary individual"
  / HHDFMX  
      01 "Householder"
      02 "Spouse of householder"
      03 "Reference person of subfamily"
      04 "Not in a subfamily"
      05 "Reference person of subfamily"
      06 "Spouse of subfamily reference person"
      07 "Not in a subfamily"
      08 "Head of a subfamily"
      09 "Not in a subfamily"
      10 "Reference person of subfamily"
      11 "Spouse of subfamily reference person"
      12 "Not in a subfamily"
      23 "Reference person of subfamily"
      24 "Child of a subfamily"
      25 "Not in a subfamily"
      26 "Reference person of subfamily"
      27 "Spouse of subfamily reference person"
      28 "Not used"
      29 "Not in a subfamily"
      30 "Reference person of a subfamily"
      31 "Not in a subfamily"
      32 "Reference person of subfamily"
      33 "Spouse of subfamily reference person"
      34 "Not in a subfamily"
      35 "Reference person of subfamily"
      36 "Child of subfamily reference person"
      37 "Not in a subfamily"
      38 "Reference person of subfamily"
      39 "Spouse of subfamily reference person"
      40 "Not in a subfamily"
      41 "Reference person of a subfamily"
      42 "Not in a subfamily"
      43 "Reference person of subfamily"
      44 "Spouse of subfamily reference person"
      45 "Not in a subfamily"
      46 "Reference person of unrelated subfamily"
      47 "Spouse of unrelated subfamily reference person"
      48 "Child < 18, single (never- married) of unrelated subfamily reference person"
      49 "Nonfamily householder"
      50 "Secondary individual"
      51 "In group quarters"
  / PARENT  
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Both parents present"
      2 "Mother only present"
      3 "Father only present"
      4 "Neither parent present"
  / AGE1    
      00 "Not in universe"
      01 "15 years"
      02 "16 and 17 years"
      03 "18 and 19 years"
      04 "20 and 21 years"
      05 "22 to 24 years"
      06 "25 to 29 years"
      07 "30 to 34 years"
      08 "35 to 39 years"
      09 "40 to 44 years"
      10 "45 to 49 years"
      11 "50 to 54 years"
      12 "55 to 59 years"
      13 "60 to 61 years"
      14 "62 to 64 years"
      15 "65 to 69 years"
      16 "70 to 74 years"
      17 "75 years and over"
      00000000 "Supplemental Spanish sample"
      00000000 "Not in universe or children and Armed Forces"
  / A_HRS1  
      00 "Children and Armed Forces"
  / A_USLFT 
      0 "Not in universe or children and Armed Forces"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0 "Not in universe or children and Armed Forces"
      1 "Own illness"
      2 "On vacation"
      3 "Bad weather"
      4 "Labor dispute"
      8 "Other"
      0 "Not in universe or children and Armed Forces"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      3 "Self-employed"
  / A_WKSLK 
      000 "Children or Armed Forces"
      0 "Not in universe or children and Armed Forces"
      1 "In last 12 months"
      2 "More than 12 months ago"
      5 "Never worked at all"
  / A_IND   
      000 "Old not in universe or children and Armed Forces"
  / A_OCC   
      000 "Old not in universe or children and Armed Forces"
      0 "Not in universe or children and Armed Forces"
      1 "Private"
      2 "Federal government"
      3 "State government"
      4 "Local government"
      5 "Self-employed-incorporated"
      6 "Self-employed-not incorporated"
      7 "Without pay"
      8 "Never worked"
  / A_NLFLJ 
      0 "Not in universe or children and Armed Forces"
      1 "Within a past 12 months"
      3 "More than 12 months ago"
      7 "Never worked"
      0 "Not in universe or children and Armed Forces"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      00 "None, no hours"
      0 "Not in universe or children and Armed Forces"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0000 "Not in universe or children and Armed Forces"
  / A_GRSWK 
      0000 "Not in universe or children or Armed Forces"
  / A_UNMEM 
      0 "Not in universe or children and Armed Forces"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / A_UNCOV 
      0 "Not in universe or children and Armed Forces"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / A_ENRLW 
      0 "Not in universe or children and Armed Forces"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / A_HSCOL 
      0 "Not in universe or children and Armed Forces"
      1 "High school"
      2 "College or univ."
  / A_FTPT  
      0 "Not in universe or children and Armed Forces"
      1 "Full time"
      2 "Part time"
  / A_LFSR  
      0 "Children or Armed Forces"
      3 "Unemployed, looking for work"
      4 "Unemployed, on layoff"
      7 "Nilf"
      0 "Not in universe or children and Armed Forces"
      1 "Job loser - on layoff"
      2 "Other job loser"
      3 "Job leaver"
      4 "Re-entrant"
      5 "New entrant"
      0 "Children or Armed Forces"
      1 "Not in labor force"
      2 "Full-time schedules"
      3 "Part-time for economic reasons, usually FT"
      4 "Part-time for non-economic reasons, usually PT"
      5 "Part-time for economic reasons, usually PT"
      6 "Unemployed FT"
      7 "Unemployed PT"
  / A_EXPLF 
      0 "Not in experienced labor force"
      1 "Employed"
      2 "Unemployed"
  / A_WKSCH 
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "At work"
      2 "With job, not at work"
      3 "Unemployed, seeks FT"
      4 "Unemployed, seeks PT"
  / A_CIVLF 
      0 "Not in universe or children and Armed Forces"
      1 "In universe"
  / A_FTLF  
      0 "Not in universe or children and Armed Forces"
      1 "In universe"
  / A_MJIND 
      00 "Not in universe or children"
      01 "Agriculture"
      02 "Mining"
      03 "Construction manufacturing"
      04 "Manufacturing-durable goods"
      05 "Manufacturing-nondurable goods transportation, communications, and other public utilities"
      06 "Transportation"
      07 "Communications"
      08 "Utilities and sanitary services wholesale and retail trade"
      09 "Wholesale trade"
      10 "Retail trade"
      11 "Finance, insurance and real estate services (12-20)"
      12 "Private household miscellaneous services"
      13 "Business and repair"
      14 "Personal services, except private household"
      15 "Entertainment professional and related services"
      16 "Hospital"
      17 "Medical, except hospital"
      18 "Educational"
      19 "Social services"
      20 "Other professional"
      21 "Forestry and fisheries"
      22 "Public administration"
      23 "Armed Forces"
  / A_DTIND 
      00 "Not in universe or children or Armed Forces"
  / A_MJOCC 
      00 "Not in universe for children or Armed Forces"
      01 "Executive, admin. & managerial"
      02 "Professional specialty"
      03 "Technicians & related support"
      04 "Sales"
      05 "Administrative support, incl. clerical"
      06 "Private household"
      07 "Protective service"
      08 "Other service"
      09 "Precision production, craft & repair"
      10 "Machine operators, assemblers & inspectors"
      11 "Transportation & material moving"
      12 "Handlers, equip. cleaners, etc."
      13 "Farming, forestry & fishing"
      14 "Armed Forces"
  / A_DTOCC 
      00 "Not in universe for children or Armed Forces"
      0 "Not earnings eligible"
      1 "Earnings eligible"
  / A_RCOW  
      0 "Not in universe or children or Armed Forces or never worked"
      1 "Private (Includes self-employed incorporated)"
      2 "Federal"
      3 "State"
      4 "Local"
      5 "Self-employed unincorporated"
      6 "Without pay"
  / WORKYN  
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / WTEMP   
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / NWLOOK  
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / NWLKWK  
      00 "Not in universe"
      01 "1 week .."
      52 "52 weeks"
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Ill or disabled"
      2 "Retired"
      3 "Taking care of home or family"
      4 "Going to school"
      5 "Could not find work"
      6 "Other"
      00 "Not in universe"
      01 "1 week .."
      52 "52 weeks"
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "1-49 weeks"
      2 "50-51 weeks"
      3 "52 weeks"
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / LKNONE  
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "No weeks looking for work or on layoff"
      00 "Not in universe"
      01 "01 weeks .."
      51 "51 weeks"
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes, 1 stretch"
      2 "No, 2 stretches"
      3 "No, 3 plus stretches"
  / PYRSN   
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Ill or disabled"
      2 "Taking care of home"
      3 "Going to school"
      4 "Retired"
      5 "No work available"
      6 "Other"
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "1 employer"
      2 "2"
      3 "3 plus"
  / HRSWK   
      00 "Not in universe"
      01 "1 hour .."
      99 "99 hours plus"
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Part time (1-34)"
      2 "Full time (35+)"
  / PTYN    
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      00 "Not in universe"
      01 "1 week"
      52 "52 weeks"
  / PTRSN   
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Could only find PT job"
      2 "Wanted part time"
      3 "Slack work"
      4 "Other"
  / LJCW    
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Private"
      2 "Federal"
      3 "State"
      4 "Local"
      5 "Self employed incorporated, yes"
      6 "Self employed incorporated, no or farm"
      7 "Without pay"
      000 "Not in universe"
  / OCCUP   
      000 "Not in universe"
  / WEXP    
      00 "Not in universe"
      01 "50 to 52 weeks"
      02 "48 to 49 weeks"
      03 "40 to 47 weeks"
      04 "27 to 39 weeks"
      05 "14 to 26 weeks"
      06 "13 weeks or less"
      07 "50 to 52 weeks"
      08 "48 to 49 weeks"
      09 "40 to 47 weeks"
      10 "27 to 39 weeks"
      11 "14 to 26 weeks"
      12 "13 weeks or less"
      13 "Nonworker"
  / WEWKRS  
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Full time"
      2 "Part time"
      3 "Full time"
      4 "Part time"
      5 "Nonworker"
  / WELKNW  
      0 "Children"
      1 "None (not looking for work)"
      2 "1 to 4 weeks looking"
      3 "5 to 14 weeks looking"
      4 "15 to 26 weeks looking"
      5 "27 to 39 weeks looking"
      6 "40 or more weeks looking"
      7 "Workers"
  / WEUEMP  
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "None"
      2 "1 to 4 weeks"
      3 "5 to 10 weeks"
      4 "11 to 14 weeks"
      5 "15 to 26 weeks"
      6 "27 to 39 weeks"
      7 "40 or more weeks"
      8 "Full year worker"
      9 "Nonworker"
  / EARNER  
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Earner (pearnval ne 0)"
      2 "Nonearner"
  / CLWK    
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Private (includes self- employment, inc)"
      2 "Government"
      3 "Self-employed"
      4 "Without pay"
      5 "Never worked"
  / WECLW   
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Wage and salary"
      2 "Self-employed"
      3 "Unpaid"
      4 "Private household"
      5 "Other private"
      6 "Government"
      7 "Self-employed"
      8 "Unpaid"
      9 "Never worked"
  / POCCU2  
      00 "Children"
      01 "Officials and administrators, public administration"
      03 "Salaried"
      04 "Self-employed"
      05 "Management related occupations"
      06 "Accountants and auditors"
      07 "Engineers : architects, and surveyors"
      08 "Engineers"
      09 "Natural scientists and mathematicians"
      10 "Computer systems analysts and scientists"
      11 "Health diagnosing occupations"
      12 "Physicians and dentists"
      13 "Health assessment and treating occuptions"
      14 "Teachers, librarians, and counselors"
      15 "Teachers, except postsecondary"
      16 "Other professional specialty occupations"
      17 "Health technologists and technicians"
      18 "Engineering and science technicians"
      19 "Technicians, except health: engineering: and science"
      20 "Supervisors and proprietors, sales occupations"
      21 "Sales representatives, commodities and finance"
      22 "Other sales occupations"
      23 "Computer equipment operators"
      24 "Secretaries, stenographers, and typists"
      25 "Financial records processing occupations"
      26 "Other administrative support occupations, including clerical"
      27 "Private household occupations"
      28 "Protective service occupations"
      29 "Food services occupations"
      30 "Health service occupations"
      31 "Cleaning and building service occupations (exc. hhld)"
      32 "Personal service occupations"
      33 "Farm operators and managers"
      34 "Farm occupations, except managerial"
      35 "Related agricultural occupations"
      36 "Forestry and fising occupations"
      37 "Mechanics and reapirers"
      38 "Construction trades and extractive occupations"
      39 "Carpenters"
      40 "Supervisors, production occupations"
      41 "Precision metal working occupations"
      42 "Other precision production occupations"
      43 "Machine operators and tenders, except precision"
      44 "Fabricators, assemblers and hand working occupations"
      45 "Production inspectors, testers, samplers, and weighers"
      46 "Transportation occupations"
      47 "Material moving equipment operators"
      48 "Construction laborers"
      49 "Freight, stock and material handlers"
      50 "Other specified handlers, equipment cleaners and helpers"
      51 "Laborers, except construction"
      52 "Armed Forces - currently civilian"
      53 "Never worked"
  / WEMOCG  
      00 "Children"
      01 "Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations"
      02 "Professional specialty occupations"
      03 "Technicians and related support occupations"
      04 "Sales occupations"
      05 "Administrative support occupations, including clerical"
      06 "Private household occupations"
      07 "Protective service occupations"
      08 "Service occupations, except household and protective"
      09 "Farming, forestry, and fishing occupations"
      10 "Precision production: craft, and repair occupations"
      11 "Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors"
      12 "Transportation and material moving occupations"
      13 "Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers"
      14 "Armed Forces - currently civilian"
      15 "Never worked"
  / WEIND   
      00 "Children"
      01 "Agriculture"
      02 "Mining"
      03 "Construction"
      04 "Lumber and wood products, except furniture"
      05 "Furniture and fixtures"
      06 "Stone, clay, glass, concrete products"
      07 "Primary metals"
      08 "Fabricated metals"
      09 "Not specified metal industries"
      10 "Machinery, except electrical"
      11 "Electrical machinery, equipment, supplies"
      12 "Motor vehicles and equipment"
      13 "Aircraft and parts"
      14 "0ther transportation equipment"
      15 "Professional and photo equipment, watches"
      16 "Toys, amusements, and sporting goods"
      17 "Miscellaneous and not specified manufacting, industry"
      18 "Food and kindred products"
      19 "Tobacco manufactures"
      20 "Textile mill products"
      21 "Apparel and other finished textile products"
      22 "Paper and allied products"
      23 "Printing, publishing, and allied industry"
      24 "Chemicals and allied products"
      25 "Petroleum and coal products"
      26 "Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products"
      27 "Leather and leather products"
      28 "Transportation"
      29 "Communication"
      30 "Utilities and sanitary services"
      31 "Wholesale trade"
      32 "Retail trade"
      33 "Banking and other finance"
      34 "Insurance and real estate"
      35 "Private household"
      36 "Business services"
      37 "Repair services"
      38 "Personal service except private household"
      39 "Entertainment and recreation services"
      40 "Hospitals"
      41 "Health services, except hospitals"
      42 "Educational services"
      43 "Social services"
      44 "Other professional services"
      45 "Forestry and fisheries"
      46 "Public administration"
      47 "Never worked"
  / WEMIND  
      00 "Not in universe"
      01 "Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries"
      02 "Mining"
      03 "Construction"
      04 "Durable goods"
      05 "Nondurable goods"
      06 "Transportation, communications & public utilities"
      07 "Wholesale trade"
      08 "Retail trade"
      09 "Finance, insurance, and real estate"
      10 "Business and repair services"
      11 "Personal services, including private households"
      12 "Entertainment and recreation services"
      13 "Professional and related services"
      14 "Public administration"
      15 "Never worked"
      0 "NIU, nonmover"
      1 "MSA"
      2 "non MSA"
      3 "Abroad"
      4 "Not identifiable"
      0 "NIU"
      1 "Yes (nonmover)"
      2 "No, difference house in U.S. (mover)"
      3 "No, outside the U.S. (mover)"
  / MIG_REG 
      0 "Not in universe under 1 year old/nonmover"
      1 "Northeast Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania"
      2 "Midwest Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas"
      3 "South Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Kentu"
      4 "West Montana Idaho Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah Nevada Washington Oregon California Alaska Hawaii"
      5 "Abroad"
  / MIG_ST  
      00 "Nonmatch"
      01 "Alabama"
      02 "Alaska"
      04 "Arizona"
      05 "Arkansas"
      06 "California"
      08 "Colorado"
      09 "Connecticut"
      10 "Delaware"
      11 "District of Columbia"
      12 "Florida"
      13 "Georgia"
      15 "Hawaii"
      16 "Idaho"
      17 "Illinois"
      18 "Indiana"
      19 "Iowa"
      20 "Kansas"
      21 "Kentucky"
      22 "Louisiana"
      23 "Maine"
      24 "Maryland"
      25 "Massachusetts"
      26 "Michigan"
      27 "Minnesota"
      28 "Mississippi"
      29 "Missouri"
      30 "Montana"
      31 "Nebraska"
      32 "Nevada"
      33 "New Hampshire"
      34 "New Jersey"
      35 "New Mexico"
      36 "New York"
      37 "North Carolina"
      38 "North Dakota"
      39 "Ohio"
      40 "Oklahoma"
      41 "Oregon"
      42 "Pennsylvania"
      44 "Rhode Island"
      45 "South Carolina"
      46 "South Dakota"
      47 "Tennessee"
      48 "Texas"
      49 "Utah"
      50 "Vermont"
      51 "Virginia"
      53 "Washington"
      54 "West Virginia"
      55 "Wisconsin"
      56 "Wyoming"
      96 "Abroad"
      0 "NIU (under 1 year old, nonmover)"
      1 "Central city of an MSA/PMSA"
      2 "Balance of an MSA/PMSA"
      3 "Non-metro"
      4 "Abroad"
      5 "Not identified"
  / GEDIV   
      1 "New England"
      2 "Middle Atlantic"
      3 "East North Central"
      4 "West North Central"
      5 "South Atlantic"
      6 "East South Central"
      7 "West South Central"
      8 "Mountain"
      9 "Pacific"
  / MIG_DIV 
      00 "Not in universe (under 1 year old)"
      01 "New England"
      02 "Middle Atlantic"
      03 "East North Central"
      04 "West North Central"
      05 "South Atlantic"
      06 "East South Central"
      07 "West South Central"
      08 "Mountain"
      09 "Pacific"
      10 "Aboard"
  / MIG_MTR1
      01 "Nonmover"
      02 "MSA to MSA"
      03 "MSA to nonMSA"
      04 "NonMSA to MSA"
      05 "NonMSA to nonMSA"
      06 "Abroad to MSA"
      07 "Abroad to nonMSA"
      08 "Not in universe (Children under 1 year old)"
      09 "Not identifiable"
  / MIG_MTR3
      1 "Nonmover"
      2 "Same county"
      3 "Different county, same state"
      4 "Different state, same division"
      5 "Different division, same region"
      6 "Different region"
      7 "Abroad"
      8 "Not in universe (children under 1 yr old)"
  / MIG_MTR4
      1 "Nonmover"
      2 "Same county"
      3 "Different county, same state"
      4 "Different state in Northeast"
      5 "Different state in midwest"
      6 "Different state in South"
      7 "Different state in west"
      8 "Abroad, foreign country"
      9 "Not in universe (children under 1 yr old)"
  / NOEMP   
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Under 10"
      2 "10 - 24"
      3 "25 - 99"
      4 "100 - 499"
      5 "500 - 999"
      6 "1000+"
  / ERN_YN  
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / ERN_VAL 
      000000 "None or not in universe"
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Wage and salary"
      2 "Self employment"
      3 "Farm self employment"
      4 "Without pay"
  / ERN_OTR 
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / WSAL_YN 
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      000000 "None or not in universe"
  / SEOTR   
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / SEMP_YN 
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      000000 "None or not in universe"
  / FRMOTR  
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / FRM_VAL 
      00000 "None or not in universe"
  / FRSE_YN 
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      000000 "None or not in universe"
  / UC_YN   
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / SUBUC   
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / STRKUC  
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / UC_VAL  
      00000 "None or not in universe"
  / WC_YN   
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / WC_TYPE 
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "State worker's compensation"
      2 "Employer or employers insurance"
      3 "Own insurance"
      4 "Other"
  / WC_VAL  
      00000 "None or not in universe"
  / SS_YN   
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / SS_VAL  
      00000 "None or not in universe"
  / SSI_YN  
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PAW_YN  
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PAW_TYP 
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "AFCD (ADC)"
      2 "Other"
      3 "Both"
  / PAW_MON 
      00 "Not in universe"
      01 "One .."
      12 "Twelve"
  / PAW_VAL 
      00000 "None or not in universe"
  / VET_YN  
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / VET_TYP1
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / VET_TYP2
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / VET_TYP3
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / VET_TYP4
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / VET_TYP5
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / VET_QVA 
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / VET_VAL 
      00000 "None or not in universe"
  / SUR_YN  
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / SUR_SC1 
      00 "None or not in universe"
      01 "Company or union survivor pension"
      02 "Federal government"
      03 "Us military retirement survivor pension"
      04 "State or local gov't survivor pension"
      05 "US railroad retirement survivor pension"
      06 "Worker's compensation survivor"
      07 "Not used"
      08 "Regular payments from estates or trusts"
      09 "Regular payments from annuities or paid-up life insurance"
      10 "Other or don't know"
  / SUR_VAL1
      00000 "None or not in universe"
  / SUR_VAL2
      00000 "None or not in universe"
      000000 "None or not in universe"
  / DIS_HP  
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / DIS_CS  
      0 "Not in universe or children"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / DIS_YN  
      0 "Not in universe or children"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / DIS_SC1 
      00 "Not in universe"
      01 "Worker's compensation"
      02 "Company or union disability"
      03 "Federal government disability"
      04 "Us military retirement disability"
      05 "State or local gov't employee disability"
      06 "Us railroad retirement disability"
      07 "Accident or disability"
      08 "Not used"
      09 "Not used"
      10 "Other or don't know"
  / DIS_VAL1
      00000 "None or not in universe"
  / DIS_VAL2
      00000 "None or not in universe"
      000000 "None or not in universe"
  / RET_YN  
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / RET_SC1 
      0 "None or not in universe"
      1 "Company or union pension"
      2 "Federal government retirement"
      3 "US military retirement"
      4 "State or local government retirement"
      5 "US railroad retirement"
      6 "Regular payments from annuities or paid insurance policies"
      7 "Regular payments from ira, KEOGH, or 401(k) accounts"
      8 "Other sources or don't know"
  / RET_VAL1
      00000 "None or not in universe"
  / RET_VAL2
      00000 "None or not in universe"
  / RTM_VAL 
      00000 "None or not in universe"
  / INT_YN  
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / INT_VAL 
      000000 "None or not in universe"
  / DIV_YN  
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / DIV_NON 
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "None"
  / DIV_VAL 
      00000 "None or not in universe"
  / RNT_YN  
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / RNT_VAL 
      00000 "None or not in universe"
  / ED_YN   
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / OED_TYP1
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / OED_TYP2
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / OED_TYP3
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / ED_VAL  
      00000 "None or not in universe"
  / CSP_YN  
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / CSP_VAL 
      00000 "None or not in universe"
  / ALM_YN  
      0 "None or not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / ALM_VAL 
      00000 "None or not in universe"
  / FIN_YN  
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / FIN_VAL 
      00000 "None or not in universe"
  / OI_OFF  
      00 "NIU"
      01 "Social security"
      02 "Private pensions"
      03 "AFDC"
      04 "Other public assistance"
      05 "Interest"
      06 "Dividends"
      07 "Rents or royalties"
      08 "Estates or trusts"
      09 "State disability payments (worker's comp)"
      10 "Disability payments (own insurance)"
      11 "Unemployment compensation"
      12 "Strike benefits"
      13 "Annuities or paid up insurance policies"
      14 "Not income"
      15 "Longest job"
      16 "Wages or salary"
      17 "Nonfarm self-employment"
      19 "Anything else"
  / OI_YN   
      0 "None or not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / OI_VAL  
      00000 "None or not in universe"
      0 "None or not in universe"
      0 "None or not in universe"
      0 "None"
  / FL_665  
      0 "No 665 person match"
      1 "665 person match"
      2 "Non-interview 665 matched to CPS household"
      3 "Match not enough data"
  / PTOT_R  
      00 "Not in universe"
      01 "Under $2,500"
      02 "$2,500 to $4,999"
      03 "$5,000 to $7,499"
      04 "$7,500 to $9,999"
      05 "$10,000 to $12,499"
      06 "$12,500 to $14,999"
      07 "$15,000 to $17,499"
      08 "$17,500 to $19,999"
      09 "$20,000 to $22,499"
      10 "$22,500 to $24,999"
      11 "$25,000 to $27,499"
      12 "$27,500 to $29,999"
      13 "$30,000 to $32,499"
      14 "$32,500 to $34,999"
      15 "$35,000 to $37,499"
      16 "$37,500 to $39,999"
      17 "$40,000 to $42,499"
      18 "$42,500 to $44,999"
      19 "$45,000 to $47,499"
      20 "$47,500 to $49,999"
      21 "$50,000 to $52,499"
      22 "$52,500 to $54,999"
      23 "$55,000 to $57,499"
      24 "$57,500 to $59,999"
      25 "$60,000 to $62,499"
      26 "$62,500 to $64,999"
      27 "$65,000 to $67,499"
      28 "$67,500 to $69,999"
      29 "$70,000 to $72,499"
      30 "$72,500 to $74,999"
      31 "$75,000 to $77,499"
      32 "$77,500 to $79,999"
      33 "$80,000 to $82,499"
      34 "$82,500 to $84,999"
      35 "$85,000 to $87,499"
      36 "$87,500 to $89,999"
      37 "$90,000 to $92,499"
      38 "$92,500 to $94,999"
      39 "$95,000 to $97,499"
      40 "$97,500 to $99,999"
      41 "$100,000 and over"
  / PERLIS  
      1 "Below low-income level"
      2 "100 - 124 percent of the low- income level"
      3 "125 - 149 percent of the low- income level"
      4 "150 and above the low-income level"
  / MCARE   
      0 "NIU (children under 15)"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / MCAID   
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / CHAMP   
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / HI_YN   
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / HIOWN   
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / HIEMP   
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / HIPAID  
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "All"
      2 "Part"
      3 "None"
  / WRK_CK  
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0 "Not in universe"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / COV_GH  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / COV_HI  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / CH_MC   
      0 "Not child's record"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / CH_HI   
      0 "Not child's record"
      1 "Covered by person in household"
      2 "Covered by person outside of household"
      3 "Not covered"
  / A#RRP   
      0 "No change"
      2 "Blank to value"
      3 "Value to value"
      0 "No change"
      2 "Blank to value"
      3 "Value to value"
  / A#AGE   
      0 "No change"
      4 "Allocated"
      0 "No change"
      4 "Allocated"
      0 "No change"
      2 "Blank to value"
      3 "Value to value"
  / A#SEX   
      0 "No change"
      4 "Allocated"
  / A#VET   
      0 "No change"
      4 "Allocated"
  / A#HGA   
      0 "No change"
      4 "Allocated"
  / A#RACE  
      0 "No change"
      4 "Allocated"
      0 "No change"
      2 "Blank to value"
      5 "Value to value"
      8 "Blank to n/a code"
  / A#LFSR  
      0 "No change or children or armed forces"
      4 "Allocated"
  / A#HRS   
      0 "No change or children or armed forces"
      4 "Allocated"
      0 "No change or children or armed forces"
      4 "Allocated"
      0 "No change or children or armed forces"
      4 "Allocated"
  / A#IND   
      0 "No change or children or armed forces"
      4 "Allocated"
  / A#OCC   
      0 "No change or children or armed forces"
      4 "Allocated"
      0 "No change or children or armed forces"
      4 "Allocated"
  / A#NLFLJ 
      0 "No change or children or armed forces"
      4 "Allocated"
      0 "No change or children or armed forces"
      4 "Allocated"
      0 "No change or children or armed forces"
      4 "Allocated"
  / A#UNMEM 
      0 "No change or children or armed forces"
      4 "Allocated"
  / A#UNCOV 
      0 "No change or children or armed forces"
      4 "Allocated"
  / A#ENRLW 
      0 "No change or children or armed forces"
      4 "Allocated"
  / A#HSCOL 
      0 "No change or children or armed forces"
      4 "Allocated"
  / A#FTPT  
      0 "No change or children or armed forces"
      4 "Allocated"
  / I_ERNYN 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_WSYN  
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_WSVAL 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_SEYN  
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_SEVAL 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_FRMYN 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_UCYN  
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_UCVAL 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_WCYN  
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_WCTYP 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_WCVAL 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_SSYN  
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_SSVAL 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_SSIYN 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_PAWYN 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_PAWMO 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_VETYN 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_SURYN 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_SURSC1
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_SURSC2
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_SURVL1
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_SURVL2
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_DISSC1
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_DISSC2
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_DISHP 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_DISCS 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_DISYN 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / TOI_VAL 
      0 "Not topcoded"
      1 "Topcoded"
  / I_DISVL1
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_DISVL2
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_RETYN 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_RETSC1
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_RETSC2
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_RETVL1
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_RETVL2
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_INTYN 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_DIVYN 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_RNTYN 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_EDYN  
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_EDTYP1
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_EDTYP2
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_CSPYN 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_ALMYN 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_FINYN 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_OIVAL 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_LKSTR 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_PYRSN 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_HRSWK 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_HRCHK 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_PTYN  
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_PTWKS 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_PTRSN 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_LJCW  
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_INDUS 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_OCCUP 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_WTEMP 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_WKSWK 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_WKCHK 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_NOEMP 
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No change or children"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_MIG1  
      0 "NIU, or not changed."
      1 "Assigned from householder."
      2 "Assigned from spouse"
      3 "Allocated from matrix mob"
      4 "Assign from parents"
  / I_MIG2  
      0 "NIU, or not changed."
      1 "Assigned from householder"
      2 "Assigned from spouse"
      3 "Allocated from matrix MIG1"
      4 "Allocated from matrix MIG2"
      5 "Allocated from MIG3"
      6 "Allocated from MIG4"
      7 "Allocated from MIG5"
      8 "Assign from parents"
      0 "None Dollar amount"
      0 "None Dollar amount"
      0 "None Dollar amount"
      1 "Joint, both <65"
      2 "Joint, one <65 & one 65+"
      3 "Joint, both 65+"
      4 "Head of household"
      5 "Single"
      6 "Nonfiler"
      0 "Not a dependent"
  / FED_TAX 
      0 "None Dollar amount"
      0 "None Dollar amount"
      0 "None Dollar amount"
  / FICA    
      0 "None Dollar amount"
  / FED_RET 
      0 "None Dollar amount"
  / AGI     
      0 "None or not in universe Dollar amount"
      0 "None Dollar amount"
      0 "None Dollar amount"
  / TAX_INC 
      0 "None Dollar amount"
      0 "None"
  / PEMLR   
      0 "NIU"
      1 "Employed - at work"
      2 "Employed - absent"
      3 "Unemployed - on layoff"
      4 "Unemployed - looking"
      5 "Not in labor force - retired"
      6 "Not in labor force - disabled"
      7 "Not in labor force - other"
      0 "NIU"
      1 "Job loser/on layoff"
      2 "Other job loser"
      3 "Temporary job ended"
      4 "Job leaver"
      5 "Re-entrant"
      6 "New-entrant"
      00 "NIU"
      01 "Not in labor force"
      02 "FT hours (35+), usually FT"
      03 "PT for economic reasons, usually FT"
      04 "PT for non-economic reasons, usually FT"
      05 "Not at work, usually FT"
      06 "PT hrs, usually PT for economic reasons"
      07 "PT hrs, usually PT for non- economic"
      08 "FT hours, usually PT for economic reasons"
      09 "FT hours, usually PT for non- economic reasons"
      10 "Not at work, usually part-time"
      11 "Unemployed FT"
      12 "Unemployed PT"
      0 "NIU - children or Armed Forces"
      1 "Usually FT - slack work/ business conditions"
      2 "Usually FT - seasonal work"
      3 "Usually FT - job started/ended during week"
      4 "Usually FT - vacation/personal day"
      5 "Usually FT - own illness/ injury/ .medical appt"
      6 "Usually FT - holiday (religious or legal)"
      7 "Usually FT - child care problems"
      8 "Usually FT - other fam/pers obligations"
      9 "Usually FT - labor dispute"
      10 "Usually FT - weather affected job"
      11 "Usually FT - school/training"
      12 "Usually FT - civic/military duty"
      13 "Usually FT - other reason"
      14 "Usually PT - slack work/ business conditions"
      15 "Usually PT - PT could only find PT work"
      16 "Usually PT - seasonal work"
      17 "Usually PT - child care problems"
      18 "Usually PT - other fam/pers obligations"
      19 "Usually PT - health/medical limitations"
      20 "Usually PT - school/training"
      21 "Usually PT - retired/social security limit on earnings"
      22 "Usually PT - workweek <35 hours"
      23 "Usually PT - other reason"
  / PRDISC  
      0 "NIU"
      1 "Discouraged worker"
      2 "Conditionally interested"
      3 "Not available"
  / PRCOW1  
      0 "NIU"
      1 "Federal govt"
      2 "State govt"
      3 "Local govt"
      4 "Private (incl. self-employed incorp.)"
      5 "Self-employed, unincorp."
      6 "Without pay"
      1 "Child household member"
      2 "Adult civilian household member"
      3 "Adult Armed Forces household member"
      0 "NIU - children or Armed Forces"
      2 "Slack work/business conditions"
      4 "Vacation/personal days"
      5 "Own illness/injury/medical problems"
      6 "Child care problems"
      7 "Other family/personal obligation"
      8 "Maternity/paternity leave"
      9 "Labor dispute"
      10 "Weather affected job"
      11 "School/training"
      12 "Civic/military duty"
      13 "Does not work in the business"
      14 "Other (specify)"
      0 "NIU"
      1 "Government-federal"
      2 "Government-state"
      3 "Government - local"
      4 "Private, for profit"
      5 "Private, nonprofit"
      6 "Self-employed, incorporated"
      7 "Self-employed, unincorporated"
      8 "Without pay"
      0 "NIU"
      1 "In school"
      2 "Not in school"
      000 "NIU - children or Armed Forces or no hours"
      198 "Max value"
      00 "NIU"
      01 "Before 1950"
      02 "1950-1959"
      03 "1960-1964"
      04 "1965-1969"
      05 "1970-1974"
      06 "1975-1979"
      07 "1980-1981"
      08 "1982-1983"
      09 "1984-1985"
      10 "1986-1987"
      11 "1988-1989"
      12 "1990-1991"
      13 "1992-1993"
      14 "1994-1995"
      15 "1996-1997"
      16 "1998-2000"
      1 "Native, born in the United States"
      2 "Native, born in Puerto Rico or U.S. outlying area"
      3 "Native, born abroad of American parent or parents"
      4 "Foreign born, U.S. citizen by naturalization"
      5 "Foreign born, not a citizen of the United States"
      00 "Value - no change"
      01 "Blank - no change"
      02 "Don't know - no change"
      03 "Refused - no change"
      10 "Value to value"
      11 "Blank to value"
      12 "Don't know to value"
      13 "Refused to value"
      20 "Value to longitudinal value"
      21 "Blank to longitudinal value"
      22 "Don't know to longitudinal value"
      23 "Refused to longitudinal value"
      30 "Value to allocated value long."
      31 "Blank to allocated value long."
      32 "Don't know to allocated value long."
      33 "Refused to allocated value long."
      40 "Value to allocated value"
      41 "Blank to allocated value"
      42 "Don't know to allocated value"
      43 "Refused to allocated value"
      50 "Value to blank"
      52 "Don't know to blank"
      53 "Refused to blank"
  / PERRP   
      01 "Reference person w/rels."
      02 "Reference person w/o rels."
      03 "Spouse"
      04 "Child"
      05 "Grandchild"
      06 "Parent"
      07 "Brother/sister"
      08 "Other rel. of ref. person"
      09 "Foster child"
      10 "Nonrel. of ref. person w/rels."
      11 "Not used"
      12 "Nonrel. of ref. person w/o rels."
      13 "Unmarried partner w/rels."
      14 "Unmarried partner w/o rels."
      15 "Housemate/roommate w/rels."
      16 "Housemate/roommate w/o rels."
      17 "Roomer/boarder w/rels."
      18 "Roomer/boarder w/o rels."
  / I_MIG3  
      0 "NIU, or not changed."
      1 "State and below assigned"
      2 "County and below assigned"
      3 "MCD and below assigned"
      4 "County in New York City assigned"
  / HI      
      0 "NIU"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / HITYP   
      0 "NIU"
      1 "Family plan"
      2 "Self-only"
  / DEPHI   
      0 "NIU"
      1 "Yes"
  / HILIN1  
      0 "NIU"
  / HILIN2  
      0 "NIU"
  / PAID    
      0 "NIU"
      1 "All"
      2 "Part"
      3 "None"
  / HIOUT   
      0 "NIU"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PRIV    
      0 "NIU"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PRITYP  
      0 "NIU"
      1 "Family plan"
      2 "Self-only"
  / DEPRIV  
      0 "No or niu"
      1 "Yes"
  / PILIN1  
      0 "NIU"
  / PILIN2  
      0 "NIU"
  / POUT    
      0 "NIU"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / OUT     
      0 "NIU"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / CARE    
      0 "NIU"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / CAID    
      0 "NIU"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / MON     
      0 "NIU"
  / OTH     
      0 "NIU"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / OTYP_1  
      0 "No"
      1 "Yes"
  / OTYP_2  
      0 "No"
      1 "Yes"
  / OTYP_3  
      0 "No"
      1 "Yes"
  / OTYP_4  
      0 "No"
      1 "Yes"
  / OTYP_5  
      0 "No"
      1 "Yes"
      0 "NIU"
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0 "NIU"
      1 "Medicare"
      2 "Medicaid"
      3 "CHAMPUS"
      4 "CHAMPVA"
      5 "VA health care"
      6 "Military health care"
      7 "Indian health service"
      8 "Other government health care"
      9 "Employer/union-provided (policyholder)"
      10 "Employer/union-provided (as dependent)"
      11 "Privately purchased (policyholder)"
      12 "Privately purchased (as dependent)"
      13 "Plan of someone outside the household"
      14 "Other"
  / HEA     
      0 "NIU"
      1 "Excellent"
      2 "Very good"
      3 "Good"
      4 "Fair"
      5 "Poor"
  / I_HI    
      0 "No"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_DEPHI 
      0 "No"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_PAID  
      0 "No"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_HIOUT 
      0 "No"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_PRIV  
      0 "No"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "No"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_POUT  
      0 "No"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_OUT   
      0 "No"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_CARE  
      0 "No"
      1 "Allocated"
      2 "Logical imputed"
  / I_CAID  
      0 "No"
      1 "Allocated"
      2 "Logical imputed"
  / I_MON   
      0 "No"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_OTH   
      0 "No"
      1 "Allocated"
      2 "Logical imputed"
  / I_OTYP  
      0 "No"
      1 "Allocated"
      2 "Logical imputed"
      0 "No"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_OSTYP 
      0 "No"
      1 "Allocated"
  / I_HEA   
      0 "No"
      1 "Allocated"
  / SSI_VAL 
      0000 "None or not in universe"
  / WS_VAL  
      00000 "None or not in universe"
  / SE_VAL  
      00000 "None or not in universe"
  / IHSFLG  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0 "Not topcoded"
      1 "Topcoded"
      0 "Not topcoded"
      1 "Topcoded"
      0 "Not topcoded"
      1 "Topcoded"
      0 "Not topcoded"
      1 "Topcoded"
      0 "Not topcoded"
      1 "Topcoded"
      0 "Not topcoded"
      1 "Topcoded"
      0 "Not topcoded"
      1 "Topcoded"
      0 "Not topcoded"
      1 "Topcoded"
      0 "Not topcoded"
      1 "Topcoded"
  / TED_VAL 
      0 "Not topcoded"
      1 "Topcoded"
      0 "Not topcoded"
      1 "Topcoded"
      0 "Not topcoded"
      1 "Topcoded"
      0 "Not topcoded"
      1 "Topcoded"
  / NXTRES  
      0 "NIU"
      1 "Change in marital status"
      2 "To establish own household"
      3 "Other family reason"
      4 "New job or job transfer"
      5 "To look for work or lost job"
      6 "To be closer to work/easier commute"
      7 "Retired"
      8 "Other job-related reason"
      9 "Wanted to own home, not rent"
      10 "Wanted new or better house/ apartment"
      11 "Wanted better neighborhood"
      12 "Cheaper housing"
      13 "Other housing reason"
      14 "Attend/leave college"
      15 "Change of climate"
      16 "Health reasons"
      0 "NIU, or not changed"
      1 "Assigned from householder"
      2 "Assigned from spouse or mother"
      3 "Allocated from matrix"
  / PES103a 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES103b1
      1 "Other parent has died"
      2 "Both parents live in the household"
      3 "Parents are separated/ divorced"
      4 "Didn't want contact with (CHILD)'s (mother/father)"
      5 "Don't know where (CHILD)'s (mother/father) is"
      6 "She/he lives elsewhere"
      7 "Other parent legally termi- nated their parental rights"
      8 "Other parent is no longer recognized as parent by this household"
      9 "CHILD was adopted by a single parent"
      10 "Other"
  / PES103C 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES104A 
      1 "Grandparent"
      2 "Aunt or Uncle"
      3 "Sister or Brother"
      4 "Foster Parent"
      5 "Parent"
      6 "Other"
  / PES104B 
      1 "Grandparent"
      2 "Aunt or Uncle"
      3 "Sister or Brother"
      4 "Foster Parent"
      5 "Parent"
      6 "Other"
  / PES105A 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES106  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES107  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES108  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES108A 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES108B 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES108C 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES108D 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES150  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      3 "Legal arrangement pending"
      4 "There is an arrangement, but respondent does not know if it is legal"
  / PES151  
      1 "Court Order"
      2 "Court Award"
      3 "Legal Agreement"
  / PES152  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES153  
      1 "Agreement"
      2 "Understanding"
  / PES154  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES251  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES258  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES266  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      3 "Yes, but don't know if it is legal"
  / PES267  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES271  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES300  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      3 "Yes, if he has a job"
      4 "Don't know because Child Support Enforcement Office filed the paper work"
  / PES301  
      1 "Child(ren) too old in 1999"
      2 "Other parent died before 1999"
      3 "Family lived together in all or part of 1999"
      4 "Child(ren) lived with other parent in all or part of 1999"
      5 "Other"
  / PES302  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES303  
      1 "By a child support, welfare, or other public agency"
      2 "By a court"
      3 "Or, did the payments come directly from (his/her) place if employment?"
      4 "Other"
  / PES306  
      1 "Every week"
      2 "Every other week"
      3 "Twice a month"
      4 "Every month or Monthly"
      5 "Every quarter"
      6 "For the year"
      7 "OTHER"
  / PES312  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES316  
      1 "Every week"
      2 "Every other week"
      3 "Twice a month"
      4 "Every month or monthly"
      5 "Every quarter"
      6 "For the Year"
      7 "None"
      8 "Other"
  / PES317  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES321  
      1 "Every week"
      2 "every other week"
      3 "Twice a month"
      4 "Every Month or monthly"
      5 "Every Quarter"
      6 "For the year"
      7 "None"
      8 "Other"
  / PES322  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES326  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      3 "No, I was not on public assistance or welfare in 1999"
  / PES327  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      3 "Other"
  / PES328  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES329  
      1 "All"
      2 "Most"
      3 "Some"
      4 "None"
  / PES330  
      1 "All"
      2 "Most"
      3 "Some"
      4 "None"
  / PES331  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES340  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES341  
      1 "Respondent for all children"
      2 "Other parent for all children"
      3 "Both parents for all children"
      4 "Parents each cover different children"
      5 "Not specified in the award"
      6 "Don't know -- because the Child Support Enforcement Office filed the paper work"
      7 "Other"
  / PES342  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      3 "Don't know"
  / PES343  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      3 "No, I was not on welfare or public assistance in 1999"
  / PES344  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      3 "Other"
  / PES348  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      3 "Don't know"
  / PES376  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      3 "Don't know because Child Enforcement Office or A.F.D.C. or [state fill for local TANF] may have filed papers"
  / PES377A 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES377B 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES377C 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES377D 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES377E 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES377F 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES377G 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES377H 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES377I 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES378  
      1 "Other parent in jail/prison"
      2 "Other parent died before 1999"
      3 "Other parent lives in another country"
      4 "Split custody"
      5 "Respondent able to support child"
      6 "Recently separated"
      7 "Other"
  / PES379  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES380  
      1 "Other parent in jail/prison"
      2 "Other parent died before 1999"
      3 "Other parent lives in another country"
      4 "Split custody"
      5 "Respondent able to support child"
      6 "Recently separated"
      7 "Other"
  / PES400  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES401  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES402A 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES402B 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES402C 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES402D 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES402E 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES402F 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES402G 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES406A 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES406B 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES406C 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES501  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES502  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES503  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES504  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES601  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES602  
      97 "Outside of the U.S."
  / PES603  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES604  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES611A 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES611B 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES611C 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES611D 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES611E 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES701  
      1 "Married before"
      2 "First marriage"
      3 "Other - Specify"
  / PES702  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES704  
      1 "Yes, divorced"
      3 "No"
  / PES707  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES708  
      1 "35 hours or more"
      2 "Less than 35 hours"
  / PES709  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES711  
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
      0 "Not eligible"
      1 "Eligible"
      63339 "Dollar amount"
      29457 "Dollar amount"
      0 "Not in Universe"
      1 "Legal Agreement"
      2 "Legal Pending"
      3 "Informal"
      4 "No Agreement"
      0 "No Agreement for the child"
  / HXS102A 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS103A 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS103B 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS103C 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS104  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS104A 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS104B 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS105A 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS106  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS107  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS108  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS108A 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS108B 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS108C 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS108D 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS150  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS151  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS152  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS153  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS154  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS156A 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS251  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS253  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS255  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS257  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS258  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS259  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS261  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS263  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS266  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS267  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS268  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS270  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS271  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS273  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS275  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS300  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS301  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS302  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS303  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS306  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS312  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS316  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS317  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS321  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS322  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS326  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS327  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS328  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS329  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS330  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS331  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS340  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS341  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS342  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS343  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS344  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS348  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS376  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS377A 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS377B 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS377C 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS377D 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS377E 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS377F 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS377G 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS377H 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS377I 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS378  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS379  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS380  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS400  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS401  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS402A 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS402B 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS402C 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS402D 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS402E 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS402F 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS402G 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS405  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS406A 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS406B 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS406C 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS501  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS502  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS503  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS504  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS601  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS603  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS604  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS605  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS611A 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS611B 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS611C 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS611D 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS611E 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS701  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS702  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS703  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS704  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS705  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS706  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS707  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS708  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS709  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS711  
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS712A 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PES650A 
      1 "Yes"
      2 "No"
  / PES650B 
      1 "All"
      2 "Some"
  / PXS326A 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS343A 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS650A 
      0 "Not allocated"
      1 "Allocated"
  / PXS650B 
      0 "Not allocated"

freq vars=a_sex prselig