Current Population Survey, Child Support and Alimony Payment
Supplement (CSS): March/April Match Files

Author:  U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census

Source:  U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census
EDS Study Number:  A1 1527-ALL

Currently on-line:

Files here are the value added files for all years of March/April Match Files
for which local processing was done

These files were originally obtained from the Census Bureau.  Now the complete and 
most up to date versions are archived at ICPSR.

Note that the questions and data layout may not be consistent year to year. Please
check the codebooks carefully.  Computer programs will need to be changed

Spss program created by EDS staff with a perl script
                   that read the data dictionary.  It has not been
                   carefully checked.  Please use with care.
All other data files were created from the SPSS file using StatTransfer

in data subdirectory:

cps-css98.dta		Stata data file		106,779,763
cps-css98.sav		Spss system file	117,763,784
cps-css00.dta           Stata data file 	160,163,421
cps-css00.sas7bdat      SAS dataset     	397,185,024
cps-css00.sav           Spss system file        154,201,039
cpsapr02.dta		Stata data file		275,478,174
cpsapr02.sas7bdat	SAS dataset		689,655,296
cpsapr02.sav		Spss system file	261,505,604
cpsapr04.dta		Stata data file		128,864,302
cpsapr04.sas7bdat	SAS dataset		326,964,224
cpsapr04.sav		Spss system file	120,875,176
cps-css06.dta           Stata data file 	131,440,646
cps-css06.sas7bdat      SAS dataset     	331,596,800
cps-css06.sav           Spss system file        124,881,672

in doc subdirectory:


in program subdirectory:

cps-css98.sps  spss program code (check carefully before using)
cps-css00.sps  spss program code (check carefully before using)
cpsapr02.sps   spss program code (check carefully before using)
cpsapr04.sps   spss program code (check carefully before using)
cps-css06.sps  spss program code (check carefully before using)