/*SHORT TITLE:  Program defining all variables.  */

/* Written by EDS staff.  Check carefully.       */

file handle census /name="/eds/datasets/stf3a-80/data/newyork.dat"

/* Legend for abbreviations used in variable descriptions*/
/* hh=household hhr=householder p=person X=by*/

set width 80.
data list file=in records=6
  /1 sumlev         10-11 
     stategeo       32-33 
     fipstat        34-35 
     county         40-42 
     tract          50-55 
     tract4         50-53
     tract2         54-55 (2)
     blkgrp            56  
     zip            83-87 
     name         145-170 (a) 
     supflg01         205 
     supflg02         206 
     supflg03         207 
     supflg04         208 
     supflg05         209 
     supflg06         210 
     supflg07         211 
     supflg08         212 
     supflg09         213 
     supflg10         214 
     supflg11         215 
     supflg12         216 
     supflg13         217 
     supflg14         218 
     supflg15         219 
     supflg16         220 
     supflg17         221 
     supflg18         222 
     supflg19         223 
     supflg20         224 
     supflg21         225 
     supflg22         226 
     supflg23         227 
     supflg24         228 
     supflg25         229 
     supflg26         230 
     supflg27         231

     t001c1  to t001c3      253-279   /*urban and rural p*/ 
     t002c1                 280-288   /*unwghtd count p*/
     t003c1                 289-297   /*100% count p*/
     t004c1  to t004c3      298-324   /*urban and rural hh*/
     t005c1                 325-333   /*unwghtd count hh*/
     t006c1                 334-342   /*100% count hh*/
     t007c1  to t007c2      343-360   /*farm residence (current def)*/
     t008c1  to t008c2      361-378   /*farm residence (70s def)*/
     t009c1                 379-387   /*families*/
     t010c1                 388-396   /*hh*/
     t011c1  to t011c3      397-423   /*occupancy status*/
     t012c01 to t012c17     424-576   /*race*/
     t013c1  to t013c6      577-630   /*spanish origin & race*/
     t014c1  to t014c5      631-675   /*race by p of spanish origin*/
     t015c01 to t015c52    676-1143   /*sex by age*/
     t016c01 to t016c40   1144-1503   /*race by sex*/
     t017c01 to t017c10   1504-1593   /*sex by age*/
     t018c1  to t018c6    1594-1647   /*p in hh*/
     t019c1  to t019c9    1648-1728   /*hh type*/

  /2 t020c01 to t020c35     103-417   /*race of hhr by hh type*/
     t021c1  to t021c7      418-480   /*h type & own children*/
     t022c1  to t022c3      481-525   /*family type & own children*/
     t023c1  to t023c4      526-561   /*subfamily type*/
     t024c1                 562-576   /*agg of own chldrn in marr. couples*/
     t025c1                 577-591   /*p in subfamilies*/
     t026c01 to t026c10     592-681   /*sex by marital status*/
     t027c01 to t027c10     682-771   /*age by language spoken*/
     t028c01 to t028c19     772-942   /*ancestry*/
     t029c1  to t029c6      943-996   /*ancestry (in multiple groups)*/
     t030c1  to t030c6     997-1050   /*age by marital status*/
     t031c1  to t031c3    1051-1095   /*agg no. chldrn born by age 3*/
     t032c1  to t032c6    1096-1149   /*type of group quarters*/
     t033c1  to t033c4    1150-1185   /*nativity and place of birth*/
     t034c1  to t034c8    1186-1257   /*residence in 75(state & county level)*/
     t035c1  to t035c6    1258-1311   /*residence in 75 (SMSA level)*/
     t036c1  to t036c4    1312-1347   /*place of work (state & county level)*/
     t037c1  to t037c4    1348-1383   /*place of work (place level)*/
     t038c1  to t038c5    1384-1428   /*place of work (SMSA level)*/
     t039c1  to t039c3    1429-1455   /*place of work (min. civ. div. lvl.)*/
     t040c1  to t040c6    1456-1509   /*means of transp.  to work*/
     t041c1  to t041c8    1510-1581   /*travel time  to work*/
     t042c1               1582-1596   /*aggregate trav. time  to work*/
     t043c1  to t043c5    1597-1641   /*private vehicle occpuancy*/
     t044c1  to t044c4    1642-1677   /*school enrollment*/
     t045c01  to t045c20  1678-1857   /*race by school enrollment*/
     t046c1  to t046c4    1858-1893   /*school enrollment (of spanish orig.)*/
     t047c1  to t047c8    1894-1965   /*sch. enrll (yrs cmpltd & emp status*/

  /3 t048c01 to t048c25     103-327   /*race by yrs of school cmpltd*/
     t049c1  to t049c5      328-372   /*yrs of sch. cmpltd*/
     t050c1  to t050c5      373-417   /*yrs sch. cmpltd (18 yrs & older*/
     t051c1  to t051c4      418-453   /*sex by veteran status*/
     t052c1  to t052c6      454-507   /*period of service*/
     t053c1  to t053c4      508-543   /*work disability status*/
     t054c1  to t054c4      544-579   /*age by pub. transp. disab. status*/
     t055c01 to t055c40     580-939   /*race by sex by emp. status*/
     t056c1  to t056c8     940-1011   /*sex by labor force status*/
     t057c1  to t057c4    1012-1047   /*pres. & age of own chldrn*/
     t058c1  to t058c8    1048-1119   /*sex by labor force status*/
     t059c01 to t059c16   1120-1263   /*sex by usual hrs wkd per week*/
     t060c1  to t060c2    1264-1293   /*agg weeks wkd in 1979*/
     t061c1  to t061c3    1294-1320   /*weeks unemplyd in 1979*/
     t062c01 to t062c10   1321-1410   /*race by sex*/
     t063c1  to t063c2    1411-1428   /*sex*/
     t064c1  to t064c2    1429-1458   /*agg weeks unemplyd in 1979*/
     t065c01 to t065c15   1459-1593   /*industry*/
     t066c01 to t066c13   1594-1710   /*occupation*/     
     t067c1  to t067c6    1711-1764   /*class of worker*/
     t068c01 to t068c17   1765-1917   /*hh income*/
     t069c1               1918-1926   /*median hh income*/
     t070c1               1927-1941   /*agg hh income*/
     t071c1  to t071c8    1942-2013   /*income type*/

  /4 t072c1  to t072c7      103-207   /*agg hh income by income type*/
     t073c01 to t073c17     208-360   /*family income*/
     t074c1                 361-369   /*median family income*/
     t075c01 to t075c36     370-693   /*race by family income*/
     t076c1  to t076c9      694-774   /*family income (hhr spanish origin)*/
     t077c1  to t077c5      775-849   /*agg family income by race*/
     t078c1                 850-864   /*agg family income (spanish origin)*/
     t079c1  to t079c3      865-891   /*workers in family in 1979*/
     t080c1  to t080c3      892-936   /*agg fam. inc. by workers*/
     t081c01 to t081c15    937-1071   /*inc. 15 yrs & older*/
     t082c1               1072-1080   /*median income 15 yrs. & older*/
     t083c1               1081-1096   /*agg. inc. 15 yrs. & older*/
     t084c1  to t084c2    1096-1125   /*agg income by inmate status*/
     t085c1  to t085c2    1126-1143   /*per cap. inc. by inmate status*/
     t086c01 to t086c16   1144-1287   /*family type by pov. status*/
     t087c1  to t087c6    1288-1341   /*poverty status by pres. of chldrn*/
     t088c1  to t088c6    1342-1395   /*pov. status by age of hhr*/
     t089c1  to t089c6    1396-1449   /*pov. stat. by age of non-fam. hhr*/
     t090c1  to t090c4    1450-1485   /*poverty status by age*/
     t091c01 to t091c10   1486-1575   /*race by poverty status*/
     t092c1  to t092c2    1576-1593   /*poverty status (spanish origin)*/
     t093c1  to t093c8    1594-1665   /*poverty by age*/
     t094c1  to t094c8    1666-1737   /*pov. stat. by hh relation & age*/
     t095c1  to t095c5    1738-1782   /*pov. stat.*/
     t096c1  to t096c4    1783-1818   /*vacancy status*/
     t097c1  to t097c2    1819-1836   /*tenure*/
     t098c01  to t098c10  1837-1926   /*tenure by race*/
     t099c1  to t099c2    1927-1944   /*tenure (hhr spanish origin)*/
     t100c1  to t100c2    1945-1974   /*tenure (p in occpd hsng units)*/
     t101c1               1975-1989   /*agg. rooms*/
  /5 t102c01 to t102c18     103-264   /*tenure an occ. status by units*/
     t103c1  to t103c6      265-318   /*units in structure*/
     t104c01 to t104c12     319-498   /*tenure by units in structure*/
     t105c1  to t105c4      499-534   /*stories in structure*/
     t106c1  to t106c2      535-552   /*passenger elevator*/
     t107c1  to t107c4      553-588   /*source of water*/
     t108c1  to t108c3      589-615   /*sewage disposal*/
     t109c01 to t109c21     616-804   /*tenure & occ. stat. by year built*/
     t110c01 to t110c12     805-912   /*tenure by year hhr moved in*/
     t111c1  to t111c9      913-993   /*heating equp.*/
     t112c1  to t112c8     994-1065   /*house heating fuel*/
     t113c1  to t113c5    1066-1110   /*cooking fuel*/
     t114c1  to t114c6    1111-1164   /*water heating fuel*/
     t115c1  to t115c2    1165-1182   /*kitchen facilities*/     
     t116c01 to t116c18   1183-1344   /*tenure & occ. stat. by bedrooms*/
     t117c01 to t117c12   1345-1452   /*tenure & occ. stat. by bathrooms*/
     t118c1  to t118c4    1453-1488   /*tenure by teleph. in unit*/
     t119c1  to t119c4    1489-1524   /*age of hhr*/
     t120c1  to t120c4    1525-1560   /*air conditioning*/
     t121c1  to t121c5    1561-1605   /*race of hhr*/
     t122c1               1606-1614   /*ocpd. hsng uts w/hhr of spanish orig.*/
     t123c1  to t123c3    1615-1641   /*vehicles available*/
     t124c01 to t124c14   1642-1767   /*gross rent*/
     t125c01 to t125c20   1768-1947   /*race of hhr by gross rent*/
     t126c1  to t126c5    1948-1992   /*gross rent (hhr spanish origin)*/
     t127c1               1993-2001   /*median gross rent*/
     t128c1               2002-2011   /*agg gross rent*/

  /6 t129c1  to t129c2      103-132   /*agg. contract rent and rent*/
     t130c1  to t130c2      133-150   /*occ. status*/
     t131c1  to t131c2      151-168   /*inclusion of utilities in rent*/
     t132c01 to t132c25     169-393   /*hh inc by gross rent as % inc.*/
     t133c01 to t133c20     394-573   /*mortgage status*/
     t134c1  to t134c2      574-591   /*median owner costs by mortgage*/
     t135c01 to t135c24     592-807   /*race of hhr by mortgage stat.*/
     t136c1  to t136c6      808-861   /*mortgage status & sel. costs*/
     t137c1  to t137c5      862-936   /*agg sel.  costs by mort. status*/
     t138c1  to t138c5      937-981   /*mort. stat. & yr. hhr moved in*/
     t139c01 to t139c25    982-1206   /*hh inc. in 1979 by sel. mon. costs*/
     t140c1               1207-1221   /*agg value*/
     t141c1  to t141c2    1222-1251   /*agg hh inc*/
     t142c1  to t142c8    1252-1323   /*heating equip*/
     t143c1  to t143c5    1324-1368   /*race of hhr*/
     t144c1               1369-1377   /*occ. housing units w/hhr span. origin*/
     t145c1  to t145c5    1378-1422   /*race of hhr w/complete plumbing*/
     t146c1               1423-1431   /*same t144 w/complete plumbing*/
     t147c1  to t147c5    1432-1476   /*race of hhr occ. hous. units*/  
     t148c1               1477-1485   /*same t146 w/1 p or more  to use*/
     t149c1  to t149c5    1486-1530   /*same t145, exclusive use of plumbing*/
     t150c1               1531-1539   /*same t146, exclusive use of plumbing*/

/* fix up tract.

recode tract2 (sysmis=.00).
compute tract=tract4+tract2.

*select if (sumlev=11).

save outfile="/eds/datasets/stf3a-80/data/sample.sav".