/*SHORT TITLE:  SAS program for NHDS 1979-2002*/

INFILE  	'refer to location of NHDS datafile by drive and directory' ;
INPUT   	@  1		YEAR                    $2.
		@  3		NEWBORN 	  	 1.
		@  4		AGEUNITS	  	 1.
		@  5		AGE			 2.
		@  7		SEX			 1.
		@  8		RACE			 1.
		@  9		MARSTAT                  1.
		@ 10		ADM_MON                 $2.
		@ 12		DISCSTAT		 1.
		@ 13		DOC                      4.
		@ 17		LOSFLAG                  1.
		@ 18		REGION                   1.
		@ 19		BEDSIZE                  1.
		@ 20		OWNER                    1.
		@ 21		WEIGHT                   5.
		@ 26		CENTURY                 $2.
		@ 28		DX1			$5.
		@ 33		DX2			$5.
		@ 38		DX3			$5.
		@ 43		DX4			$5.
		@ 48		DX5			$5.
		@ 53		DX6			$5.
		@ 58		DX7			$5.
		@ 63		PD1			$4.
		@ 67		PD2			$4.
		@ 71		PD3			$4.
		@ 75		PD4			$4.
		@ 79		DISCMON                 $2.
                @ 81		ESOP1	                 2.
		@ 83		ESOP2	                 2.
		@ 85            ADM_TYPE                 1.
                @ 86            ASOURCE                  2.
LABEL           YEAR     	= 'Last two digits of survey year'
		NEWBORN  	= 'Newborn infant flag'
		AGEUNITS	= 'Units for age'
		AGE		= 'Age in years, months, or days'
		SEX		= 'Patient sex'
		RACE		= 'Patient race'
		MARSTAT         = 'Marital status of patient'
		ADM_MON         = 'Month of admission'
		DISCSTAT	= 'Status at discharge'
		DOC		= 'Number of days of care'
		LOSFLAG   	= 'Zero length of stay flag'
		REGION          = 'Geographic region of hospital'
		BEDSIZE         = 'Bedsize grouping for hospital'
		OWNER	        = 'Ownership of hospital'
		WEIGHT          = 'Analysis weight'
		CENTURY         = 'First two digits of survey year'
		DX1		= 'ICD-9-CM diagnosis code - first'
		DX2		= 'ICD-9-CM diagnosis code - second'
		DX3		= 'ICD-9-CM diagnosis code - third'
		DX4		= 'ICD-9-CM diagnosis code - fourth'
                DX5		= 'ICD-9-CM diagnosis code - fifth'
		DX6		= 'ICD-9-CM diagnosis code - sixth'
		DX7		= 'ICD-9-CM diagnosis code - seventh'
		PD1		= 'ICD-9-CM procedure code - first'
		PD2		= 'ICD-9-CM procedure code - second'
		PD3		= 'ICD-9-CM procedure code - third'
		PD4		= 'ICD-9-CM procedure code - fourth'
		DISCMON         = 'Month of discharge'
                ESOP1   	= 'Principal expected source of payment'
		ESOP2           = 'Secondary expected source of payment'
		ADM_TYPE        = 'Type of admission'
                ASOURCE         = 'Source of admission'