/*SHORT TITLE:  Definitions for variables used in all datasets    */

/* NOTE:  Cut and pasated from the PDF file and then fixed up by  */
/*        hand.  Check very carefully.                            */
/*        Only a few VALUE LABELS defined.                        */

set width 80.
file handle IN / name="/eds/datasets/hhnes/data/da8535da.dat" lrecl=450.
DATA LIST  file=IN /
   SEQNUM    1-5
   SURVEY    13
   FQMISS    14
   VERSION   15
   STATUS    16
   LANG      17
   DATEI     18-21
   MONTHI    18-19
   YEARI     20-21
   DATEX     22-25
   MONTHX    22-23
   YEARX     24-25
   DATEB     26-29
   MONTHB    26-27
   YEARB     28-29
   AGEI      30-31
   AGEI_UN   32
   AGEX      33-38
   FAMIDNUM  39-43
   RELHEAD   44-45
   SEX       46
   RACE      47
   ORIGIN    48-49
   BRTHPL    50-52
   ORIGINR   53
   ED        54-55
   EDF       56
   MARITAL   57
   ARMEDF    58
   WORK2WK   59
   WORKJOB   60
   WORKNOT   61
   BUSTYPE   63-65
   OCCTYPE   66-68
   OCCLASS   69
   MEDIC_H   71
   MEDC_DOC  72
   MEDC_TYP  73
   HLTHIN    74
   HLTHINH   75
   HLTHIND   76
   NOHLTH1   77-78
   NOHLTH2   79-80
   MEDCARD   89
   MEDSTAT   90
   MILRET    92
   MILBEN    93
   CHAMPVA   94
   MILOTHE   95
   AFDC      96
   SSI       97
   MILDIS    98
   VACOMP    99
   HF_STAT   100
   HF_DATEB  102-105
   HF_DATBM  102-103
   HF_DATBY  104-105
   HF_AGEI   106-108
   HF_SEX    109
   HF_RACE   110
   HF_ORIG   111-112
   HF_BRTHP  113-115
   HF_ED     116-117
   HF_EDF    118
   HF_MARIT  119
   HF_AF     120
   HF_WRK2   121
   HF_JOB    122
   HF_WRKNO  123
   HF_WRKNW  124
   HF_BUST   125-127
   HF_OCCE   128-130
   HV_OCCLA  131
   FAMSIZE   132-133
   FAMSMPL   134-135
   INCOME    136-138
   INCOMEP   139-143
   POVINDX   144-146
   FOODSTMP  147
   FDMOS     148-149
   FDLAST    150
   FDLASTMO  151-152
   FDNUMP    153-154
   FDVALUE   155-157
   FDMORE    158
   FDHMORE   159-161
   FDNOW     162
   PLSIZE    163
   SMSA      164
   HHSIZE    165-166
   HHSIZES   167-168
   ROOMS     169-170
   KITCHEN   171
   FUEL      172-173
   HEAT      174-175
   HEATOTH   176-177
   FUELOTH   178-179
   COOK      180-181
   AC        182
   ACTYPE    183
   EXWT      184-189
   INTWT     190-195
   GTTWT     196-201
   AUDVWT    202-207
   PESTWT    208-213
   STRATA    214-215
   PSUCODE   216-217
variable labels
   SEQNUM    "Sample Person Sequence Number"
   SURVEY    "Survey Portion (Mex, Cuban, PR)"
   FQMISS    "Family Questionnaire Missing"
   VERSION   "Version Number"
   STATUS    "Examination Status"
   LANG      "Language of Interview"
   DATEI     "Date of Interview"
   MONTHI    "Month of Interview "
   YEARI     "Year of Interview "
   DATEX     "Date of Examination"
   MONTHX    "Month of Examination"
   YEARX     "Year of Examination"
   DATEB     "Date of Birth"
   MONTHB    "Month of Birth"
   YEARB     "Year of Birth"
   AGEI      "Age at Interview (Computed)"
   AGEI_UN   "Age at Interview (Units)"
   AGEX      "Age at Examination"
   FAMIDNUM  "Family ID Number"
   RELHEAD   "Relationship to Head of Family"
   SEX       "Sex"
   RACE      "Observed Race"
   ORIGIN    "National Origin or Ancestry"
   BRTHPL    "Birth Place"
   ORIGINR   "National Origin Recode"
   ED        "Education"
   EDF       "Finish Education?"
   MARITAL   "Marital Status"
   ARMEDF    "Service in Armed Forces"
   WORK2WK   "Work in Last 2 Weeks?"
   WORKJOB   "Have Job?"
   WORKNOT   "Looking for Work or on Layoff?"
   WORKNOTW  "Which? Looking for Work or on Layoff?"
   BUSTYPE   "Kind of Business or Industry"
   OCCTYPE   "Occupation"
   OCCLASS   "Class of Worker"
   MEDICARE  "Covered by MEDICARE"
   MEDIC_H   "Covered by MEDICARE - Hospital"
   MEDC_DOC  "Covered by MEDICARE - Doctors"
   MEDC_TYP  "Type of MEDICARE Coverage"
   HLTHIN    "Health Insur. - Hosp. Drs."
   HLTHINH   "Health Insur. - Hosp."
   HLTHIND   "Health Insur. - Drs."
   NOHLTH1   "No Health Insurance - Reason 1"
   NOHLTH2   "No Health Insurance - Reason 2"
   MEDICAID  "MEDICAID paid care in last 12 months"
   MEDSTAT   "Status of MEDICAID card"
   HLTHOTHE  "Other Health Care coverage"
   MILRET    "Military Retirement Payments"
   MILBEN    "AF retirement or VA pension"
   CHAMPVA   "CHAMP-VA coverage"
   MILOTHE   "Other Military Coverage"
   AFDC      "AFDC"
   SSI       "SSI"
   MILDIS    "Military Disabilities"
   VACOMP    "VA compensation for Military Disabilities"
   HF_STAT   "HF-Interview and Examination Status"
   HF_DATEB  "HF-Date of Birth"
   HF_DATBM  "HF-Month of Birth"
   HF_DATBY  "HF-Year of Birth"
   HF_AGEI   "HF-Age at Interview"
   HF_SEX    "HF-Sex"
   HF_RACE   "HF-Observed Race"
   HF_ORIG   "HF-National Origin or Ancestry"
   HF_BRTHP  "HF-Birth Place"
   HF_ED     "HF-Education"
   HF_EDF    "HF-Finished Education?"
   HF_MARIT  "HF-Marital Status"
   HF_AF     "HF-Service in Armed Forces"
   HF_WRK2   "HF-Work in Last 2 Weeks?"
   HF_JOB    "HF-Have Job?"
   HF_WRKNO  "HF-Looking for Work or on Layoff?"
   HF_WRKNW  "HF-Which? Looking for Work or on Layoff?"
   HF_BUST   "HF-Kind of Business or Industry"
   HF_OCCE   "HF-Occupation"
   HV_OCCLA  "HF-lass of Worker"
   FAMSIZE   "Number of People in Family"
   FAMSMPL   "Number of Sample People in Family"
   INCOME    "Combined Family Income"
   INCOMEP   "Per Capita Income"
   POVINDX   "Poverty Index"
   FOODSTMP  "Food Stamps in last 12 months"
   FDMOS     "Food Stamps for how many months"
   FDLAST    "Food Stamps last month"
   FDLASTMO  "Month Food Stamps last received"
   FDNUMP    "Food Stamps for how many"
   FDVALUE   "Food Stamps total value"
   FDMORE    "Spent more than value of Food Stamps"
   FDHMORE   "How much more for Food"
   FDNOW     "Food Stamps now"
   PLSIZE    "Size of Place"
   SMSA      "Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area"
   HHSIZE    "Number of People in Household"
   HHSIZES   "Number of Sample People in Household"
   ROOMS     "Number of Rooms"
   KITCHEN   "Kitchen Facilities Access"
   FUEL      "Main Fuel"
   HEAT      "Main Heating Equipment"
   HEATOTH   "Other Heating Equipment"
   FUELOTH   "Fuel for Other Heating Equipment"
   COOK      "Main Cooking Fuel"
   AC        "Air Conditioning"
   ACTYPE    "What type of Aire Conditioning"
   EXWT      "Examination Final Weight"
   INTWT     "Interview Final Weight"
   GTTWT     "GTT/Ultrasound Weight"
   AUDVWT    "Audiometry/Vision Weight"
   PESTWT    "Pesticide Weight"
   STRATA    "Strata Code"
   PSUCODE   "Pseudo PSU Code"

value labels
      1 "Mexican"
      2 "Cuban"
      3 "Puerto Rican"  /
      1    "YES"
      2    "NO"  /
      1    "Examined"
      2    "Not Examined" /
      1    "English"
      2    "Spanish"  /
      1    "Male"
      2    "Female"  /
      1    "White"
      2    "Black"
      3    "Other"
      8    "Blank but applicable"
      9    "Not observed"  /
      1    "Mexican, Mexicano"
      2    "Mexican American"
      3    "Chicano"
      4    "Puerto Rican"
      5    "Boricuan"
      6    "Cuban"
      7    "Cuban American"
      8    "Hispano"
      9    "Other Latin or Spanish"
      0    "Other"
      10   "Spanish American"
      11   "Spanish (Spain)" /

freq vars=survey lang sex race.