/*SHORT TITLE: 1987 Eceonomic Census Manufacturing ZIP Code Statistics Data Layout */

             1987 Location of Manufacturing by ZIP Code:  4-digit SIC

             File sequence:  By ZIP by SIC

GEOTYPE   C   1     Type of geography

                      1    United States
                      2    State
                      8    ZIP Code area
ST        C   2     FIPS State code
ZIP       C   5     ZIP Code (5-digit)
TRADEKEY  C   1     Trade area/SIC division code             
                      C    Construction Industries                   
                      F    Financial, Insurance and Real Estate Ind  
                      M    Manufactures                              
                      N    Mineral Industries                        
                      R    Retail Trade                              
                      S    Service Industries, Taxable               
                      T    Service Industries, Tax-Exempt            
                      U    Transportation, Communications, Utilitie  
                      W    Wholesale Trade                           
                      X    Truck Inventory and Use Survey            
                      f    Financial, Insur, Real Estate (nonemploy  
                      m    Surveys of Minority- and Women-Owned Bus  
                      r    Retail Trade (nonemployers)               
                      s    Service Industries, Taxable (nonemployer  
                      u    Transp, Commun, Utilities (nonemployers)  
SICKEY    C   4     SIC code
YR        C   2     Reference year (87 only)
ESTAB     N   6     Number of establishments
E1_19     N   6     Establishments with 1 to 19 employees
E20_49    N   6     Establishments with 20 to 49 employees
E50_99    N   6     Establishments with 50 to 99 employees
E100_249  N   6     Establishments with 100 to 249 employees
E250_499  N   6     Establishments with 250 to 499 employees
E500_999  N   6     Establishments with 500 to 999 employees
E1000P    N   6     Establishments with 1,000 or more employees