1992 MANUFACTURES:
   General Statistics by SIC for U.S., States, Counties, Places and Metro Areas



GEOTYPE   C   1    Type of geography
                     1    United States
                     2    State
                     3    County
                     4    Consolidated city
                     5    Place
                     6    Metropolitan area (MSA, CMSA, or PMSA)
ST        C   2    FIPS State code
COUNTY    C   3    FIPS county code
PLACE     C   5    FIPS place code
CONSCITY  C   1    Consolidated city code    (blank=not in a consolidated city)
MSA       C   4    MSA or CMSA code      (9999=not in MSA, 0000 in New England)
PMSA      C   4    PMSA code             (9999=not in PMSA,0000 in New England)
PART      C   1    Part code                              (P=part MSA in State)
TRADEKEY  C   1    Trade area/SIC division code                (M=Manufactures)
SICKEY    C   4    SIC code
YR        C   2    Reference year                                     (92 only)
E         C   1    Percent of value of shipments estimated from admin. data
                     0    0-9% of value of shipments estimated
                     1    10-19% of value of shipments estimated
                     2    20-29% of value of shipments estimated
                     3    30-39% of value of shipments estimated
                     4    40-49% of value of shipments estimated
                     5    50-59% of value of shipments estimated
                     6    60-69% of value of shipments estimated
                     7    70-79% of value of shipments estimated
                     8    80-89% of value of shipments estimated
                     9    90-100% of value of shipments estimated
ESTAB     N   6    Number of establishments
ESTABF    C   1      Flag for ESTAB
VALUE     N  10    Value of industry shipments  ($1,000)
VALUEF    C   1      Flag for VALUE
EMP       N   8    Number of employees
EMPF      C   1      Flag for EMP
                     c    100 to 249 employees
                     e    250 to 499 employees
                     f    500 to 999 employees
                     g    1,000 to 2,499 employees
                     h    2,500 to 4,999 employees
                     i    5,000 to 9,999 employees
                     j    10,000 to 24,999 employees
                     k    25,000 to 49,999 employees
                     l    50,000 to 99,999 employees
                     m    100,000 employees or more
PAY       N   9    Annual payroll  ($1,000)
PAYF      C   1      Flag for PAY
EST20P    N   6    Number of establishments with 20 or more employees
EST20PF   C   1      Flag for EST20P
WORKERS   N   8    Production workers, average number
WORKERSF  C   1      Flag for WORKERS
HOURS     N   8    Production worker hours  (1,000)
HOURSF    C   1      Flag for HOURS
WAGES     N   9    Production worker wages  ($1,000)
WAGESF    C   1      Flag for WAGES
VALADD    N  10    Value added by manufacture  ($1,000)
VALADDF   C   1      Flag for VALADD
MATERLS   N  10    Cost of materials  ($1,000)
MATERLSF  C   1      Flag for MATERLS
CAPEXP    N   9    New capital expenditures  ($1,000)
CAPEXPF   C   1      Flag for CAPEXP