/*SHORT TITLE:  Data Flags */


Each data item has a "flag" associated with it to describe any special
conditions applicable.  Where normal data are shown, the flag field is
blank.  Flags B, D, N, S, W, X, Y indicate that the data are not shown
and the data field contains only a zero.                               
D    (D)  Data withheld to avoid disclosing operations of individ
F         Data subject to footnote (see footnote file)                
N    (NA) Data not available                                     
R    r    Revised historical data 
S    (S)  Data withheld because estimate did not meet standards  
W         Data not available because cell not in corresponding
          published table
X    (X)  Not applicable                                         
Y    (Y)  Disclosure, special conditions defined for table       
Z    (z)  Less than half the unit shown                          

B    Bracket (see total with T flag in preceding cell)           
J    Data shown, but sampling error exceeds 40 percent           
K    Estimate has standard error of 15 percent or more           
L    Estimate has standard error of 15% or more or is not consistent
     with other series and related data
T    Bracket total for this and subsequent cells with flag B     
#    Only broad line shown (merchandise/commodity line sales)