/*SHORT TITLE:  1992 Census of Manufactures Acknowledgments */


Many persons participated in the various activities of the 1992 Census of
Manufactures. The overall planning and review of the census operations were
performed by the Economic Census Staff of the Economic Planning and
Coordination Division.

Manufacturing and Construction Division prepared this report.  Andrew W.
Hait, under the direction of A. William Visnansky, Chief, Special Reports
Branch, performed overall planning, implementation, and coordination of the
publication process.

Brian Greenberg, Assistant Chief for Research and Methodology Programs,
assisted by Stacey Cole, provided the mathematical and statistical
techniques as well as the coverage operations.

The Economic Planning and Coordination Division provided the computer
processing procedures. Shirin A. Ahmed, Assistant Chief for Post Data
Collection Processing, was responsible for editing and the analysts'
interactive database review and correction system. Design and
specifications were prepared under the supervision of Dennis L. Wagner,
Chief, Post Collection Census Branch, assisted by S. Mark Schmidt and
Robert A. Rosati.

The staff of the Data Preparation Division, Judith N. Petty, Acting Chief,
performed mailout preparation and receipt operations, clerical and
analytical review activities, data keying, and geocoding review.

The Geography Division staff developed geographic coding procedures and
associated computer programs.

The Economic Statistical Methods and Programming Division, Charles P.
Pautler, Jr., Chief, developed and coordinated the computer processing
systems. Martin S. Harahush, Assistant Chief for Quinquennial Programs, was
responsible for design and implementation of the computer systems. Gary T.
Sheridan, Chief, Manufactures and Construction Branch, assisted by Gerald
S. Turnage, supervised the preparation of the computer programs.

Computer Services Division, Marvin D. Raines, Chief, performed the computer

Special acknowledgment is also due the many businesses whose cooperation
has contributed to the publication of these data.

If you have any questions concerning the statistics in this report, please
see the "Contacts for Data Users" item from the Main Menu.