/*SHORT TITLE:  1992 CENSUS OF RETAIL TRADE - Acknowledgements */



Many persons participated in the various activities of the 1992
Census of Retail Trade.  The overall planning and review of the
census operations were performed by the Economic Census Staff of
the Economic Planning and Coordination Division.

This report was prepared in the Services Division.  Bobby E.
Russell, Assistant Chief for Census Programs, was responsible for
the overall planning, management, and coordination of the census
of retail trade.  Planning and implementation were under the
direction of Fay Dorsett, Chief, Retail Census Branch, with
primary staff assistance by Pamela J. Palmer, Thomas G. Dassel,
Cheryl E. Merkle, Barbara T. Parlett, Maria P. Ray, Venita L.
Holland and Judith O. Belt.

Systems and procedures for mailout, receipt, correspondence, data
input, industry classification, other clerical processing,
administrative record processing, quality control, and the
associated electronic computer programs, were developed in the
Economic Planning and Coordination Division.

Mailout preparation and receipt operations, clerical and
analytical review activities, data keying, and geocoding review
were performed by the staff of the Data Preparation Division,
Judith N. Petty, Chief.

Geographic coding procedures and associated computer programs
were developed by the staff of the Geography Division.

The computer processing systems were developed and coordinated in
the Economic Statistical Methods and Programming Division, Charles P.
Paulter, Jr., Chief.  Martin S. Harahush, Assistant Chief for
Quinquennial Censuses, was responsible for the design and implementation
of the computer systems.  The computer programs were prepared under the
supervision of William C. Wester, Chief, Services Branch, assisted by
Jeffrey S. Rosen and William D. McClain.  Additional programming assistance
was provided by Robert S. Jewett.

Computer processing was performed in the Computer Services
Division, Marvin D. Raines, Chief.

The staff of the Administrative and Publications Services
Division, Walter C. Odom, Chief, performed planning, design,
composition, editorial review, and printing planning and
procurement for publications and report forms.  Bernadette J.
Gayle provided publication coordination and editing.

Special acknowledgment is also due the many businesses whose
cooperation has contributed to the publication of these data.