United States Presidential Election Results, 2004

Version 1.2 downloaded May 2, 2017

Author:  Dan Leip
EDS Study Number:  4085-04

in data subdirectory:

   Pres_Election_Data_2004_v1-2.xls  Excel spreadsheet as recieved
          -Multiple worksheets
          -cells values may contain formula rather than values
          -rows individual worksheets may contain subtotals of other rows

       worksheets inlcude:
         -Candidates - candidate names and party ballot listing per state
         -National Summary - summarizes vote totals by state for each candidate
                              with boundary file information
         -Data by County - data for all counties of all states plus DC
                              with boundary file information
         -Data by Town - data for New England towns (ME, MA, CT, RI, VT, NH)
                              with boundary file information
         -Graphs - pie charts for each state and national total.
         -Party - data sorted by strength at the state level for the major parties.
         -Statistics - page of statistics includes closest states, max, min, counties, etc.
         -Voter Turnout - voting age population data and voter turnout by state
         - Data Sources - a list of data sources used to compile the spreadsheet.

  statesheet_04_v1-2.csv  text file as received
  countysheet_04_v1-2.csv  text file as received
         -rows are counties, parishs (county equivalents) and some cities
         -columns are total vote counts for each person on the ballot

in doc subdirectory:
[no doumentation currently online]

in program subdirectory:
[no programs currently online]