With a population of 400 inhabitants, this small town is 18 km away from Angra do Heroismo.

The village has only one primary school, grades 1 through 4. Two teachers are in charge of the approximately 40 students (about 10 children per grade), each of them teaching two grades (1 and 2; 3 and 4). Many of them help their parents, before or after school, with the agricultural activity that makes up the village's economic life: bovine-cattle breeding.

Portugal is an overwhelmingly catholic country. In Doze Ribeiras, like in many other Portuguese villages, community life is mostly centered around church activities. Religious celebrations such as carnival and epiphany constitute the main village festivities.

Children can learn music and local folk dance; they can also play soccer; however, there are not many extra-curricular activities for them.




This port town 8 km away from Angra and 24 away from Doze Ribeiras is three times larger than the latter. Porto Judeo has a population of 1200 inhabitants, whose main economic activities constitute fishing and breeding bovine cattle.

This village has three primary schools, grades 1 through 4. Each one has approximately 50 students, and two teachers per school, teaching two sections each. Like in Doze Ribeiras, children help their parents in their agricultural activities. They also have access to some music and dance classes, they play soccer, but do not have much more in terms of extra-school activities.

Popular festivities, like in the rest of the country, are centered around the catholic church's calendar. Street bullfights constitute the other major village celebration.




Classified by UNESCO as a world-cultural heritage town, Angra has a population of 15,000 inhabitants. Most of them are involved in the milk industry or work in the public sector. Angra is the local administrative center for this part of the island.

Angra has 3 primary schools, 1 middle school (grades 5 through 9), 1 secondary school (grades 10 through 12) and several institutions where students can pursue higher education: one professional school, a school of music, one of nursing, a Catholic seminary and one University campus.

The middle school in Angra has about 1000 students. Unlike the smaller villages, this town offers children a good selection of extra-school activities: sports (soccer, handball, basketball, judo, tennis, swimming), cultural activities (music, ballet), and events (museum visits, theater).