
About The Sonic Glossary

A niente (XR)

Arpeggio (5:40) (draft-ts)

Basso continuo (6:34)

Cadence (9:11) (draft-tgs)

Cadenza (10:05) (draft-tgs)

Canon (10:12) (draft-tgs)

Cantus firmus (7:45)

Chaconne (XR)

Da Capo Aria (12:21) (draft-tgs)

Decrescendo (XR)

Fermata (2:31) (draft-ts)

Fifth (9:09)

Fourth (4:28) (draft-tgs)

Frequency (1:11) (draft-tgs)

Harmonic (11:58)

Homophony (12:32)

Imitative Polyphony (5:03)

Interval (15:51)

Isorhythm (9:35)

Jazz Standard (19:43) (draft-tgs)

Lied (10:53)

- General (0:54) (draft-tgs)
- 14th-century (6:31) (draft-tgs)
- Renaissance & Baroque (28:06) (draft-ts)

Melisma (5:42) (draft-tgs)

Monophony (7:43)

Morendo (XR)

Non-imitative Polyphony (5:22)

Octave (11:57) (draft-tgs)

Ostinato (9:42) (draft-ts)

Pedal (5:53) (draft-ts)

Pizzicato (6:32) (draft-ts)

Polyphony (6:27)

Recitative (9:31) (draft-ts)


Register (7:09)

Ritornello, Ritornello Form (14:04) (draft-ts)

Sample, Sampling (13:22) (draft-t)

Scale (13:00) (draft-tgs)

Second (7:04) (draft-tgs)

Sequence (8:15) (draft-tgs)

Seventh (8:20) (draft-tgs)

Sixth (5:13) (draft-tgs)

Strophic (24:34) (draft-ts)

Suspension (6:47) (draft-ts)

Smorzando (XR)

Third (9:57) (draft-tgs)

Tritone (4:47) (draft-tgs)

Twelve-tone Composition (10:21) (draft-tgs)

Word painting (5:22)

draft-tgs= text, graphics, soundfiles completed

Access to the sound files used in The Sonic Glossary requires the RealPlayer application from Real Networks. To obtain RealPlayer, use button at left.

Copyright © Columbia University, 1998, 1999, 2000
The Sonic Glossary project led by Ian Bent, based on a concept by Michael von der Linn.
Authors: Jason Eckardt, Marlon Feld, Walter Frisch, Maryam Moshaver, Thomas Payne, Leeman Perkins, Annalisa Poirel, Elaine Sisman, Matthew Suttor, Michael Von der Linn, Dale Wilson, Ian Bent
Narration: Mark Burford, Thomas Payne, Annalisa Poirel, Ian Bent
Technology & Design: A. Maurice Matiz
Recording: Christopher Bailey, Terry Pender
Mixing: Christopher Bailey, Bradford Garton, Douglas Geers.