21stC: Issue 3.1
Special focus: Technology Transfer

Invention and innovation
By Richard Nelson
From the ivory tower to the marketplace:
the Bayh-Dole Law and the myth of better mousetraps

By Michael Odza
Living Things
(All Rights Reserved)

By Ricki Lewis
Corporate partnerships: what's in it for the university?
By Peter Likins
Shepherding new media technology from the lab to the public
By Dimitris Anastassiou
Audubon biotech firms spread their wings
By Ruth Coxeter
A revolution at risk
By Annetine C. Gelijns
Are market forces shaping the university only for the good?
By Seymour Lieberman
Better children through chemistry?
By Valerie DeBenedette
Press turns deaf ear to beneficial uses of tobacco
By Steven Benowitz
Scapegoating tenure, or,
What the media did and didn't learn in Econ 101

By Joseph Karaganis
Publisher's Corner:
A new era of research cooperation

By Erich Bloch
By John Callahan
Tech Transfer at a Glance
21stC's Masthead