Web resources outside Columbia
Listed below are web pages that may be of interest to 21stC readers -- that is, anyone who's interested in research and the ideas that research generates. 21stC wishes to help people find these sites but cannot vouch for the accuracy of all information contained in them.Webmasters at some of these sites have added crosslinks to ours; if you've reached 21stC from one of those, welcome to Columbia, and thanks for surfing over to us! We're always on the lookout for more links that can be useful to our readers, especially anything involving research, scholarship, the future, and explorations of the connections between different fields of study. If you know of other URLs that you believe ought to be here -- or if, for some reason, your site is listed here and you'd prefer it weren't -- please write the Editor with your suggestions.
Click a category below to move quickly through these links:
Academic sites
Professional organizations
Tools for online research
Academic research and interdisciplinary sites outside Columbia
Professional organizations
- American Studies Web, Yale
- Association of American Universities
- Committee on the Conceptual Foundations of Science, U. of Chicago
- Crossroads American Studies project, Georgetown
- The English Server, Carnegie-Mellon
- Guide to college and university homepages, MIT
- Human-Languages Page, Willamette U.
- Humanist discussion group on humanities computing, King's College London and Princeton
- MIT Media Lab
- Program for the Human Environment, Rockefeller U.
- Program on Science, Technology, and Society, North Carolina State
- Project MUSE, Johns Hopkins
- Serendip, Bryn Mawr
Publications, e-zines, and guides to them
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- American Center for Physics
- American Library Association
- American Society of Journalists and Authors
- Association for Support of Graduate Students
- BioMedNet (free subscription required)
- The British Academy
- Carnegie Institution of Washington
- Community of Science
- Complexity International
- Environmental Literacy Council
- EnviroWeb
- Federation of American Scientists
- Genetics Society of America
- Greenpeace International, Amsterdam
- Institut Pasteur, Paris (English version)
- Institute of Physics
- Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation
- MedWeb
- NASA Information Services
- National Academy of Sciences/National Academy of Engineering/Institute of Medicine/National Research Council
- National Association of Scholars
- National Center for Biotechnology Information
- National Institutes of Health
- National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences library site
- National Institute of Standards and Technology
- RSA (Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures & Commerce)
- The Santa Fe Institute
- Scholarly Societies Project
- Science Service, educational organization
- Skeptics Society
- Smithsonian Interdisciplinary Research Programs
- TechNation
- World Health Organization
- Young Scientists Network archive
The arts, inventions, communities, and ideas of the future
- Academe This Week, Chronicle of Higher Education
- Ann Schaffner, "The Future of Scientific Journals," from Information Technology and Libraries
- Annals of Improbable Research
- Archipelago, an international journal of literature, arts, and opinion
- Arts & Letters Daily, guide to notable online essays (interdisciplinary, largely but not exclusively in the humanities)
- Association of American University Presses catalog
- Axcess
- Bad Subjects, a journal of politics and contemporary culture
- BioMedLi nk: Journals and Publications
- BookWeb
- Boston Book Review
- Configurations, a journal of literature, science, and technology
- Critical Inquiry
- Critical Thought
- CTHEORY (Theory, Technology, Culture)
- Earth
- Electronic Journal of Sociology
- Electronic Journals catalog, academic division
- The Electronic Newsstand
- Enterzone
- EurekAlert!
- Feed
- FutureNet (European e-zine)
- Intellectual Capital
- Granta
- InterJournal consortium of refereed science/engineering journals
- Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
- Journal of Information, Law, and Technology
- Journal Of Irreproducible Results
- Lingua Franca
- LM (formerly Living Marxism), UK
- London Review of Books
- Nature
- New Scientist, UK
- New York Review of Books
- The Onion, parodic news magazine
- Online Bookstore
- The Philosophers' Magazine
- Physical Review
- Postmodern Culture
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
- Psychiatry On-Line
- Psycoloquy
- Salon
- Materials for Scholarly Journals at the Crossroads: A Subversive Proposal for Electronic Publishing, forthcoming from the Association of Research Libraries' Office of Scientific and Academic Publishing
- Science (requires subscription or AAAS membership for full-text articles)
- Science Tribune, Paris
- The Scientist gopher
- SciTech Daily Review, guide to scientific essays online (offshoot of Arts & Letters Daily)
- Slate (requires subscription for most articles)
- Web Review
- Wired
- Word
- Phil Agre's Network Observer
- ArtsWire, NY Foundation for the Arts
- The Art of Renaissance Science, hypermedia project, CUNY
- BrainWave, simultaneous debate on libertarianism at four major online sites (Electric Minds, Feed, Salon, and ZDTV's The Site)
- Civnet
- Columbia University Interactive Arts Festival 1999 (April 6-9, organized by the Computer Music Center, the Fritz Reiner Center for Contemporary Music, and the Alice M. Ditson Fund)
- The Cyborganic Gardens
- Iguide
- EDGE, interdisciplinary discussion group organized by science-writing entrepreneur John Brockman
- eSCENE 1997 Contents (online fiction)
- Global Business Network (futurists, visionaries, and scenario planners)
- Mark Harden's Artchive
- Internet Arts Museum for free (IAMfree)
- Jump City
- Just The News, over 100 direct audio/video links worldwide (uses RealAudio)
- Leonardo, International Society of the Arts, Sciences and Technology
The Loka Institute
Todd Machover's "Brain Opera" project
The Matrix and MEME newsletter, David Bennahum
Museum of Jurassic Technology
NewYorkNoir.com: Fine Art Photography
One-Derland, interactive environmental game for kids
Paul Pangaro's Cybernetics Site
The Phlogistician's Corner at CyberSight
Principia Cybernetica Web, dedicated to "computer-supported collaborative development of an evolutionary-systemic philosophy"
Rocky Mountain Institute
Geoff Ryman, 253, or Tube Theatre, an interactive novel
Alan Savage's Moxie
Nina Sobell and Emily Hartzell's ParkBench performance/installation and related projects
David Shenk, Data Smog (SF: HarperEdge, 1997)
Sunsite SITO/OTIS (Operative Term Is Stimulate) project
Utne Lens and Café Utne
Viridian Green manifesto (environmentalism as cultural movement), Bruce Sterling
Waxweb, U. of Virginia
- Bodleian Library, Oxford U.
- CenterWatch clinical trials monitoring service
- Central Intelligence Agency country maps and publications
- Dogpile multiple search engine
- FACSNET, Foundation for American Communications
- GrantsNet, AAAS/Howard Hughes Medical Institute
- Institute for Scientific Information, publisher of databases including Current Concepts and assorted specialty citation indexes
- Medical World Search
- The Mining Company, collection of specialty sites created by volunteers/enthusiasts
- National Library of Medicine
- New Riders computer reference works
- New York Public Library
- Online Computer Library Center reference services
- ProfNet database of expert sources
- Reference.com, custom search engine for online discussion fora (Usenet newsgroups and mailing lists)
- Science Culture index to human/social sciences, Paris
- Starting Point
- TILE.NET guide to LISTSERV discussion groups
- UnCover document search and delivery service, CARL Corporation
- Virtual Pharmacy, Martindale's Health Science Guide
- Web Dictionary of Cybernetics and Systems
- whatis.com, glossary and guide to information technology
- WWW Virtual Library, Bioscience/Medicine