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Steven Chao, Alum
Columbia College 2003

September 11, 2001 will go down in American history as one of its most tragic days. But despite the all the horrors witnessed, the tears shed, and the fears we felt that day, I witnessed a moment that will always remind me how proud I am to have gone to Columbia.

After hearing news of the attack on the World Trade Center, I went back to my dorm in East Campus. On my way, I saw an enormous crowd of Columbia students standing outside Wien Hall. Shortly after the towers collapsed, news spread among the students that there was going to be an emergency blood drive at Wien to aid those that needed it. Even though this turned out to be false, scores of Columbians showed up to give, to volunteer, and to help. And when people realized that there was no blood drive, students went to do other things to help: volunteer shelter for those stranded in the city, help at St. Luke's, and even go down to Ground Zero.

Columbia students have always been accused of being cynical but, during a time of crisis, Columbia showed what it was made of. Seeing that many people show up to help during a time of need will forever be an image etched in my memory.

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