Derrick Adams (2003)

He Him They Them, 2008. Shirts, ties, metal chalice, brick paneling, glitter and textured spray paint. 42" x 60" x 7".
The Same League, 2008. Brick paneling, hooded sweatshirts, glitter, tempera paint, wood sculpture. 32" x 48" x 6".
Armed, 2009. Brick paneling, tempera, glitter, leather jacket sleeves, vintage metal sculpture. 48" x 62" x 6".
The Bigger The Lie The More They Believe, 2008. Vinyl stickers, inkjet prints, glitter, aluminum tape, on paper. 34" x 60".
Everything Real and Imagined Occupying The Same Space, 2008. Tempura, inkjet, glitter, collage. 32" x 60".
Magic Trash Can, 2007. Embossed Rubbermaid trash can filled with silver glitter. 36" x 24" dia.