Echoing Anglo-Saxon England: Continuities, Encounters, Influence

The Anglo-Saxon Studies Colloquium 3rd Annual Graduate Student Conference

Friday February 16, 2007

Maison Française, Columbia University


The Anglo-Saxon Studies Colloquium (Columbia, Rutgers, Princeton, NYU) invite interdisciplinary submissions for the 3rd annual Anglo-Saxon Studies Colloquium Graduate Student Conference to be held at Columbia University. This conference seeks to explore the ways in which Anglo-Saxon literature and culture echoes (spatially and temporally) in surrounding or distant cultures, as well as how alterity echoes from within Anglo-Saxon texts and cultures. Submissions can address issues of cultural identity between Anglo-Saxon England and other societies, both medieval and modern; the presence of the Anglo-Saxon canon in debates on textual studies and criticism; and the influence of Anglo-Saxon on the modern literary imagination and other artistic mediums. Paper topics might include:



--Pre and Post continuities: Anglo-Saxon influences after the Norman invasion, continuities in  pre and post colonial England, Romanity and Anglo-Saxon England., Middle English and AS affinities.

--Anglo-Saxon palimpsests in Middle / Medieval / Renaissance English

--The Circum-Atlantic Anglo-Saxon World: American racial Anglo-Saxonism, Jeffersonian Anglo-Saxonism and revolutionary democracy

--Anglo-Saxon law and polity, and legal history, evidence and witnessing

-- Icelandic folklore

--The Antiquarian’s Task: conserving and preserving the Anglo-Saxon archive


--Anglo-Saxon readings or translations of those who came before them (i.e. Classical or Eastern texts / cultures)

--Anglo-Saxon encounters with their Scandinavian, European, Eastern or Celtic contemporaries

--Critical theory and post-colonial studies; theorizing Anglo-Saxon canon, and vice-versa

--Reader responses to Anglo-Saxon texts from the Old English period to the present

--History of the book and Anglo-Saxon studies

--Modernity in Anglo-Saxon texts

--Anglo-Saxon and 20th-century pedagogy

--Anglo-Saxon texts or subject matter and modern cinema, theatre, and music


--Polemics and politics in modernist translations of early literature

--Anglo-Saxon and Celtic influence in the visual arts: from the Pre-Raphaelites to the tattoo parlor

--the Anglo-Saxon influence on modern authors, including

            W.H. Auden                            Robert Bridges

            Robert Graves                         Thom Gunn

            Gerald Manley Hopkins                       C.S. Lewis

            Alfred, Lord Tennyson                        Richard Wilbur

            Walt Whitman

--The impact of new media on Anglo-Saxon studies and pedagogy


Please submit an abstract of up to 250 words in length by email attachment to [email protected]. Also include your contact information, including active email address, street address, and phone number, and any requests for audio-visual equipment. We will consider all submissions addressing the theme and encourage interdisciplinary approaches. Submissions must be received by Dec. 1, 2006 to be given full consideration for inclusion in the program. For more information contact [email protected].