ASSC Graduate Student Conference:
"Friendship and Community in Anglo-Saxon England"
Conference Schedule
9:30-10:00 Light Breakfast
10:00-11:30 Session I: Friendship in the Political
Moderator: Mary Kate Hurley, Columbia University
Kate Olson, Columbia University
“Grendel’s Mother as Revealing Enemy”
Matthew Saks, Princeton University
“The Space of Peace in Beowulf: A Consideration of frith, sibb, and thingian”
Steven Slavens, New York University
“In the Service of the Lord: The Language of Comitatus and the Writings of Anglo Saxon Christianity”
11:30-12:30 Lunch
12:30-2:00 Session II: Friendship and Christianity
Moderator: Jennifer Garrison, Rutgers University
Jonathan Wolitz, Rutgers University
“Si me Dryhten freond: Some Observations on Christ as an Anglo-Saxon Friend”
Benjamin Saltzman, Pace University
“Cor Unum et Anima Una: The Symbolic Order of Friendship in Anglo-Saxon Rules of Confraternity”
Michael Powell, New York University
“Paul, Benedict, Ælfric, and the Problem of Friendship in Imagined Christian Communities”
Discussants: Hannah Elmer (Columbia), Lee Fulton (CUNY), Ross Knecht (NYU), Matthew Kohl (NYU), Brigit McGuire (Columbia), Lytton Smith (Columbia).
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