Good Web sites for Bio C2006/F2402 last update 04/14/2016
This page has links to web sites that students of Bio C2006/F2402 may find interesting and/or helpful. The web sites contain animations, explanations, pictures etc., that are relevant to the course. (The list is not complete; I'll add to it as we go.) Please let me (dbm2) know if any of the web sites are useful, if any of them are nonfunctional, and/or if you find any other good ones. The order here is arbitrary.
These links have not been checked for 'link rot' recently. If you find any that don't work, please notify Dr. M or Amanda.
Harvard Video "The inner life of the cell"
Long version with commentary
Short version with music
And this is the cut version that shows how kinesin works
v=y-uuk4Pr2i8&feature=youtube_ gdata_player
Short version without music
Focal Adhesions Animation (recommended by a student)
A summary of medical biochemistry:
For neurobiology, try
Comparative Organology --
Pictures of just about every piece of anatomy
Index to everything
Index to section on cells & tissues
Animations from Biology, 7th edition (by Raven et al) from McGraw-Hill
Animations from Sumanas (Includes those from Lodish text)
American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) Image & Video Library
This includes actual movies and pictures as well as animations. These may be more detailed than needed for this course, but you'll enjoy them anyway. A student recommends this one:
R=545&CISOBOX=1&REC=3 []
Colorado Bio Course Overheads
The following page has links to overheads from a Molecular and Cellular Biology course at the University of Colorado. You may find the pictures useful. Some are from books and some are like my drawings on the board, but clearer, and in color. The site was recommended by a student.
Hypertexts for the Biomedical Sciences from Colorado State U. Includes
some animations
Has sections on endocrinology and other topics.
Two more animations by Steve Berg: Action Potential and Voltage gated cation channel.
For the Nobel prizes, click on the press release for a description of the work
There is an online text book at
Also a part of the medical biochem page
Nobel Prize Web Site
There is a wealth of interesting material on this web site. Many of the Nobel prizes in physiology & medicine, or in chemistry, and have been awarded for discoveries relevant to this course. For Example:
The web site for the Sadava text This is for the 7th edition. It includes all the figures and some animations. This is for the 8th edition. This is for the 9th edition.
HHMI Web Site -- Biointeractive
There are many good movies and other resources on the HHMI web site at
For animations of DNA, transcription, etc. go to
For the nucleosome movie shown in class, go to
Animations on biochemistry & physiology from Physiovia
There are additional animations from the same author on Youtube; many are on entomology, or are in German, but some seem worth it. There is a list at:
Looking for more background information?
Wikipedia can be very helpful but you often need more. Good online resources are Kimball's online textbook & the Bookshelf at Pubmed.
Try Scitable -- An educational web site maintained by a consortium including the publishers of Nature that focuses on Cell Biology and Genetics.
Their home page is at
Their Cell Bio site is at
The Bookshelf at PubMed has online versions of the Lodish and the Alberts Cell & Molecular Biology books, as well as The Cell - A Molecular Approach by Cooper. Last time I checked, the bookshelf did not include any physiology books, but it includes the complete text of excellent books on biochemistry, cell biology, endocrinology, microbiology, development, immunology, etc. (Generally the next to latest edition is online.) You can search through all these books at once, by typing in a term such as "microtubules", and you'll get links to the pages in each book that mention this term. For Kimball, you also type in a search term.
Khan Academy
For a list of all the biology related videos from Khan Academy, go to There are lots of short videos on many of the topics covered in this course. Each video is an explanation with drawings (like a chalkboard, but using colored markers) of a single topic. A student says 'It's like Dr. M's lectures, but slower.' (And it's in color.) This is a great resource if you learn better from lectures than from books.
The Virtual Cell Web Site
This includes many animations of different cellular processes. A student
recommends the one on mitochondria:
Videos on YouTube []
-- There are zillions of bio related animations on YouTube, but not all are high
quality. (Please email Dr. M if you find any good ones.) The following were recommended by Students. Some of this covers material from last term, but
is fun anyway.
1. Action Potential. From a
student: This YouTube video helped me to see how ligand gated channels trigger
the opening of the voltage gated channels, and the difference between the 2.
There are lots of details but it might be helpful for other people too...
3. Chromatin, etc. This video
starts with how DNA is packed into chromosomes, and then has DNA replication,
transcription & translation.
Online course web sites -- courses similar to C2006/F2402 with extensive online
material These lectures are available in html or in pdf. They include very nice pictures and diagrams.
Student noticed nice pictures of RME in the appropriate lecture. Go to
For some spectacular microscope pictures, take a look at the Cell Picture Show, at
The following are about material from the fall term, but are fun anyway.
PCR This is a song that is
basically an ad by the company that sells PCR equipment, but it is fun anyway.
Berg's Protein Synthesis Movie
This is an oldie but goodie animation (with people) of protein synthesis.
A molecular happening.